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Everything posted by TheInfernoman

  1. thankfully I enjoy made from scratch tortillas from my this is not my problem 🤣
  2. First person adventure game. Always has been. Ya'll need to go back to saying adventure games. Reject modernity embrace Tradition!
  3. I just want to redo my signature setup. Red9 TMP Bolt Action Rifle and mine thrower. Everyone does a shotgun but a fully powered up Red9 was more effective. TMP was for faster crowd control with a mine thrower follow up. Somepne let me know when it's on sale.
  4. Bingo. They had the perfect end to his story right there but Disney/Lucasfilm just had to milk Grogu. Best hope the next movies will bring it all back! 😂
  5. So this season will begin to push away Din to focus on Bo...huh...
  6. Day 1 of training to be a VIP tour guide for the mouse. Day 1 of 9 we'll see how I do.
  7. A friendly reminder when it comes to movie reviews: I still won't see it until Wed at the earliest but my question is, what DID critics want out of a Merio movie? I assume they would have loved the OG cut Illumination was going to do before Nintendo laid out what they wanted?
  8. John got Disney money doing the voice of Bruno from Encanto. Bruv needs to chill and wait for Disney to call him back for Encanto 2.
  9. Disney did John dirty, what will happen is similar to Gina, the character will get a mention but told "X is doing this Y thing somewhere else" and that is it.
  10. it should be, the whole point of Crypto was to give a finger to established currency and provide an alt to people without government manipulation. To rebel againt ANYTHING the government does means they will take it down and prop up their own brand making you think it's trust worthy. Consider that since going off the gold standard, our dollars continue to inflate and may as well be US crypto.
  11. Good for Daisy...I heard months ago internally Disney wanted to push for more Rey since...well Disney OG main character can't just sit back (though I really wish Finn was the main star but too late now) Hyped for Ahsoka, hyped for Thrawn but can Star Wars be ok? at this point, seems like it's just going to continue to have its ups and downs.
  12. I REALLY didn't want this show to begin falling off...BUUUUT IMO they're mashing too much together...and I'm sorry but as much as I like Bo Katan having unexpected growth this season, seems like Din is getting a backseat to the show that's named after him. If this falls apart, Disney REALLY needs to reevaluate Star Wars.
  13. Don't be a coward with that passive aggressive paragraph @DangerousJname names. 👀
  14. On a lighter note WOMEN WEDNESDAY! Standards edition. This link will calculate how a woman's standards will increase/decrease her chances of finding the man she seeks. (obviously don't take it too seriously)
  15. I have no idea when I'll see it...working today but my gal is off and she's working tomorrow but I'm off. And this continues through Sunday but then I train for a new position the next 9 days 😭
  16. Presidents and politicians in general are only held accountable when they're disliked by the majority.
  17. I feel that's exactly what is being done. Working on a new Merio along side a new console.
  18. Real talk who paints like that? That's not even an argument for or against kids. That woman set herself up for fail and that kid was a punk. The real conversation is how to not make a mess when painting. Yes I'm mad about that this isn't like she was painting a cathedral. 😡🎨
  19. I didn't want to do short form content but I cannot deny the power it has. All media sites began to adopt this style so I have to play the game that changed the rules. My IG was growing until algorithm changed to favor reels VS just posts. I dropped over 65% engagement and now have no one new following me until I began re-uploding all my YouTube shorts. Mixing shorts between reg vids helps the most.
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