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Everything posted by Hawkingbird

  1. It was available to watch for free on YouTube a few years ago.
  2. Because of all these selling of data we got services popping up offering to wipe people's data clean from the companies who have them. Since new privacy laws companies have to delete a person's data if they request it.
  3. If we ever get Sagat he's going to have nipples and a pupil on his good eye.
  4. From the trailer it lasts longer than it did on SF5. He got knockdown from it and stayed on screen long enough to combine it with a boom. I can it see that being his go to combo ender for midscreen.
  5. I've always preferred Nash over Guile but I must admit he's looking cool in this game. It seems Sonic Cross will have more utility than it did in SFV.
  6. That's what happened to Ryu with Necalli. He got beat early on and he stomped Nacalli just before the climax
  7. This is for game streaming so Xbox consoles ain't quite dead yet.
  8. I have been playing through the Yakuza games as of late and this video popped up on my feed 3:54 of this video blew my mind. The guy talked about how when Yakuza pick fights on the streets they would grab a bike and smash it over people. Apparently my favorite thing to do in those games were not an exaggeration
  9. Why was this a video? Mediocre as fuck. Capcom should have hired Del for the theme
  10. The fact that it isn't well known will help make it unique. Everything got to start somewhere. I wouldn't have ever known that Turkish oil wrestling was a real thing if it wasn't for Hakan
  11. What kind of new character would you guys like to see introduced in SF6 in future season passes? If we get another pass made up of entirely new characters like SFV's season 2 I would like to see A Dambe boxer - African martial arts is hugely underrepresented in fighting games. I watch this a year ago this style of boxing would make for a pretty unique character. I imagine a character with this style being an defensive wall Kali - This would fill few niches. Getting a Filipino character, and a weapon user (escrima sticks or knife). If we can't get Eagle back then create a character who can fill the spot Yakuza - It surprises me how lacking fighting games are of these guys when they make for some great stock baddies. Yamazaki from KoF is the only Yakuza character I can think of that's been in a fighting game. I want to kick ass with a guy wearing a sharp suit.
  12. The idea of character unlocks doesn't appeal to me whatsoever. I don't potentially have to play a mode I have no interest in to get my main
  13. 10 years. I don't remember who did the math but that's how long it will take with the current system
  14. When choosing characters for SF5 they picked Birdie even though he was in the bottom 5 of the popularity poll.
  15. Maybe Balor replacing Edge would make more sense if he actually beat Edge on the PPV
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