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Everything posted by Hawkingbird

  1. There's some parts of Haruka story in Yakuza 5 that make me mad. None of it has to do with the quality of the story as far everything has been fine but a few things about Haruka herself bother me. For someone who's been through a bunch of bullshit she has a naivety to her she shouldn't have. She perceptive when it comes to Kiryu but it seems that only applies to him. The bullying she going through. Like, after seeing your father figure solo armies of guys bare handed since you were nine I would have expected her to be able to German a bitch on command when it's call for. I guess she's too kindhearted for that. Still, when taking her upbringing into account just taking it just feels wrong.
  2. My main in that game was a top tier? I would have forced myself to like the game if I known this
  3. I'm going to have to challenge this because french toast crunch was vastly superior
  4. Yup. That's what Dan Slott came up with and it got addressed in his She-Hulk series. He made a story where variants of characters like to visit 616 for vacation. He used this not just to retcon Juggs and Jen but as a means retcon every possible out of character instance in the canon.
  5. Avengers #20 definitely wasn't written to make it out to be a stage in her life. Jason Aaron wrote a story where Jen shitted on her classic characterization and apparently hating being the center of attention she always reveled in. It was a pretty big fuck you to regular She-Hulk.
  6. Long term storytelling is often used as a meme but this is an actual instance of it in action
  7. Maybe not. Until very recently She-Hulk had similar complaints as her character had become a stand in for Bruce Banner since Civil War 2. I don't read the x-books but it wouldn't surprise me if Marvel decided to do something similar to Laura.
  8. People I know that play MOBAs tell me it took them hundreds of hours of playing just to reach a competent level in them. That's on top of having some of the most toxic gaming communities in existence.
  9. When will Laura punch him in the gut and steal his bitch?
  10. Melty Blood having more entrants than MK don't sit right with me
  11. I fell into that trap. I got myself a $150 hori stick thinking it would make me better even though I felt comfortable on pad. Big mistake that was. Not only did I not play better but I had to relearn the game to use the thing. I ended up trading it to a friend who actually does play on stick.
  12. This is likely the average experience of someone who's never played fighting games before But Cipher insist in being a dumbass .
  13. I remember Devil Jin saying Ryu being weak is fine because he's meant to be lame. Why bother having him in the game if he can't compete?
  14. I wish arc sys would go back to a standard lobby system. What they're doing with the avatars with trash.
  15. He needs to. Tony has a rule where he doesn't want the wrestlers shit talking the NFL. As a team owner that will make him look bad.
  16. Arc system delay based keeps getting shit it doesn't deserve. They had the best version of that style of netcode. I had few issues when playing Blablue, P4AU and Xrd. Playing P4A again on steam the current netcode doesn't feel bad at all. It's aged surprisingly well.
  17. Two of those games were older than dirt. Most of the ports of old games had better netcode because GGPO did most of the work for them. I abandoned SF4 for the god game SFxT. The rollback it had wasn't the greatest but way more playable than whatever SF4 had.
  18. I thought this reached peak stupid in Arkham City when Batman tried to save Joker from a disease he inflicted upon himself. Everything that happened to him was his own fault. Bruce should have walked away Times like those make Terry a better Batman
  19. Mighty Khali can walk. How did WWE miss this guy? He could be the guy they can win over the Indian market with.
  20. It's been 18 months since the release of Cyberpunk. Even with all the fixes they need to do with the game I would have expect to hear news about an expansion or any kind of new content by now.
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