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Everything posted by Sonichuman

  1. Wild is definitely a word to describe this.
  2. 400 pieces of music....god damn. Remake's OST was 7 discs not including the music from the Jukebox. That game was 156 tracks. IIRC the OsT was like $50 when it released. This thing is about to be atleast 21 discs and I would not be surprised if it was over $100. Also just for comparison, Smash Ult has 1068 tracks in that game altogether with the DLC and most of those tracks run around 2 min each on average. I can't wait to hear more from this game. extra
  3. God damn they're doing SO MUCH... GotY nomination #1 easy!
  4. Yeah...that comment was definitely tossing gas onto a brush fire.
  5. Clearly not as widely known as it should be. Edit: I also see that Community Notes swept in on that post lol.
  6. This is so fucking dumb lmao. And the fact that multiple people are in the comments like along with comments actually taking this serious because they actually don't know/refuse to want to know is even more funny.
  7. Man what a turn of irony here. That's about to get put up in horribly aged quotes.
  8. I don't even know if I'd lay the blame singularly at his feet but unfortunately his face is attached to that day. There were probably several other execs and people who were either behind or ok with the choice to try to go that way that we probably won't fully know about until something like a What Happen? episode within the next decade or so. I'm just curious about how the industry will move forward without a competitor checking Sony on their own level.
  9. Looks like FF7R2 demo might be coming out tomorrow
  10. If Xbox legit puts Gears and/or Halo on other platforms then I think that's a clear 100% indicator that they're not looking to do consoles anymore.
  11. Happy to see VGM getting recognized at the Grammy's but they are either gonna have to start expanding their horizons or have more categories for them in the future cause almost every nomination consists of background cinema music.
  12. The rumors swirling around right now about M$'s plans to put some of their other franchises on the other platforms are making Xbots HEATED.
  13. extra DF's review pretty much confirms what I've been seeing. The game is actually solid from a graphical standpoint...on consoles. Rocksteady is a really good job optimizing this game and getting it to run 60 on UE4 and have it be open world (This is game is 45 gigs on PS5). PC is a dif story apparently with this game running..sus on Steam Deck. Some mild hiccup here and there but they did a solid job. Motion capture and acting are both top notch. Only issues are the repetitive nature of the gameplay mechanics despite some still having fun with it and people's issues with aspects of the story. All that being said, watching IGN send scornful targeted hit pieces on this game has been interesting. Edit: case in point I don't know who it is but someone over at IGN has a real bug up their ass about this game lol. It is living rent free over there.
  14. Super Late VGM Fridays Part 1 and 2 Notable Anniversaries: Smash 64 (25), REmake 2 (5), KH 3 (5), Golden Axe 1 Arcade (35), Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green (20), Strider Arcade (35), Wario Land: SML3 (30th), Skate 2 ( 15), Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (20). Good chunk of these I'm not fully familiar with on a musical level unfortunately. Regular contribution
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