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Everything posted by Emptyeyes_

  1. I feel like we as human beings should do alot better. On going conflict is just ill-advised to me, because it's just ego projection over love and compassion. Though, the time and era phases shift, the more it reveals a person's downfall of despair born of non-disciplined hope, which they are willing to take others down with them. A little rant from me, but I'm just tired of it. Is being this self destructive through a means of an endless pursuit of, intimidation, power and greed are really what people live for?
  2. Any form of exploitable privilege can lead to a decline of morality in exchange of getting ahead. It's a highly arrogant and self absorbed way to live. At the end, those specific people will hold alot of unfulfillment by outliving their own existence through overemphasized materialism. Believe me, as someone that even thought about taking that path, being raised in that sort of environment growing up, even I knew better that I wouldn't be happy that way.
  3. I actually didn't know that this existed until you've posted it. I'm open to this. I'd like to read more about it. Funny at the sametime that it's named Vega, but we love Street Fighter that much. LOL. Thanks regardless.
  4. I guess my birth hypertension will just be managed more by health based essentials from now on. I just need to be more mature and consistent with that. My default weight goal will range around 180 to 200. It's been a long time seeing at least most of my hour shaped figure again and not feel like such a tank. I need to stick with more positive aspects concerning health, fitness, and well being. I wish to never let go of it again. It's dangerous...
  5. Squander it? I was one of those people at the time of 2 years ago. Serious depression and alcoholism from the post pandemic. I wished I could've saw merit in those stimulus checks, instead of wasting that on filling most of my refrigerator with liquor. Acting and modeling could've came earlier, which that was my plan a year after, instead of just starting it now.
  6. For me, the "make moves" bit this year, plus gig productions paychecks on the set for background ground acting, is what landed me a break in professional modeling and acting training, starting from this year to next year. Next year, I'll be back on the set to audition for roles in the SAG AFTRA Union. Of course, it's not an ideal career for me, but due to being blacklisted many years ago from employment, that was a last resort to improvise for a future. I didn't pay off the tuition for the other certificates, but I have voice over and modeling booking, after I'm finished with those courses down the line. After that, I'll pay my debt off. Interesting, but vague post by you.
  7. Does Cena still wrestles? So amusing that he went from an entertainer with little to no rhythm or direction, to Vanilla Ice comparing PS2 to Atari, and then to a Nickelodeon persona icon for the children. I just find that such an interesting time line for him. XD
  8. Death of a mother? Hm. It's depressing to think about, but mine was the only good family member for me growing up. I still miss her 16 years later after her death. I can't replace someone like that and I'm sure you feel the same way about your own. I suppose metaphorically speaking as someone who is non-religious, I've always felt that somewhat unconventionally and intuitively that they are always with us in our hearts, as we are still a part of them, even if they are no longer physically here.
  9. Just alot more healthy thickness and much less fat on my part. I went from well over 300 pounds during the beginning of the pandemic to 220 pounds. My stomach is the last thing that needs to be worked out. After that, I'm all set.
  10. Since I'm in my personal best shape of current times, I've wanted to go back to Kick Boxing and Karate, but want to be introduced to judo, and also learn submissions. I think there's an MMA class in Mid city New Orleans. I'll also do broadsword, katana, and other weapon training to further expand my portfolio. This will be fun, scheduled for next year.
  11. I thought I would share this recipe, but I think I only remember half or most of it. I'll try to remember the steps as well. A favorite of mine late last year. Seafood Habanero Stew Grouper Fish Shrimp Lawry's Accent Old Bay Seasoning Diced Tomatoes Southern Trinity Mix Seafood Stock Habanero Peppers Olive Oil Minced Garlic Pepper Prep the Trinity Mix and Peppers separately, cutting them into the appropriate sizes. Set aside. Season Grouper and Shrimp to perfection and set aside. Sautee the Trinity mix in hot oil and minced garlic, adjusting it to medium low heat, having them done. Pour in the diced tomatoes and adjust it with the shock. Pour in the Grouper, and Peppers. Time this for about 25 mins. Pour in the Shrimp and let that stew through the remaining 5 minutes. Always adjust seasoning during and after cooking, if desired. Serve with rice and mussels as garnish. Deep fried crabmeat balls Gather the crabmeat in a bowl. Next, you need mayo, mustard, Worcestershire Sauce, flavored bread crumbs, flavored cracker crumbs, Lawry's, Old Bay, Parsley, and Accent. Mix together with crabmeat and let the flavors infuse for about 30 minutes. Roll them up into balls and deep fry them in about 4 mins, then take them out. If not deep fried, then 4 minutes on each side. This is probably one of my better seafood dishes that year. Try it. I'm very rusty in the kitchen currently.
  12. Interesting. It's been a while. How are things?
  13. Especially for us early middle age types and up. We're like contradictory corpses doing overtime.
  14. I don't have to know someone in order to care. I just greatly sympathize with this situation, given my own experiences especially.
  15. That's a very messy thing to do. I wish people can look at wins or loses as "whatever happens, happens". "Have fun".
  16. The Metal Gear Series was just right for it's time. This conversation between the three of them especially is one of the most memorable and don't even have good memory. LOL.
  17. I'm surprised that I've been mostly sober for a while. So, that would be mid remission, I suppose. I guess liquor lost most of it's appeal to me. Looking back on my interactions here and being heavily under the influence at the time with and against other users here? Cringier worthy. People change a little. Heh.
  18. They've always stuck me as one fraction of a glass almost empty to this genre. They usually come off casual acting, playful, but uses it as a means of wanting what they can never have. A heavy possessed ego have much to do with it to me. They just could never balance things out with it in conflict to their own performance.
  19. What exactly happened with this person this time? He never really made sense to me at all. He was just always there to me.
  20. I miss Gen so much as a favorite of mine, but I have Chunli. Always. Juri as secondary. C Viper I miss as well.
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