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Everything posted by Sonichuman

  1. Oooooook...I'm going to guess that maybe the environments are more destructible? Kinda drawing a blank on this is going to justify its existence since kids are already playing normal Fortnite.
  2. That leak I saw in my twitter feed yesterday apparently was real
  3. Hopefully they'll put this on the next album
  4. Super Late Night VGM Friday Post: Anniversaries There were a lot last month. PS4 turned 10, MK: Double Dash (20), Gears of War 2 (15), Beyond Good & Evil (20), Aladdin Gen (30), Crash Nitro Kart (20), C&C RA3 (15), Mario & Luigi:Superstar Saga (20), Final Fantasy X-2 (20), L4D (15), Sonic Unleashed ( 15), Tomb Raider III (25), Super Mario 3D World (10), LoZ: ALBW (10), LoZ: OoT (25), Phantasy Star US/EU release ( 35), Half Life (25) and MK II arcade release ( 30). Quite a few of these games I haven't played personally myself on top of not being familiar with any of the music. The spoiler will contain what I'm familiar with along with a very slim broad celebration of PS4. I'm going to keep the load down in this spoiler by hyper linking to vids after a few cause I have a feeling it's gonna be a lot.
  5. Sega has been apparently sending notifications to influencers and teasing something at TGA
  6. Woman gets called out for harrassing a Fedex delivery woman and of course the inevitable comes out of her
  7. Apparently Arkham Asylum and Arkham City run fine/decently on Switch...Knight runs like ass WaPeach was almost a thing
  8. I've been seeing a lot of praise for DBFZ's rollback in my feeds...seems like the game might be getting a whole new lease on life once it fully drops. Antony Starr has to respond to a fan that once again he will not be doing Homelander in MK1 And apparently this dude is badgering him about it This is starting to feel like a '...bruh...' moment vids
  9. Lauren Boebert asked for a selfie with Dave Chappelle while he was in DC aaaand Boebert took the opportunity to spin what should have been just a selfie picture into something else Actual moment of when the selfie happened Of course people are flipping out about this and to be honest I'm not sure who to be more annoyed at the situation right now...probably mostly Bobo if only because she took something that was a simple picture and wrapped it in unnecessary political drama for no reason. It kinda sucks that you can't take a picture with someone to be nice even if you may or may not disagree with them on a political spectrum and then have them fucking toss you right into a political shitshow but now I understand why some people just refuse to take pictures with people now.
  10. Paramount put the whole 1st season of Halo on youtube....Come watch Master Cheeks before the start of season 2.
  11. Bob Iger feels that the reason The Marvels is underperforming is because it needed more executives on set
  12. Mucking around during football practice is one thing, that won't lead you to severally getting fucked up by someone because you're mouthing off to someone for no reason. I do get what you's saying though and that's pretty much what I've been doing with my son whenever he's doing dumb stuff at day care. I've made him do squats, pushups and pretty much stand in the corner in a squat position for a few minutes. I told him the next time he decides he wants to throw shit at a kid "because he feels like it" or whenever the next time he messes up, I'm gonna have him run up and down the stairs until he's exhausted.
  13. Yeah I saw that trending last night. I'm generally not ok with people dancing on the graves of others unless they've been particularly heinous (read: your choices and decisions in life impacted countless people for the far worse) I'm also of the mind that if didn't give people respect while alive, don't expect it when you are dead. Dude lived to be 100 though...I'd def say he crossed the finish line unfortunately.
  14. Some kids need to have that quick course correction otherwise they'll continue down the path to being shit pieces. Personally unless a kid is being tossed and kicked down a hallway like a sack of potatoes like that one woman I saw doing off a door cam, people mostly need to mind their own business when it comes to seeing other people discipline their kids. One of my wife's friends adopted some kids and they're completely against any type of physical course correction at all with these kids which is admirable but it's pretty clear in the way those kids act that they don't have a fear of an actual consequence for being shit heels. They try their best to keep them in line and just keep them busy with other activities so they're not doing something out of pocket but I really fear about what they are gonna do when the turn into teenagers, bigger, and when they inevitably start to not have them around. I was wondering how far this movie was going to go but it looks like it's only going to be dealing with how he built his empire in NYC and then stop there. I'm fully expecting probably 80% of what happens in the movie will be relatively true with the rest of it being an embellishment because they likely won't have to do much since the story will likely write itself. Shortly after the movie comes out or even before the movie comes out people will be saying stuff like "That didn't happen" only to find out yes that part of the story is actually true and it'll be like that for months. Dude stopped caring...that and he's trying his hardest to stand by his stance of "I'm going to speak and say whatever I want because I don't want to hinder free speech". I mean its his money...he's allowed to flush it. I'm just kind of sad that I gotta watch ship going down because the captain doesn't care about hitting icebergs. Yeah the ship has some grungy shitty parts in it but if you stay away out of those areas relatively it's not bad but everything has to go with the shit regardless so eh....gotta cope.
  15. Extra I think I was just briefly talking to RSG about this in the Sonic thread last week.
  16. A whole year until I'm actually going to be able to see Shadow on the big screen. There's a slim chance they'll have it dark enough to actually have a child getting shot but it'd be crazy if they did. extra
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