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Everything posted by DangerousJ

  1. I want Suge Knight released and invited to the next source awards.
  2. If Will doesnt get the Oscar now, he might as well stop acting. On the other hand, maybe the rap community will finally respect him for goin "TRU NIGGA" style!
  3. On Earth-2 Trump is probably married to Jada. Only a strong black woman can tame the lyin err lion.
  4. If Will wins, he should drop kick Jada into this.. entanglements indeed..
  5. I would put Batman TAS versions for most of Jion's clips.
  6. You've come a long way, Octane... From left... 1986 G1 2017 Titans Return 2008 Universe 2.0
  7. Those guys in those gifs have some nice DSLs. I wonder if they are related to Jay Z.
  8. A 500 pound black female rapper with a bigger appetite than Jabba the hut and Mark Henry combined.
  9. It was supposed to be a joke about SonicHuman's future bank statement after the Sonic 2 movie comes out. Good guess on the Lizzo part. I didn't think of that.
  10. May 2022 statement Balance: -$4220 Monthly charges: Sonic Drive in $4220 April 8
  11. I'm glad almost everything is in a 5 mile radius of me. I never understood the murrican way of living 25 + miles from your workplace.
  12. You've come a long way, Kickback.... Left - 2016 Titans Return Right - 2022 Legacy
  13. Some interesting Behind the Scenes courtesy of TF Con 2022.. A letter about the first story of Season G1 "Five Faces of Darkness" to the story editors.. I guess this is why Blitzwing was the one to defect in this story. Shockwave would have made more sense though. (I always felt that he died unofficially in the movie though.)
  14. If the T30 one didn't have the problems it did, I would be content to stick with that. The non tabbing shoulders, spring loaded head that won't stay down, and the difficult face changing gimmick made me hesitant to buy another Blitzwing figure. I love the robot mode on Legacy. Tank is solid and the jet is mediocre. TR had the best jet mode imo. As with Shockwave,Astro train , I don't care for the hulk hands accessories but don't hate them.
  15. Early reveal/review of Legacy Blitzwing!
  16. @MillionX An old friend has returned unexpectedly... Legacy Blitzwing has been leaked! Hasbro hasn't even revealed this guy yet. $50
  17. Kaoru does not make any further appearances in Yakuza 4-6.
  18. Yakuza 5 has some of the best gameplay but the story was a little wtf at times imo.
  19. Superman and Lois renewed for Season 3 and Flash for Season 9....
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