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Everything posted by DarkSakul

  1. You see it on mission/event specific cut scenes but not random NPCs. On another though now, looking at my screen shot above. Rouge looks really good for her age. Like she was in her 20's or 30's in 2023, now in 2077 she has to be at least 70 at the min But with cybernetics, I am sure she got some work done. In the game lore people who can afford it can get medical treatment to slow down the aging process. Next part is spoilered for those who haven't gotten to ACT 3 yet.
  2. The PC you and I will never afford, And I am kinda okay with that
  3. Geno being made into a Mii costume is the greatest video game news this year
  4. I hate that KH Wing Bullshit. You don't really see Seth with the "Wing" till that last boss battle. And then he looks like this
  5. There missions to give you free vehicles too. I blew all my eddies on Cyware.
  6. The fuck kotaku knows? You can never enough Dildos and cocks in game
  7. I mean on real loot, like clothing and Guns and other equips.
  8. In your Storage, you can also hold Z to break part look to get components, which you can later make new loot or upgrade existing loots
  9. What everyone else see What I see What My taste buds experience
  10. I find that intelligence, bad assery, and attitude is as much of a turn on as (if not more so) than looks.
  11. Other Reviewers are speaking out on what Nvidia did to Hardware Unboxed
  12. Weak arguments, CP2077 is a 1st person RPG all the others are 3rd person action games. Akrham, Spider-man and BotW shouldn't even been compared, its apple to oranges. Ass Cred? you kidding right? Ass Cred got some awful combat. Sleeping Dogs is a Walmart Great Value GTA. The original game has Melee so 2077 has melee. Wouldn't that be something you have to see a doctor for anyways ?
  13. The fuck you mean? I kick ass with a Katana. Melee here far better than other open world games where Guns are the Primary focus. Can you Humor a dude who lives mostly on the East Coast what a CAC Accent is?
  14. 'Tis Festive AF - Tiny Tim, Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol
  15. OH FUCK, CYBERPUNK 2077 IS OFF THE HOOK. Hand to Hand needs some work, but otherwise the combat is excellent. And it wasn’t clear to me how to do a Take Down in that Tutorial area, on PC it’s your F Key once you get into position. Otherwise it’s what ever you action button is on consoles. Oh the “Glitches” everyone bitching about? Thats not the game that’s glitching. That literally part of the aesthetic, this is not mean saying its “feature not a bug”, no the glitchiness you see is literally a visual effect to sell you off that your a cyborg. It’s like the film scratches you see in LA Noir.
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