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Everything posted by Hawkingbird

  1. AEW would likely fall under live sports should they shouldn't be affected by this.
  2. Good thing I already brought the standalone versions of the classic games on Steam. Origins better not go the way of GTA Definitive edition if they are pulling a move like this.
  3. Rocket Racer better be the next one to get a movie
  4. I keep hearing he brought Twitter so he can stop being bullied on the platform. Who is roasting Elon and why would he give a shit?
  5. Elon brought Twitter and is going to make it private. Based Elon savings the planet by killing Twitter. FCG better chose a better home.
  6. Who's doing character bans in DBFZ? The XenoVerse guys should have bounced a long time ago
  7. What can possibly go wrong with him owning Twitter? The most that will happen is that he will take down that kid who created the bot that tracks his flights. If he can make things better then that's great. If it gets worse who cares? Twitter was always shit.
  8. The mobile Diablo game is coming to PC on June 2. For anyone 3ho doesn't want to play it on the phone
  9. Corbin is like the one guy in WWE that doesn't get booked in repetitive rematches in his feuds.
  10. I remember the shoto debate happening because of Kazuya inclusion. Smashers wanted to put that label on him despite it not fitting at all.
  11. It's not surprising to me Dre doesn't know what GTA is. Everyone that knows him talks about how that man lives in his studio. He's a workaholic to the highest degree. I doubt he would know anything that doesn't relate to his work.
  12. Mario Kart DS was in Evo once. Definitely a fighting game
  13. If AEW does pick up Cedric he will likely be used like Tony Nese. The guy is talented but he's got nothing going for him character wise.
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