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Everything posted by Sonichuman

  1. Ok...a dif approach. Do you know what genres he likes/what games has he already played?
  2. Impa: ( just ignore him and hopefully he will go away)
  3. What did Chris G do THIS time? If its pertaining to him quitting due to lag/ getting trolled by Reynald in his first match then I already know about that.
  4. So now that I've gotten to a point where S*REDACTED* has shown up in this mission. I'm trying him out and he also reminds me kind of like Nero's rev mechanic. He feels like he might be a beast. Might actually end up being my second main character that I level up seriously aside from Urbosa.
  5. Yeah I'm pretty glad on my decision to not fight the masses in an effort to buy the PS5 right now. I"m perfectly content to wait until next year and HOPEFULLY....the demand will have died down enough to make the scalpers chill out.
  6. Disgaea 6 info
  7. Just giving a heads up for people buying PS5s and Xbox seX's out there...there is some grimy shit going on right now if you buy online.
  8. The Wii U blundered so that the Switch could live. I'm fine with that timeline.
  9. As much as I hate to admit this, Revali actually is really fucking good act cleaning up groups. Feels like he's weak in 1 on 1 but his air attacks are like one massive broom sweeping people off the battlefield. I actually enjoy playing the cocky bird.
  10. Hestu in 2 player mode makes the frame rate DROP. My wife loves Impa so anytime were were in the same area it was a mass of explosions, swords and Koroks all over the place. The switch was like 'I CAN'T WITH THIS SHIT'
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