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Everything posted by Darc_Requiem

  1. My thing is this. If you need it. Buy it. Life isn't guaranteed and neither are tech prices. My 6900XT was good deal when I snagged it. It's awful by the current price levels. Who knows when/if crypto will cause prices to inflate again.
  2. At Gamestop? I looked but didn't see it. Granted I'm on my own phone at work trying to look on the sly 👀
  3. I liked the first Silent Hill movie. I'm not deep into that games lore so maybe somethings were off. The biggest thing I remember in that movie was Sean Bean's character. Sean Bean was in a Silent Hill movie and he didn't die 😱 We were all watching it waiting him to bite the dust and he never did. One of the biggest WTF moments in a movie ever.
  4. I know very little of her character outside of her being an Inhuman and having Reed Richards like powers along her ability to embiggen. That said, even I know your spoiler tag is absolutely hilarious. Side note: I actually finished season 1 of the show. I thought it was good. Granted my knowledge of the character is limited but I enjoyed it far more than Obi Wan or Moon Knight.
  5. Nvidia's AIBs are asking them to delay the 40 series. They have a ton of 30 series inventory that they need to get rid of apparently. Nvidia was trying to cancel some of their 5nm wafer orders for the 40 series but TMSC was like "LOL NO!". So, it's supposition right now but I think the 40 series won't be that hard to find if all this info is true. Nvidia bought wafers accounting for crypto mining sales and whelp...looks like that was a bad idea 👀
  6. Anytime I see Boosie Badazz it triggers my bouncer PTSD. I worked a club in Baton Rouge, they played so much Boosie it wasn't funny. Boosie wasn't bad, but that dude Foxx....I didn't know he tracks outside of "Wipe Me Down" 🤣
  7. Sounds like an FX sitcom. Tune in Thursdays at 9PM to see Uncle Dad starring Chadouken! 🙃
  8. Damn, I hadn't been in this thread in a while. The ludicrous "Steam Deck is challenging the Switch" take has me dying man. They can't even produce them in a reasonable quantity. That nullifies that take before even getting into anything else.
  9. I already made lame Souja Boy joke about looks win pose in the other thread. I won't repeat the same mistake here 😑
  10. Okay I've seen comments about this Reddit comic issue that seemed to completely miss the point. So I'll just spell it out plainly. If you can talk about the comic you are mentioning on reddit, it isn't relevant to the discussion. I'm specifically talking about a comic/company (Isom/Rippaverse) that is actively being banned and removed from any chance of discussion. If you are able talk about the matter on reddit, it's not applicable to this situation. There's more I'd have to say but I'm need to get back to work.
  11. Dammit, I blame myself. I had forgotten about that terrible ass Pretty Boy Swag song he put out. 😑
  12. Not sure of the correlation here. Rippavese is banned on Reddit. You can't discuss it on comics reddit all. Moreover no one is saying Rippavese or Isom is woke. It's been successful despite being literally de-platformed. I seriously doubt all discussion on the Jane Foster Thor run is banned. So I don't see the relevancy.
  13. It's good idea and a good option. @RSG3gave a personal example of how this would be ideal for when you'd may small children around.
  14. Luke has his own Soulja Boy dance. Is he going relabel knock off Chinese game consoles and market them as his own next?
  15. Spawn has no issues selling units. These independent crowdfunded comics are doing well. That's in spite of the lack of support from places like reddit and Twitter.
  16. Depends on what comics you mean. Marvel and DC seem to be struggling but they aren't giving their audience what they want. They have writers that are using existing characters they don't care about as a Trojan Horse to push whatever issues they are truly passionate about. Regardless of whether that issue aligns with the character they are writing for. They've alienated their core audience to appeal to people that will give them a pat on the back on Twitter and not buy their product. Manga is selling like hot cakes for reason. These independent comic projects, like Rippaverse, are shattering their goals with lighting speed for a reason. Their is an audience hungering for a product that traditional sources aren't giving them.
  17. So am I the only one thinking this is the Bayonetta that seemingly got bisected in the 2017 teaser?
  18. I wish I had saved it but there was a web comic that described this situation. It had Super Liberal on the left, regular person in the middle, and Super Conservative on the right. The Super Liberal and Super Conservatives were both racist. The Super Liberal thought you were too dumb to do things on your own and needed their help. The Super Conservative thought you were too dumb and told you about it. They were both racist one just thought they weren't.
  19. So I finally finished all three routes of Fire Emblem Three Hopes. So I'll give brief, non spoiler thoughts.... @DangerousJstyle 😉 Pros Graphical style is identical to Three Houses Frame rate never seems to dip below 30fps in combat. (Glares at Hyrules Warriors: Slideslow of Calamity) Despite the warriors style combat, a lot of Fire Emblem is woven in. Weapon Triangle, Class System etc. Protagonist is voiced. Byleth was a silent protagonist and it really hurt his/her character. Shez is a real character and it helps pull you into the game. Your first playthrough (prior to new game plus) gives you an idea of just how strong Byleth is. Better story telling. No matter which route you choose, you still get shown a bit of what the other rulers are up to. It makes for a more cohesive story. Solid story. The first Fire Emblem Warriors had a weak story. Three Hopes, despite being an alternate universe, actually answers questions from Three Houses story Several characters mentioned but not seen in Three Houses show up. Several of which in up being prominent characters. Quality voice work (RIP Billy Kametz) and interesting supports. Cons Battlefields are bit plain and get recycled more often than I'd like. Can't lock to the frame rate to 30fps. I don't like uncapped frame rates. Give me the option to lock it to 30fps. Heroes Relics acquisition. In Three Houses, you'd get them from Paralogues (story side missions.) While Three Hopes has Paralogues. Heroes Relics are just drops from battles. Lack of supports, while the ones they have our well done. They aren't as many as their should be. Characters that several supports in Three Houses don't in Three Hopes. No S supports. This ties into one of my other cons. The lack of S supports hurts replay value IMO. They helped to diversify the endings in Three Houses. Lack luster endings. In Three Houses, you got your ending cinematic after which you'd have title cards for each of your characters that tell you what they do after the games conclusion. These changed in Three Houses based on the characters S supports. Three Hopes lacks those cards completely. So you get your cinematic. A letter from rule you sided with....and that's it. I've never been able to finish a Warriors game. I either got bored with them (Fire Emblem Warriors) or were turned off by performance issues (Age of Calamity). I've finished Three Hopes three times. I'd probably run though the game several more times but the lack of ending variety hurts the replay value for me. There is still some things for me to unlock and a few missions to S rank but I don't feel the drive to do so. Still game was well worth the money, got a 180 hours or so out of it. Oh I did have another pet peeve.
  20. Man, don't know how I found out about this. YoungRippa has his own comic book publishing company. I don't always agree with him but I respect him for speaking his mind. Seeing some of things people has said about a brother putting out his own stuff, with his own money, is unsurprising but disappointing. People hitting this man with the hard R on Twitter and it's the people that claim to be "liberal" and "open minded".
  21. I'm gonna need to borrow @Sonichuman's speed to cop this. I'm not even really fussed about Collectors/Limited Editions but I want this one.
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