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Everything posted by Hawkingbird

  1. But he has an air dash, power dunk, and air fireball. I would honestly prefer his moveset go to an unique character rather than being evil version of preexisting character. Not trying to see Ryu become Goku and Kyo where are multiple versions of a single character.
  2. Jessica would be better off just not being in metro city if being kidnapped again was a concern. Not to mention the disguise wouldn't actually protect her from a kidnapping if getting to Cody is the goal. She's an important member of his cabinet afterall
  3. I'll be interested in knowing what happened to Jessica after breaking up with Cody. I wonder if she hit him up after becoming mayor
  4. I want normal Ryu to have evil Ryu moves. He should have that overhead kick.
  5. I don't know if I can call the style of SF6 realistic. None of the characters in the game look like actual people. It's still very stylized. It's using the same approach as Tekken and Devil May Cry 5.
  6. I want to see Haggar finally make his Street Fighter debut.
  7. The SF community that (rightfully) made a controversy over Cammy wearing pants. You want to argue it's no weirder than anime?
  8. Who the fuck is this and why she using SF6 to bring minority report to life?
  9. God I hope not. Only Smashers see unlockable characters as a good thing.
  10. Shut up gringo is going to light up all complainers. Have these people not learned from Mariachi Mario?
  11. I'll take Ken having banana hair over him looking like he sleeps at the 42nd Street station.
  12. Namco announced recently that Tekken 7 has reached 9 million sales. It has passed Tekken 3's 8 million.
  13. I don't think it would hurt Street Fighter if T.Hawk or Hugo replaced Zangief for one game.
  14. Tekken got mainstream success with 3, the game Kazuya wasn't in.
  15. The game that put Tekken on the map didn't even have him in it.
  16. Playstation blog got a little bit more info than the official site. Ryu has two new moves. Hashogeki and Denjin Charge. Chun has a low combat stance and Capcom doesn't want to confirm that Jamie is drinking booze.
  17. There's also just one SFV character (two if you want to count Luke). I hate how under represented the other SFs are
  18. As an MK fan I do want to see Cage, Sonya, Jax and Kano get benched for a game. MK series is different as the fanbase don't seem to like most of the characters that came after UMK3
  19. I don't want 8 of the character slots taken up by SF2 characters. They don't need to be abandon but my god I don't need to see Gief, Sim, Guile, Cammy and especially fucking Blanka in every game.
  20. I wonder of Capcom knows how body proportions work. On the SF6 website has Ryu listed as 5'9 and 187 Lbs/85 Kilos. He's no fucking 187 with the amount of muscle he has. He's gotta be 220
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