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Everything posted by Hawkingbird

  1. Nope. She was taken off TV for a few months and returned as a new character. Sometimes it's better to make people forget about someone to repackage then come up with a storyline reason for the change.
  2. The hacker asked anyone who worked for Rockstar to DM him on Telegram so he can work out a deal with the company. He's a goddamn moron if he thinks anything will go in his favor.
  3. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was that game for me. I tried to get into it but I didn't like how the combat worked and none of the characters grabbed. I finally gave up on it once I reached chapter 5 and never looked back
  4. I want to know what the deal with Damnd is. He is unusually prominent for a character who isn't playable. Is he going to be a major villain I'm world tour?
  5. It is a buff. She gets increase in damage and walkspeed.
  6. The hacker is living in Dreamland if he thinks he can work out a deal with Take Two. They will put him through legal hellfire
  7. Did Namco never update the editions for Dragonball fighters? The game is on sale with the ultimate edition being around $20 but it only has the first pass. Two other passes have come out since and there's no way to buy the complete package
  8. 20% of their revenue are power supplies. The reminder is the rest of their product stack. My last two power have been them so they are top. They start producing keyboards like a year or two ago. I question how good those are as I always see them heavily discounted
  9. The face paint and feather are gone. The design of her hatchets have also changed judging from her art in the world tour intro
  10. I think AKI works for the organization FANG originally belong to before swearing his loyalty to shadowloo.
  11. Laura R.Mika Lucia Flake Kolin Cammy Karin Ibuki Elena My god, your on to something with this 5 letter thing.
  12. Sometimes it's better to trash how things use to work if it causes more harm than good. Holding on to a harmful stereotype around because it's traditional SF is some side eye shit. TBH, the newer design is better.
  13. Whichever one is his surname I'm happy that both Pavlovich and Papovich are actual names and not a translation botch.
  14. If Karin's tournament gets revisited I want it to work like it did in the Sakura Ganbaru manga with the battle city format.
  15. The biggest disappointment so far is there's no standout music. What the game has isn't terrible but nothing I want to listen to outside of playing the game. This was not the case whenever I play Persona or a mainline game.
  16. If I choose Manon as a mentor in world tour I hope that means I go down the "cool job" path.
  17. I had some frame skipping but no other performance issues. I did set the frame rate higher than 60 so maybe that's it lol.
  18. The Soul Matrix in Soul Hackers 2 is ass. It's just as lame as tartarus from P3.
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