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Everything posted by DarthEnderX

  1. There's a pretty significant difference between Sakura and Lily, who spend their whole lives being able to "sorta" copy a single person's fighting style, and what the CAC does, which is perfectly replicate EVERY fighting style he sees almost instantly. Dude...Twelve IS a robot. He's an artificial construct just like Seth. Only...gooier. That's not supporting the argument that the CAC is a normal human.
  2. It doesn't as far as I know of. But since WT is getting updated with each new DLC character, it would be a cool reveal for the final update for SF6. Especially if Seth was the final character they added. And then they're all "You've been unknowingly preparing to be my new body this whole time. Prepare for the download!" and then you're all "Nuh uh uhh! All my travels have taught me the meaning of strength." FIGHT!
  3. Yeah...just your average young shounen guy...who can perfectly replicate any fighting style after observing it for a couple hours. Even the bizarre, physique altering capabilities of someone like Dhalsim. Yep. Definitely doesn't sound like any character we know about... You're TOTALLY not SiRN's newest, most advanced secret project, sent out to track down powerful fighters, record their fight data, and duplicate all of their moves. Nosiree.
  4. Nah. Other way around to me. Gimmie that "passing for human" as their main skin. But then the ol' washing machine stomach as their "classic" skin. Or they're upping her duplicity. She knows you won't believe what she tells you, so she tells you the truth!
  5. More importantly, it explains how Juri rode her bike from Brazil to England back in ASF. 😛 I'm hoping for a reveal that SiRN is being run by Seth. Who cleared up their glitches with a hard reboot, and then got some artificial skin to pass as human. And also, that you're CAC is a Seth. 😛
  6. It annoys me that doing their quests doesn't unlock their special moves. Rashid is the obvious one. For AKI, we already have Chinatown. For Akuma we already have Japan. That leaves Ed with either Germany, or a Neo Shadaloo base.
  7. I complained at the time about Cody, the violent convict getting elected mayor, but seeing how EVERYONE in Metro City is a street fighter makes it all make sense.
  8. So...playing through WTM and seeing how quickly your character learns to copy other styles got me thinking... How amazing would it be if we got to the end of SF6's development, and the last thing they added to WTM was a reveal that your character was a Seth all along?
  9. Carlos' sword slash is sick as hell. Also annoying as hell to fight against.
  10. Honestly, I feel like anyone FF character that doesn't physically appear in WTM, is because they are expressly saving them for something bigger later. It doesn't make sense for them NOT to appear otherwise, what with it being their city and so many obscure characters being in it. Like, Sodom's truck is a shop in this game. Why would you have that in the game, and not have Sodom himself AT the shop, unless you were planning something for him later. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Sodom was planned for a later season, and then his master area is just the lot behind his truck.
  11. Again though, sometimes an animal from another continent IS the culture. England had a freakin' KING called "the Lionheart". Ain't no lions in England. I wonder if that means Poison will finally be openly trans when she shows up again. Bite your tongue! This new Carlos would be a fantastic pick!
  12. I mean, you don't have to be from the same place as an animal to adopt it's motif. You can just think the animal is cool. Look how much medieval European shit has lions on it. Besides, pretty sure he just picked jaguar to rip off Sagat's tiger.
  13. I gotta say, I'm disappointed at how assigning Specials works for the CAC. I was hoping I'd be able to pick a move, then choose the input for it. So I'd have, like, 4 QC moves(Forward Punch, Back Punch, Forward Kick, Back Kick), and 4 DP moves(same). Unfortunately, every move is locked to it's standard motion, and you can't have 2 moves that share the same motion. Even if they have a different activation button(so, for example, you can't have a QCF+P move AND a QCF+K move). This DRASTICALLY limits the combinations of moves you can have. And pretty much guarantees that if you're character has 8 specials, you're going to be stuck being a combination motion+charge character.
  14. I wish CAC let you choose taunts and victory poses independent of your fighting style.
  15. I do not, in any way, want Violent Ken, but they are absolutely doing all this to set up Violent Ken.
  16. Curious about something. If your CAC uses the fighting style of a character that uses a weapon, like Lily or JP, is there any customizability for that weapon? Or do you just use the same ones they do? Kiki's artwork was fine for a character encyclopedia that had to cover, like, 300 characters. I'm wondering if the real purpose of the CRI was to be a character database for Capcom for making SF6's World Tour...
  17. I mean, if I can just set everyone's themes to their SF4 themes, then I'll consider the music fixed.
  18. Or she is German, and she dresses like that because she's T. Hawk's wife, and she lives with his tribe.
  19. I still don't know why anyone would want Bosch to be a DLC character. He doesn't have his own fighting style. He just borrows other people's like your CAC. So is that supposed to be Juli, or Noembelu? They're turning her into Michelle Yeoh in her venerable age.
  20. I love how they get into how Super Best Friends just kinda turning Zubaz into an indie crossover character.
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