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Everything posted by J-ride

  1. For the record, I'm talking about the guy that didn't make the baby, but the guy she expects to foot the bill.
  2. I could maybe see making an exception for one kid if she genuinely messed up. The only way I'd accept multiple kids was if she was a widow, because I am sure as fuck not dealing with MULTIPLE baby daddy drama. In my experience, single moms are almost all horribly toxic people who most men should stay far away from them. Men need to stop trying to rescue these hoes.
  3. @MillionXShe's ready for a good guy now that Tyrone, Pookie and Ray-Ray are done filling them guts!
  4. People like this are irredeemable, and our justice system lacks appropriate measures to deal with them.
  5. God Damn those youtube comments on that video are fucking lit! 🔥
  6. This reminds me of a time I had a co-worker explain to me that as a black woman has to learn to live with side chicks because black men can't be faithful.
  7. The Chinese are buying all kinds of land in Western countries for investments and it's complete bullshit. They should also ban investment firms from buying houses.
  8. More important than Christina's birthday is the fact that she was married to the dweeb from Super Troopers during her prime. What a legend!
  9. I still have about 2 years before I am due for my rectal probing. (No homo)
  10. Every place I have worked has had this to varying degrees. IMO the worst bosses play these games the most instead of looking at actual performance.
  11. The majority. But, some of them were Hispanic, and in my experience they cheat just as much. They just keep it on the down low and stay married for cultural reasons.
  12. She was taking it for the team! But seriously, as someone who has traveled for work this happens a ton. I've had multiple married co-workers just offer it up to me the second we were alone and they thought no one would find out about it. But I am absolutely not interested in that AT ALL. If the company finds out it's always the man that gets fired, the woman gets to skate consequences EVERY FUCKING TIME. IMO you fuck around with a married woman you are BEGGING to get shot.
  13. I've seen the movie but most historians say it's probably an exaggeration. Though he probably had groupies because Cervantes talked about how a father had to protect their daughter's chastity from scoundrels like musicians in the book Don Quixote which was written in the 1600s.
  14. Sometimes I really would like to know what people like Mozart were like in real life. He probably knew he was the goat 🐐 and I wonder if he acted like a rock star because of it.
  15. Westworld was a show that had potential to be a masterpiece and they fucked it up SO bad. 1st season really left you with a sense of mystery and Hopkins absolutely stole every scene he was in and gave an acting masterclass. The following season was painful to watch and I couldn't even stomach season 3.
  16. The bobbleheaded cry of the fastest man alive!
  17. It's going to be the same without Brick! He had some great moments in BL 1-3.
  18. A24 has released some real bangers the last few years. That movie looks absolutely batshit crazy and I'm definitely going to watch it!
  19. I can't think of the last time I saw a goth. When I was in high school most of the Goths became scene kids and later on they evolved into Emos.
  20. I love how the older generations would flat out traumatize kids for the lulz.
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