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Pair of Rooks

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Everything posted by Pair of Rooks

  1. Here it's 3pm I'm out with the kids at a kids gym wondering what exciting new viruses will come home and ring in the new year with us. 🙄
  2. Not watching the above video first, I got Kayane mixed up with Kanye and was very, very confused. 😂 Also congratulations @EvilCanadian! 🏆
  3. Who likes Option Selects? We got a new one. Attack button plink FD plink RC. EDIT slightly clearer explanation from our resident monkey
  4. Yeah, agreed. Axl's always been a problem mu for ky and anji's not a walk in the park either if you can't block an overhead, but at least they're kinda rare. Re Testament maybe it's cause I can chuck plasma at the same rate of fire but full screen that unimpresses me, but her vacuum 2H seems much more obnoxious. Even then, how'd I get touched by a 2H in the first place. Seems ok. May is annoying for the first time ever, since 2S isn't a Stop That button anymore. Nago I swear has the flu or something. Every time I send him through a wall I'm like dude are you ok, do you need a Snickers or something?
  5. Oh right that makes sense. Will do. Oh I agree she's buffed, but some are saying she's a meta threat. I don't buy it. I will say it's nice to believe we don't know who the best character is rn. I mean yeah it's probably just one of them thar gun characters but it isn't proven yet? 😅
  6. @Sonerobooting up now EDIT or not. My internet hasn't woken up yet this morning.
  7. Should be on later today. Just gotta arm wrestle the wife for rights to the PC. I'll ping you.
  8. Lol Ky got nothing for this patch except nerfs to top tiers. (Although that is still greatly appreciated.) But yeah the previous patch's buffs to S disjoints and air gatlings make a world of difference. I haven't played any more Test and am still bearish on the characters prospects. They're a worse Ky on a better gimmick. How you doing? Or are you on that DNF crack?
  9. Family is here for the holidays, allowing me to play some games. Got VIP again for the first time since season one. Family flies back home tomorrow... 😥
  10. If that EMP in his name means Empire Arcadia he's been in the past for over a decade 😂
  11. When the devs want you to use an install super so badly they give it a two-move infinite.🤣
  12. And his 5H now loses to Elk Hunt and Stun Dipper. Today is a good day. Happy Chaos lost his best wall slump route.
  13. I'm pretty happy with this patch. It wasn't very large but it hit all the right areas. LordKnight is also a fan 😂
  14. Where tf is this happening? The patch looks super good. Nago health and pokes nerfed. HC midscreen combo Swiss army knife nerfed. Ram rekka damage nerfed. Milia keeps L/R mix-ups when cornering. Jacko minions are now basically Haggar. What's not to love???
  15. I never pre-order anything, and I'm legit more interested in this weekend's Strive patch notes than anything. If for no other reason than I'm actually allowed to play Strive.
  16. Oh yeah, isn't Remy a frenchish name, and he backflips in his flash kicks like Flipper the dolphin. I'm seeing a theme here...
  17. FTFY. Flippers for feet, ankles barely an inch around, thighs wider than her waist, boobs implying a body fat level no ballet dancer ever had, haircut from someone who loves Splatoon far too much, a schizophrenic outfit... ...and it's the *cheekbones* they alter?!? What in the actual fuck.
  18. -- four toes on a foot? Maybe. That jumping splits is nightmare fuel. 👽
  19. So sorry for your loss, man. Sometimes you can do everything right and still lose.
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