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Pair of Rooks

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Everything posted by Pair of Rooks

  2. nah he's right I get them out of the fridge 🪓🪓🪓 Minor emotional issues are common in 30s dating. I dated a 33yo who had only one six month relationship and nothing longer. Fifteen years in the dating pool and that's it? Well her father... etc. I had a 4 year relationship in my mid twenties that ended so poorly that I didn't date again for a couple of years and then only did hookups for a bit. I met a Christian divorcee after she just wasn't feeling Jesus anymore. (That hookup / friendship helped heal both of us.) Knew an attractive friend of a friend who complained about always the bridesmaid never the bride. She dumped guys so fast for trivial stuff I straight up avoided her. Some women are crabapples. You know, Bart Simpson's teacher? They can be redeemed p easily but the cigarettes... I'd say if 20s dating is about weeding out poor choices from the large pool, 30s dating is about being honest and chill about the personal issues we've all accumulated, and the best advice about it I ever got was, love isn't about gazing in adoration at each other for eternity, it's about standing beside each other gazing in the same direction.
  3. Oh yeah there was a time when I held that dumb view that I needed a woman to have the same very male hobbies as I did. What a dipshit. Hobbies is what you do when you're apart. When I'm grinding rank in FGs my wife is trying to figure out some complicated crochet... thing... in the other room. Politics religion money family-planning and a similar sense of humor. Align on these not on your Warhammer minis.
  4. I've seen that stat several times and don't doubt it. Counterpoint: I met my wife on eHarmony. Met a few other quality people there too that sadly I wasn't up to snuff after they spent a month with me but I got my chance so I can't blame the algo. 😅 Dating in one's thirties is a bit rough since it's leftovers in every direction, but the women are less like princesses since they know they aren't in their twenties anymore, so the power begins to shift. But I was thoughtful of the site or app I committed to. Some of them encourage rejecting people to keep you on their treadmill. I saw a gameshow once on TKBreezy's YouTube where the speed dating thing encouraged rejecting the other person before they reject you. Awful if you're dating but cringe-amusing if you like watching ppl get burned for the most trivial of shit. Swipe left or right based only on a picture? Shit if I looked good enough to win that matchup I wouldn't need an app I'd just go outside and smile more.
  5. Oh yeah for sure, but we don't wanna say your social circle failed you GGs bro maybe next life. This youngblood throws this question out on Twitter cause who else does he have to ask, so who's to ask him back, if that seems to be true and you don't like where this is headed, drop the game and go a different way. Cause it ain't gonna change on its own. Knowing why there are no maidens don't change the fact that the maidens are elsewhere. So you gotta make a choice. afaik most homeschooled kids know they're a bit weird. Probably why they hang out together.
  6. Yeah I've read how fucked the dating app scene is and it's hard not to feel sympathy for a lot of young males out there. (I mean like holy fuck I'm glad I'm married.) I ain't good with people, but I'm thankful there's people out there like HealthyGamer and Jordan Peterson who can speak to that generation or two about how to get your life together, or at least give some perspective on the whole thing so you can chart a path for yourself.
  7. yeeeeahhh, about that. I'm 48 almost 49, and got over 300ms more than half the time. 😞 I did three sets of five to "warm up". I'm on desktop not mobile so I know a touchscreen delay ain't an issue. But honestly, It isn't the slower reactions that really cook me in FGs. It's memory, and memory recall. In combos and blockstrings I have issues remembering "what comes next". So the combo drops or I'm too slow to change from low block to high. That said, we all age and fall apart in different ways. Maybe you'll be blocking overheads into your 60s but have lots of trouble with your bones, or whatever. I have my mother's (lack of) memory. 🙄
  8. I literally just watched that after it being on my watch-later list for a few days. I was actually interested in playing Honda for a minute. Fortunately I closed the vid before it finished. Whew!
  9. Vsync is usually an app setting. Strive specifically lists it. I'm unsure what it means though outside of old CRT monitors. Arcade sticks don't have software inside them but look out for middleware software from steam or the os. Try native input mode if the controller still works under it. Monitors tend to have game modes and movie modes which affect lag.
  10. If you're able to play more than 3 matches online lmk your secret. ___ What's the bedframe's general playstyle? Zoning? Mixup? Setup?
  11. I'd sure like to play Strive today. But after getting kicked to the menu twice trying to join the lobby welp GGs absolutely nobody.
  12. Arcrevo world is now. DNF followed by strive. Strive starts in about 2 hours and change.
  13. Good grief Strive ain't gonna live long enough to get killed by SF6 if they don't fix the lobbies they borked last week. This sucks.
  14. They should canonize the poker game where drunk boxer switches all their names.
  15. ^ This man finally gets a PC, IMMEDIATELY goes to the dark side. 😂
  16. I wonder if she'll at least have better walk speed, etc. Tiny characters usually do, and it would help out her kit. Not that I'll notice since I'll be playing Cammy for the first time in my long life.
  17. Salty after your loss? You can throw our latest model across the room and remain plus!
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