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Posts posted by mikros

  1. 2 hours ago, Daemos said:

    The last line of text is something unheard of before. Bison never had a tragic backstory in the canon. So my immediate thought was - This can't be a mistake, all other information about the other characters is accurate. So this must be related to a future WTM release. Are Capcom adding the character and then attempting to soften him like everyone currently else in WTM?

    Maybe they watched The Legend of Chun Li? 😆

  2. The original outfits look great. The SF6 designs for veterans and newcomers have grown on me with how well executed they are with the character personalities and all, but I still think the originals are much better for the most part.


    Btw, speaking of fixing outfits, I'm bothered that they haven't fixed Chun Li's SF6 outfit in all these months: the transition from the upper part of her dress to the real-time-physics skirt is super clumsy.



  3. 3 hours ago, Chun-Li_Forever said:

     I'm not sure if Chun was ever the party dancing kind of girl. I know she liked to liven things up when she was trying to get back to her single life. But it would be interesting if she was.


    Though we are never privied to Chun's taste in music, I would find it plausible if she was more into the classical genre, especially since she got her first inspiration of kung fu from Peking Opera. So maybe Chun-Li's taste in music have always been mild-mannered, and only with the grounded intensity that came from the performances resembling combat. Very much how her old themes sound like.


    It is my headcanon that Chun Li learned Samba as well when she went to study Capoeira.

  4. 1 hour ago, Daemos said:

    New Fei Long action figure being promoted by SF twitter. Confirmed for DLC me thinks!

    Not neccessarily. Jada Toy's plan is to make the USFII cast first to continue from there, and putting Feilong in their first wave of figures was a way to sprinkle the second-line characters along the Ryu-ChunLi-Ken-Akuma-Bison-Guile-Cammy progression. They probably don't even know who the dlc characters are.


    It's also a character that showcases the very, very impressive articulation these figures have for their price.

  5. On 4/12/2023 at 10:14 PM, Chun-Li_Forever said:

    So just going off of estimation, my guess is that Li-Fen's height in SF6 looks to be between 55-58 inches, roughly between 4'7" - 4'10" / 140-147 cm.


    Now, I know it's not ideal to compare video game characters with IRL data and statistics. But just basing off Li-fen's height, my guess is that Li-Fen is between 10-12 years old in Street Fighter 6.


    Good info. That said it is my impression that characters that are introduced as kids sometimes remain somewhat shorter that usual, to keep their familiar look (an example would be Krillin; a counterexample would be Aang). Li-Fen could easily be in her mid teens and be short forever.


    Also I remember figuring that the SF5 models had a multiplier to height difference of like 1.5-ish against Ryu for visual exaggeration*. As in, a character whose height was 200cm in his bio (25cm taller than Ryu) would have a 3d model around 210cm (35cm taller than Ryu). By this logic an apparent 20cm difference between Li-Fen and Chun Li in their 3d model could mean just 10-15cm difference in bio and put Li-Fen at slightly over 150cm.


    *I don't remember the real number I came up with.

  6. Uhmm... this is 200% offtopic, but since this thread is where I post the most I figured I'd share with you.


    Too Long Wont Read version: I love the Mythica series of Sword & Sorcery films, there's a Kickstarter for a sixth film going on and I just put my ass to work and did some pixel fanart for the occasion.




    I just made a spritework of Thane, the fighter from the Mythica film series.




    See, I love Sword & Sorcery movies; I love the barbarian themed ones from the 80's, the mythological ones from the 60's, the LOTR-ish ones from the 2000's, them all. The five Mythica movies, released between 2014 and 2016, easily jumped up there among the top in my list when I watched them a while ago. Simple and effective story and blatant RPG vibes, you start laughing at some of the low-budget special effects and before you can notice it the characters and mood can grow on you and get you hooked. The saga as a whole is greater than the sum of its parts.


    I was considering doing a group shot of the main party, but as I was procastri-OMG THERE IS A KICKSTARTER FOR A SIXTH MYTHICA MOVIE RIGHT NOW I MUST DO SOMETHING EVEN JUST ONE CHARACTER BUT I MUST DO IT NOW!!!!!1


    ^ The kickstarter campaign in question



    So, yeah, I started with Thane. He's the party's tank and although he's not the leader he's the voice of sense and unity in the group, at least when he's not drunk. A wholesome guy.


    Bases/references were SNK Vs Capcom Balrog and Guile, as well as Takuma's select portrait from KoF 98.


    Now if you like the genre and haven't watched the Mythica movies (A Quest for Heroes; The Darkspore; The Necromancer; The Iron Crown, The Godslayer) it's a good time to check them and decide if you want to back this sixth kickstarter up. I could talk much about these, but there's this particular review I found that I quite agree with, like 95% or so, so if you want to make yourself a quick idea of what the movies are about, check it and imagine it's me talking.


  7. 8 hours ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

    While trying to find a way to make certain parts of Guile's Alpha 3 story fit, I was hit with the sad realization that it isn't possible.



    Yeah, coming up with ways to  make sense of things is fun, but at the end of the day those games were made by different people, the story is not a priority, there's the conflicting character endings to start with... if we don't accept that some things change or were not supersolid in origin we end up with logic such as “this character was dead according to an old and forgotten source, but he is alive in the latest game, thus it is a robot impostor”.

  8. 6 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

    Thinking a technique has to be done in a flashier or just different way is folly.


    Mastery can be throwing the same strike a hundred thousand times until its perfect, not changing it constantly.

    Yeah, I can imagine Guile using 2-handed Sonic Boom forever because that's how he wants to do it, in the most effective way, not because he can't throw them one handed.


    He'd only use one hand when he wants to throw them in quick succession, aka Vtrigger1.

  9. Street Fighter V got shat on very badly because of its limited roster (and lack of single player content, plus the presentation wasn't stellar either). Capcom would be very ballsy to release Street Fighter 6 with the same base roster as V, even if they have improved on the other aspects.

    I can see them making a base of 22-25. I think they need to break the psychological barrier of 20 to make a safe launch.

  10. Shall we take that Capcom definitely ditched the original SF6 logo? They've kept the hexagon shape, but I don't think we've seen the SF6 thing since the first disaster.


    Btw, with the positive reactions it seems the game is on its way the keep the tradition of even numbered Street Fighter games being succesful. It appears it's doing good in presentation, single player content and decent roster size and it's working.

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