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Everything posted by Hawkingbird

  1. I will say this, the defensive options in this game feel weak for how strong the offense is. Pressure is braindead with how easy it is press buttons for days without fear. Guard cancel should be 50 mana instead of 100. The option to roll from a guard cancel would be nice too (increase the cost to 75 for that one).
  2. I haven't seen GO1 shift master. The character isn't impressive from what I've seen of him. Trouble shooter, striker, and beserker are bigger problems
  3. Shift Master is terrible. His attacks has a lot of wind up, has to do a lot shimmies to get things going. I never felt theaten by the guy. He blocked when had zero meter. He has no chance.
  4. The lake of rot is officially the worst fucking poison area I've ever encountered in a souls game. Thank God I have faith so I can use flame cleanse me. This place is hell
  5. Shit like this is why I roll my eyes when I hear "just block" when it comes to arc system games. This Enchantress needed to guard cancel. She didn't need to take all that.
  6. I got it. I haven't gotten around to using it yet
  7. I'm doing the second part of Ranni quest line and this underground city is littered with silver tears that like to ambush. I had a close call in a cathedral with mimic tears and an assassin that looks like a prefumer
  8. When you have enough runes to level but there's no grace in sight
  9. If it receives regular support I don't see the game dropping off. At least I don't expect it to become a discord fighter like Granblue.
  10. Playing grappler is a struggle. He has similar problems to Alex where the tools he's given don't work the way they should because they all have the same weakness. Charged shoulder, launcher and grab can get blown up by lows easily. Even the counter that's suppose to be his reversal gets blown up by a low. That's egregious. The other three I can understand but the counter? C'mon! The other reversals don't have anything that can stop them dead on their tracks like that. If I can't people to stop pressing buttons than grappler can't be scary
  11. Hardcore fans and other wrestlers hated hard on the Miz and look at how he turned out
  12. I think my duel sense is beginning to drift. I've seen my character move forward on it's own when I play Elden Ring.
  13. A lot of Launcher's zoning can be rolled through. She has to work to not get blown up
  14. One good roll is enough to destroy Vanguard. Not even his reversal is as good as the other characters. It's whiff on me at times it should have hit.
  15. I'm annoyed at how difficult it is to jump in this game. The hitboxes on some moves are so big they can cover for jump ins.
  16. I'm still waiting for my Steam Deck. I was on the waiting list for Q3 so I should get it as early as next month.
  17. Why wouldn't he? They work for the rival company but they are propping up one his biggest stars.
  18. Riot games will be monitoring voice chat in Valorant starting next month I would like to add this is illegal in every country expect the US
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