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Everything posted by Sonichuman

  1. I didn't realize exactly how bad Alina Baba was until this video.
  2. Playstation Blog So yeah..this pretty much is them trying to reintroduce Shadow before movie.
  3. I didn't believe they actually did that in the video but no...they actually did and dude had already said he was Singaporean before they even got to this point I don't even know what they grilling the man over but this is pretty disrespectful
  4. I actually like this concept. This section actually seemed really cool to experience from the other end for once.
  5. Vids...Includes State of Play and individual trailers from SoP
  6. Its real! Thinking about it...this actually pretty good marketing leading up to the 3rd movie. Reintroduce Shadow in a big way in one of Sonic's best games right before the 3rd movie drops. Hoping they don't drop the ball.
  7. Squeenix kills off Tokyo RPG Factory There is a fanmade Celeste 64 game out for those interested I'm seeing a post mentiong that Lost Crown has only sold 300K at the moment which is sad but also...feel like the Ubisoft exec probably shouldn't opened his mouth about game ownership until much later. I can't confirm the amount myself though so I'm taking the info with a grain of salt till I get some confirmation. vids
  8. Rewatched that Kanye video and I'd hope that lady didn't try actually accept Kanye's offer for double cause that not only sounds sus AF but I def wouldn't try to work for the Kanye of now. For all she knows he may have offered that to her only to fire her shortly after she leaves TMZ. I wouldn't put it past him to do that.
  9. Sooooo...Marty O Donnell came to Magfest and I saw that Anton Corazza met him and had some choice words to say about his overall attitude...thought man that's crazy and went on about my day. Now come to find out that Marty has possibly been abrasive and ego centric for some time after a post from Pat of J-Music Ensemble mentioning that Marty has just been kinda shitty to people in general lately. Kinda disappointing really...
  10. So there's been a rumor floating around regarding the state of play that a Sonic Generations remaster is going to get announced tomorrow. I haven't seen anything that's made me think that this likely happening yet but newer part of the rumor came up today supposedly from the same person who leaked the Persona ports so it's at least giving me The rumor in question is that supposedly there will be more content for it but the only thing the leaker mentioned is that there's an extra part where Shadow will be playable. Supposedly New game stuff, new story, new levels. If real then cool. I also hope that if this is real that they put in the 3DS stages and redo them.
  11. I've been asking this question for awhile but supposedly they view her as a threat just because she voiced some things here and there against some republican people running in races, voiced concerns about women health care, and told people to go out and vote (didn't say who to vote for...just go vote). She's really barely done anything but they're just afraid of her influence on people in an election even though she's barely been politically active. Personally? I just want them to stop talking about her at the football games. I don't even watch football like talking about and it was super annoying when I was watching with my folks and they kept shifting the camera up to the box with her in it. WHO FUCKING CARES!?
  12. I have not seen the Brave Little Toaster but RSG talking about it made me curious so I decided to look up some clips. Yeah I can see how some this might be in some kids dreams....
  13. Yyyyeeahh...I saw this...I was far more concerned and distracted by Kanye in the full head sock....with no holes...for either the nose, the mouth or eyes...
  14. Really it's almost no different than the "viewer discretion is advised" warnings that pop up when a show has some extremely violent content within that may or may not make someone queasy. Those warnings don't bother me either, I just think in my head "thanks for the heads up" and continue watching the show or movie. Does it kinda suck that we gotta do this now? slightly? But not really cause if you're watching something like a "Law and Order" or "CSI" type of show that deals with different topics and they have to go deep into something that may have happened to a child or some shit like that, some people can't handle it. I'd rather the heads up be there for those people than not.
  15. Yeah I really don't know why having a small message that takes all of a few seconds to give a heads up and then playing the movie AS IS with no changes is a problem. I'd prefer that to alternative which is to just remove scene in question. And some of the responses to this tweet are being disingenous at best. It's not being offended by "Cats" it's about cats pretending to be sterotypical asians. I 'm not going to sit here and say I've watched Aristocats in full (yet...I'll watch it at some point) but I'm fully aware of the sequences in question and they're definitely sus.
  16. I haven't seen much discourse around casting cause as far as I can based on trailers, everyone looks the part. Whether they embody the characters through acting yet remains to be seen.
  17. Extra Sakurai talking about a topic that will def resonate.
  18. So...I get what the Alphabet rep is trying to do...but that was definitely not the place to do it. That felt like a stunt some art student would do.
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