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Everything posted by Hawkingbird

  1. "Y'all can't talk shit to me because Nick Khan forgot y'all exist" 🤣 Shots fired at UK
  2. Cody was dumb in Sfxt. His crouck low kick had the range of low forward and his conversions were piss easy.
  3. It's been reported that Square sold the western studios because they felt their games were underperforming commercially and they wanted money to invest in Blockchain and live services.
  4. Where was Sony at when Square sold off their Western studios? For 300 mil they could have gotten way more than what they paid for Bungie
  5. While I started Elden Ring (started with the confessor) I also started Yakuza 6. Yakuza 6 starts off with the emotional gut punch. I didn't think Haruka calling Kiryu family would lead to so much foul shit happening. Then there's the kid too. I'm feelings mirror Kiryu. Who's the baby dad but more importantly why isn't he here? Regardless of the circumstances he's getting a hello punch to the face.
  6. In MK9 Cyrax had a command normal that was a grab and it lead to a couple of bomb resets.
  7. I picked up Elden Ring. Before I start I want to know the best path forward in terms of build. In past Souls I usually went with pure melee strength builds but that's apparently suicide with Elden. I'm leaning on Strength/faith and wondering if that's good enough.
  8. Flash and Superman are the only arrowverse shows left. Flash should definitely call it quits after season 9
  9. You should save that for Ali. He can't be happy not being on the list when he wants to leave.
  10. He should manage Jade Cargill instead.
  11. The results of the survey have been published Looks like my boy grappler might get some buffs. So will defense.
  12. That collection has the Sigma games. That's not worth it. I wish the Atelier games were better priced because I want the Ryza games.
  13. The ultimate version of Scorpion is Hispanic. In fact, that version of the character appeared in Homecoming. Since that's MCU I guess he would be off limits but better than who they ended up going with
  14. They do. The ones that immediately come to mind are Black Cat and Silver Sable. Those characters can lead projects and don't need Spider-Man to function. Both of them have versatility to their characters to make different types of movies. They can use Black Car for standard superhero fare, a heist movie, crime drama. Silver Sable could be good as an intentional spy thriller, action thriller a la the Bourne films, a cheesy 80s action movie flair with the wild pack. They are not choosing the right characters
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