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Everything posted by Hawkingbird

  1. Mimi and Manon are the most likely to be grapplers so one or both will end up my main. I hope Dee Jay is a motion character so I can play him
  2. Vince and the board been accused of insider trading over the Saudi deals Nick Khan not fucking around
  3. "I use to think Regal was wrestling greatest villain But Vince and Papa Bella brought the title for 3 million"
  4. The head of Sonic Team Takashi Iizuka said that 2D and 3D Sonic doesn't work in the same game and the styles will be their own games moving forward Did he forget generations exist?
  5. I need Max Caster to wrestle Danielson so he can drop some bars about this.
  6. If current gen consoles is the benchmark than something that can comfortably play a game at 4K with a steady frame. At minimum that would 3070. That should be strong enough to do 4K and 60 fps.
  7. Thanks to the market crypto market collapsing graphic cards of all levels has been readily available and prices have been dropping like a rock. I've seen some of the AMD cards sell for below MSRP. What are you defining as a good card? An entry level reference card would be good enough for most people.
  8. Just when Nick Khan thought he won here comes Stephanie as Shin Stephanie to be the secret boss.
  9. Vince still being a part of creative is disheartening. I was hoping Stephanie would give HHH NXT back
  10. The themes that Godspeed composed for SFV are pretty sweet. This version of Balrog theme is a banger.
  11. While the topic of SF OSTs is still fresh here's a fan made remix of Ryu's Third Strike theme.
  12. Yea no. I would put SF4 in trash tier when it comes to the series OST. I find the most the remixes to be lazy. Let's take the original themes throw some EDM on it and call day. They massacre Balrog theme with the auto tune. EX > Second Impact > Third Strike > Alpha 2 > SF2 > Alpha 3 > SFV > SFIV. My personal tier list of SF OSTs
  13. It's been two years since the launch of the new consoles and still can't casually go to a store and buy one. There's no struggle in purchasing a PC. The only time that happens is in crypto is on the rise
  14. I don't see that happening. Getting a PC is more accessible than getting a console.
  15. Dragon's Dogma 2 and a new Crisis Core. There is a god
  16. I'm usually too busy with family stuff to be able to regularly attend locals. I'll go when I have the spare time and money to do so but that's not often. Conventions was how I kept up with Sam Sho 19 before the pandemic hit.
  17. I felt this way with about Dee Jay's theme. Mixing EDM with Caribbean music didn't sound right. The energy and excitement it's suppose to have felt off. I wasn't a fan The theme to old temple is one of handful introduced in that game that actually stuck with me. That one was pretty good.
  18. SF4 music was so bland and lacking in personality. It's the type of stuff you immediately forget about as soon as it's finished. The remixes were a mixed bag
  19. I agree. This theme doesn't fit Ryu at all. There are a couple of notes that does but overall doesn't reflect him and his growth. Divorcing this track from Ryu is a pretty damn good funk music
  20. I'm a sucker for a good funky beat so I like Ryu's new theme. The fact it doesn't fit his character didn't cross my mind.
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