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Everything posted by TWINBLADES

  1. @Hawkingbirdggs my ninja I’m trash but that was really fun.
  2. SF4 comp was really fun to watch. I used to watch allot of Yogaflame videos of SF4 Rose because I really liked how the game played in some aspects. I mostly watched allot of SFV because that was my main game. But looking back I still enjoy watching matches of V especially with the characters I liked. I actually don't care much about SF3 outside of the shill legacy status the game commands. I think every 3D game is more fun to watch than 3. 6 is fun to watch but I think for me it commands less of my attention than V did as a spectator. I used to play V while having a few Twitch streams of other people playing in the background. I don't do that for 6.
  3. I mean personally I think Elon shouldn't kill himself cuz that would be fucking terrible. Also speaking of killing yourself we still don't have a character in SF that can sacrifice their life for any sort of advantage. I'm pretty slick with it bee sempai
  4. I finally got to Plat 3 with Lily but the grind is def getting harder. Being dog shit at fighting games is the worst. I'm too lazy to lab shit though. Literally just playing SFV in 6 and seeing how far I can get face rolling till I have to actually look up frame data. Game is actually fun to come back to. I just hop in rank and hope for the best. I love Lily so much bros. At some point I'll play Manon but right now I jut feel good with Lily and her tools. Plus condor spire is so dumb and it lets me control so much neutral. I hope I can grind to Plat 5 before the end of August.
  5. My seething contempt for NRS is unyielding. Tanya looks so fucking jacked in the face and I just know it was because some Californian commie think this is what the blacks look like. Fuck me. Lily needs buffs and Rashid comes out in a few days Hadokeeeen
  6. This is fucking crazy QOL holy shit. Like can this even be called a QOL?!
  7. Just double P’d a Marisa. SF6 is a good game 🙂
  8. Bro no fucking way is Rashid this fucking cracked are fucking kidding?!! Lily is in the same game as a dude can that literally create a full screen wall that he can push forward?! Are fucking serious? Bro Lily better get an ultra invul DP a launcher and new combo routes for season 2 because this is fucking oil sheik privilege. Did the Saudis bank roll SF6?!
  9. I'm memeing. My point is that I'm glad SFV was simple. It allowed me to understand what the goal of a fighting game was with systems getting in the way.
  10. Bro how much photoshop did she use on herself she looks like fucking AI
  11. You'll be called a boomer on Twitter for this and you probably are. But I understand how you feel. I'm really glad I started my SF journey with 5 because 5 IMO was truly the "grounded" SF game. 3/4/6 are dense with mechanics or technical depth where you're fighting the system as much as you are fighting the character. 5 wasn't like this because the V-System wasn't really a universal mechanic. It made me appreciate a more bare bones style of play. But I know I'm in the minority on that. Maximillian Dood talked about how for him the idea of playing a game where the optimal stuff is found in a few days and then you're just grinding isn't fun. But since I started my fighting competitive journey with 5 to me the game not having 20 different systems made the dive in that much more accessible. If it wasn't for the 7 years of mastering crouch medium into fireball I doubt I'd be having as much fun playing 6. Unironically Lily would have been a monster in SFV if she had most her kit from 6. No DI to stop people like me from fishing with down fierce would have made her ultra annoying. Even if Kolin makes into 6 her stand fierce would be ultra minus on block and have so much recovery that DI would make it an irrelevant poke. I want three things for Lily. And air throw, invul DP and medium confirm. That's it. I still like 6 it's still SF and I'm gonna play till the next game drops. But yeah SFV is still a good game to me.
  12. Memes aside I actually don't like DI. I think it's stupid. Not like in a way where if it's tweaked a bit it'll be fine. I think the mechanic is just dumb in general. I'm fine with DR and even the skip natural parts. SFV had plenty of skip neutral nonsense. One of the big reasons why I don't like DI is because I feel like it invalidates the poking game. I liked that part of SFV I actually liked all the retarded plus frames. I liked throwing out buttons but with Lily it's a fucking death trap. I also think defense sucks right now. Drive Reversal is horrendous. I don't understand what Capcom was thinking coming off of V-Reversal and V-Shift. Those were both really good mechanics and then they just said fuck it here's the Walmart version. There's some other smaller issues I have but most of it comes down to me being bad or MU issues. I won't spend my time saying SF6 is scrubby and I won't bore anyone with DI complaints because it's here to stay. That's just my feelings as an unironic SFV enjoyer. Oh one last thing. I'm not big on how so much shit trads in this game. I get that the way trades works gives people incentive to really dig deep on crazy trade combos but it feels fucking goofy as shit sometimes. When something traded in 5 and someone pulled off a trade conversion it seemed really cool but in 6 everything slaps into each other like the devs really want you to squeeze out some epic desk trade combo and idk... it's like whatever to me.
  13. The tides are turning. Soon well go back to the best game in the franchise 🙂
  14. Has Geif ever been so viable that no one had any complaints? All I see about Geif on Twitter is that he's shit and teir lists rank him lowest. Can Geif ever been considered good or is his archetype always destined to be like this?
  15. Rashid animates so good it's actually criminal. And his nostalgia looks fucking amazing on his model. I'm gonna hate fighting this fucker. It looks like he got everything. VT1/2 VS1/2 god damn. I don't want to lab I don't want to lab LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. This fucker has got to be well above the average IQ.
  17. 9 fucking minutes bros 9 fucking minutes Yoshi I’m coming home!!!!
  18. CFN: TWINBLADES If it's already at cap kick someone out because I'm an OG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. You're a good player so your placement would probably auto slot you into Plat 1 anyway. I honestly thought about staying away from ranked but I'm a degen and the numbers going up makes me feel funny in the pants. What's your CFN? Everyone already at Diamond :( What's your CFN? EVERYONE DROP YOUR CNF NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Okay I'll send him a message! I know everyone here is Master rank so this isn't a big deal but I made it to Plat 1 with Lily. It took me 2 weeks ( also I didn't play everyday). For comparison sakes, It took me a year of SFV to get Cammy to Ultra Gold. Honestly with the way she plays I almost thought about dropping her and going easy mode with Manon but honestly condor spire is omega degenerate so it I stayed lmao!!!!! My initial goal was to get to Plat 1 by the end of the month and then switch to Manon because I wanted to play more characters. But I'm gonna stick it out with Lily longer. I'm finally hit confirming into DR more often and actually remembering how to do her DR routes and not dropping inputs. I also never had to learn how AA DP but with Lily it's basically a must because her AA options are fucking shit tier. It's been fun dropping cross cuts because I have 0 execution. She's a weird character that has 1 fuck you tool but is basically honest everywhere else. I had allot of fear that 6 would show me I was a fraud that got carried by Kolin. And while this is 100%true I now know I can be carried in all games!!!!!
  21. Did someone make a Megashock club? I forgot if they did or not lol
  22. Ken being above Ryu is funny to me because Ken was super unique compared to Ryu in 5 but Ryu still had the major lead. I wonder what happened.... Cammy was a given. Marissa is fucking easy as shit to use plus I think the angle of her being a big woman that hits hard really sold her. Which is kinda fascinating considering Japans penchant for avoiding that archetype. She'll probably be a shoe in for SF7. Manon actually surprises me because Laura was never widely used despite Idom making her look god like. I get the feeling that Japan is probably pushing her popularity. I think Juri is only there because she's Juri and no other reason. I expect this version of her to always be in the top 10 just because she's horny bait. No one cares if she's easy or hard to use because Juri stans are fucking loyal. Geifs placement makes sense. Luke being lower is interesting but he still top 10 so it could just be that his use online in 5 was solely because he was busted and now that 6 is out the novelty wore off. Surprised Jamie isn't lower lol DJ is fucking braindead and his redesign is really strong. Probably one of the best character returns I've ever seen in a fighting game. Him rounding out the top 10 makes sense but I can see him falling once the nerfs hit and more characters are added. JP, Chun, Sim all make sense. Even in SFV Chun had one of the lowest usage rates. It'll probably always be this way. Kim being so slow is actually odd and I can only assume it's racism because she's so fucking braindead and plays the closest to a SFV character... or maybe that's the reason LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! Guile being that low is crazy. He was super popular in SFV and is basically even more powerful. I don't really understand how Ken can stay on top but Guile is so low unless people are just bored of Guiles play style. E-Honda being low is funny... I guess the propaganda didn't work @EvilCanadian🙂 Lily is low because she fucking sucks. I'm having fun with her and that's really all that matters but she's so fucking trash man.
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