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Everything posted by Hawkingbird

  1. She wasn't in same place on the card then. Sasha is in a place where she doesn't need the company to succeed. She already dipped her toe in acting with the Mandalorian. During her first vanishing act she went to Japan trained in the Sandai girls dojo. She can walk away which strengthens her position
  2. She was always attractive. I always found her to be hotter than Daphne
  3. Sasha main-evented a Wrestlemania and one of the most over women on the roster. She would be in a position where the company would be forced to acknowledge her status.
  4. Velma has been non-white before. She was Japanese in 2009 & 2010 live action films and she's Latina in Scoob. There was no uproar there as their were no major changes to the character beyond that. This Velma show seeks to turn the character into a self insert and that's fucking lazy.
  5. WWE buried the hell out of Austin when he walked out in 2002. HD-Man mentioned the Rock promo.
  6. Was this how WWE was going to get EA to make their games if 2K flopped?
  7. I been thinking the same thing. It would look petty to punish him for something that already had a legal resolution so needed to find another angle.
  8. I hear some things about bracket rigging. Though it seems people are still hung up on his domestic abusive charges.
  9. The site I posted is legit. The info comes from Capcom's investor site. Despite RE4 being released on everything under the sun it's not on there top 10 sellers.
  10. SFV made it to number 9 in Capcom's best sellers list
  11. I don't want Shadowloo guys back even as DLC. Their story is done. I don't need Bison becoming a Mega Man villain. Luke deserves fresh villains to punch for Murcia!
  12. Fall Guys is getting removed from Steam
  13. She always has dance to fall back on if she decides to call it quits on wrestling.
  14. The CG is spotty but hopefully they can clean it up by release. Loving the classic She-Hulk I'm seeing. Also, that David Otunga cameo
  15. Our politicians will never crack down on it. Long story short, demos are too chickenshit to enact anything that will lead to real change and the organizations that enable this shit to happen literally fund the opposing party so they won't dare bite the hand that feeds. With the latest mass shooting, a person like the prep is what the average mainstream republican is it could be seen as attacking their base. This is not even getting into all the systemic issues that causes incidents like this to occur.
  16. With how often the show's fanbase expose how culturally insensitive the creators are I can see why lol.
  17. The entire press release was done to get ahead of the story. Normally WWE would have kept quiet about it but seeing how they walked out when the show started it was out of their hands. I honestly want to see talent stand up for themselves more often like this. The current system is beyond broken and Vince needs to be force to see it's cracks
  18. the detail is rehearsing the match is there because WWE statement mentioned them not wanting to work with two opponents in the six pack. That detail is there to give the impression that the company gave them a means of addressing their concerns with said opponents. The company didn't see the issue as they worked with them before without incident. This part of the story is the most fishy to me
  19. That would be biting the hand that feeds. Can't have that
  20. According to the sheets, their talent sources claim they weren't aware of Sasha and Naomi not wanting to work with the two talents until WWE issued their statement. Something going on here
  21. Reportedly Sasha felt that the women's tag division wasn't being respected. Naomi was booked to win the planned six pack challenge. Knowing WWE, this meant that the tag belts would have been put on the back burner so Naomi can prop up the singles belt. They also pitched to defend the tag belts against Dudrop and Nikki at the Hell in a Cell but got turned down. From what we know so far those two want to build up the tag division and the creative direction is contradicting that
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