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Everything posted by Hawkingbird

  1. She's at the performance center to train to prep for her return. She has to shake off the rust before going back on TV.
  2. NRS games are as causal as they come and they provide the frame data on the move lists. C'mon James
  3. I'll imagine a Chun who didn't try to avenge her dad would have her share of exes.
  4. For DLC characters for DNF Duel I want the female grappler and the monk.
  5. Edios Montreal are the primary devs of Deus Ex so there's no need to worry about CD fucking that series up. CD does have a stake in Legacy of Kain so they can potentially fuck that up if a new game is made
  6. I liked Bay's turtles as well. I actually did like their designs and gigantuan size. It allowed them to be intimidating and emphasize the mutant part of them. It worked with the movie version of the foot being para military. I was disappointed when the sequel shrunk them down.
  7. He was a goon with a badge. It kept the spirit of the character in tact. It was one of the few versions of the character that actually had a job so I can't hate.
  8. Rise got screwed by the network. The show languished in obscurity until the fight scenes of the final episode created buzz for it online. It was too late by then.
  9. I personally hate it because I want no incarnation of Casey being associated with the foot. Casey is stereotypical New Yorker and a good hearted goon who fights with sports equipment. The winning formula should not be fucked with.
  10. Rise's Initial incarnation of Casey is a recurring character named the foot recruit. She reveals her name to be Cassandra Jones when she quits the foot in the show's final episode.
  11. They abandoned the gender flipped Casey to give us the real deal? Respect.
  12. Have you tried The Mummy demastered? It's a metroidvania developed by way forward. It's pretty unique in that it's also a run and gun shooter. It's a great game
  13. It likely is. You know once the profits split the company will hand Dawkins his pink slip
  14. I wouldn't say that yet. We only have concept art to go on. Luke's background has him listed as working as a mercenary for a PMC but he sure as hell doesn't look or act the part. For any character that would look like your bland dry martial artist likely won't be one in terms of character to fit the urban theme.
  15. I would want to see more changes than that. After playing this for a week I want to see these changes A reduction on wake up invincibility Addition of wake up recovery options (recovery roll, delay tech, ground tech) Remove being able to attack after an air recovery Dodge should be invincible on frame 1 Guard cancel cost should be reduced to 50 mana, be safe on block and remove the damage. Adjust the hitboxes on some projectiles so they can be jumped over. Those are my universal changes. Character balance is whatever
  16. MK9 is definitely kusoge. There is so much dumb shit in that game. Cyrax with unblockable resets, Kabal's block infinite, sonya insane mix up pressure, the oppressive zoning of Kenchi and Freddy Kruger. Still fun af. Wish the game didn't have so many knee jerk balance patches.
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