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Everything posted by DangerousJ

  1. Simon Kinberg - a classic example of failing upward in Hollywood. He was a mixed bag writer/producer and got himself the gig of directing X-men Dark Phoenix bc he's a producer in good graces with Fox. He had never directed a feature film let alone a big budget one before lol. Movie sucked and bombed, but apparently became friends with Jessica Chastain. Instead of being banished to netherrealm gets to direct another movie with her and a good cast, what a surprise- movie sucks ass. AGAIN!
  2. I finally got to see The King's Man today. Pros: Action scenes Irreverence-when its there Rhys Ifans as Rasputin. Its weird but it works. He is arguably the most "Kingsman" character in the whole movie. Cool use of real world events woven around a fictional tale Cons: Much, much too serious. I felt like I was watching some kind of Nolan or serious documentary for long stretches. War is a serious subject, but I almost thought that I was watching a totally different series. (There were some "wacky" scenes here and there, but it's too little to late) Pacing. It felt like a 2hr 20 min movie when it was only 2 hours. The relationship between Fiennes character and his son Conrad isn't as entertaining or interesting as between Eggsy and Harry. The other 2 main characters , Polly and Shola, are entertaining in terms of action and some one liners, but they get no real character development. Overall: Of the 5 Matthew Vaughn films I've now watched, this is a mildly decent film. However, I have really liked most of Vaughn's work and I feel this is the "worst" of the Kingsman series and arguably worst in general. 7/10 For reference... Kick - Ass - 8.5/10 X-men: First Class: 8.5/10 Kingsman: Secret Service - 8.5/10 Kingsman: Golden Circle - 7.5/10
  3. You not liking pineapple saddens me more. You an ESE HO! Your peeps invented tacos.
  4. It begins... Legacy Skids early review....
  5. More like Sinister's cunning.. Uncanny X-men 241.. (second panel)
  6. MegaBee Original Series: To combat the changing of white fictional characters into another race, a lone man undertakes a perilous trek across the world. His mission:restore them to their natural white form especially the endangered species known as GINGERS! before the BLACKENING takes over our world! Starring: Darc Requiem as Darc Requiem with... Black Annie as Annie Laurence Fishburne as Perry Black Candice Patton as Black Iris West Keiynan Lonsdale as Black Wally West Mehcad Brooks as Black Sexy Jimmy Olsen Michael B. Jordan as Black Johnny Storm with a white sister Billy Dee Williams as Black Harvey Dent Will Smith as Black Deadshot (AW HELL NAW!) Idris Elba as Black Heimdall Samuel L. Jackson as Black Nick Fury Kerry Washington as Black Alicia Masters Sam Jones as Black Pete Ross Michael Clarke Duncan (RIP) as Black Kingpin Jamie Foxx as Black Electro Chiwetel Ejiofor as Black Baron Mordo Dania Ramirez as pretty Dominican Callisto (Pretty Callisto? Only at Fox lol) David Aljala as Manchester BLACK
  7. Million, Do you still eat Little Caesars pizza? How much is the hot and ready in your area? Here it is $6.50. It was $5 for a long time,but must have increased due to Corona and other factors.
  8. American kids have a limited palate;they should be exposed to different types of food early on imo. Otherwise, you end up with a country full of Kevin McCallisters.
  9. You've come a long way, Blaster.... Left 2021 Kingdom Blaster Right 1985 G1 Blaster I dont know what the small one is.
  10. VGM Fridays: Why do I hear Chad playing this theme and then eating Phish food afterward?
  11. I can attest to the "girls come after attached guys" bit. In Chicago, when my ex would come to visit, random black girl on the street blurted out "You two make a nice couple" One time in Tx when I was taking a review course, I wanted to see one of the reboot Star Trek flicks, This Indian girl in the course and who I didnt know well volunteered to go with me bc I was going to see it alone and my ex wanted to go shopping in the mall. I m used to seeing movies on my own , but my ex said why not which is weird now that I think about it. (Probably just doing so out of politeness and that I usually dont flirt with hoes in general)
  12. As an old squigga, I have to ask why this Davidson guy is so popular. (I know hes on SNL, but I dont watch it) Also, I thought her fetish was black dudes. Why is she letting a white boy hit?
  13. New Hasbro CEO is a man named Chris COCKS. Ive never seen that name spelled like THAT before. Is this a Chadouken prank?
  14. Usually US female Teachers are on the receiving end of Johnson's not giving them out.
  15. Who do you guys think will be the last 2 revealed characters? Kula and ????
  16. My theory is Sony wants to wring as much money out of NWH as humanly possible and not cannibalize the profits of Morbius by releasing it when people are still willing to pay good money to see NWH. January doesn't really have any big releases.
  17. Morbius delayed to April 1.
  18. If you guys could have just 1 full size official Arcade cabinet in your home, which game would you get? Rules:You cant say one of those 20 pack SNK ones either lol. For me, It would be a difficult choice between : CVS2 (2001) SF3: Third Strike (1999) Tekken Tag 1 (1999)
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