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Everything posted by Hawkingbird

  1. I need to make the switch to VS2 and learn how to use it.
  2. Enzo. He was reigning cruiserweight champion when he got released for not informing the company about his rape accusation.
  3. They did Walter vs Bron ans didn't build it up? What are they doing in 2.0?
  4. I read a report creative wanted to change his look because he looked too much like Randy Savage
  5. I miss stuff like this. I want to guys pop off at 8 year olds again
  6. Last two seasons of Shield deviated hard from what the movies were doing. It's time travel rules were completely different than Endgame
  7. Short matches can be good but I don't care for the finisher spam that make up most of Brock's matches.
  8. @Sonero When are you getting on today? See if we can get some games going
  9. I don't care if this is a joke video. Everything said here is absolutely correct. Momiji is the best waifu team ninja has ever produced This video reminded me of Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword. That was one of my favorite games to play on the DS. I see if I still have it
  10. I expect Edge vs AJ to be match of the night
  11. If I'm not mistaken isn't most of the input lag from console caused by the console itself? I remember reading an article how the PS5 version of KOF 15 runs on a five frame delay and the PS4 version on 4 frames. With the versions on Xbox running lower than that. Can't imagine the wire doing much to help when the problem isn't on the peripheral end.
  12. Don't see how that can be possible when Tony owns and will be booking both.
  13. This is normally a comics channel but he decided to do a video on the Sonic timeline The guy made a case for the games having a split timeline. He believes that console games takes place in the bad future from Sonic CD while the handheld games happen in the good future
  14. There also the recent botches he's had with the street profits. Montez Ford in particular
  15. Lash Legend has hurt a couple of girls. She's so bad that her matches need to be heavily edited. There's a reason why she only wrestles on the b show.
  16. Randy Orton was on Pat McAfee and he said that NXT guys don't know what the fuck they're doing. He said that NXT doesn't teach guys how to protect their opponents.
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