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Everything posted by MillionX

  1. sheeeeit, I've been on a streak of good luck with random teams in Gears 4 Horde lately.... went all the way to wave 50 on 3 occasions today. My Engineer is up to level 9 at this point, heavy is about to hit 8 and Scout is well into 8 as well... I also leveled up the health bonus on Scout so now he has +100% Health....naturally this character class is super easy mode since that 1 skill means you have up to double the health....and he has other defensive/tanking skills too, like increased regeneration and a skill where you gain a % of health each time you're hitting enemies either with melee or shotgun. Lootbox shit in this game (*it's unavoidable, sadly)---Elite Pack is the box to get, btw... I've acquired legendary stuff much more often from those. Heh, for some reason they gave me the Zombie Minh character 3 times today; I already have him so that was some big-time scrap right there.
  2. haha, might not be a problem finding an empty theater... a certain friend sent me a pic of how empty the theater was when he looked like there was literally no one else in there. ....and we know now that it only made 103 mil over the Memorial Day weekend, which should be an embarrassment for something that is part of one of the biggest franchises in the history of film. I think this has been a result of 2 critical things... 1. Was anyone really clamoring for a film about this character? 2. Episode 8 being probably the most divisive SW movie ever made, with a lot of folks just not liking it at all....this has unfortunately poisoned the well, so to speak....heh, like everyone was having fun at the pool party, and some asswipe comes along and shits in the pool. For a while I still had hope that Episode 9 might save things (*perhaps if they just disregard or pretend various things in 8 never really happened...haha like DB Super goes on as if nothing in DBGT ever happened 🤣)....but I'm not so sure about that anymore.
  3. nah.... I was excited for Detroit: Become Human....until I saw exactly what type of "game" it was. I'm just not down with those that are in the "interactive movie" category. Vampyr is available as a digital "pre-order" right now, so I went on and got it already... it becomes officially available that way by 11 pm central time on Monday....hell fucking YEAH I will be on that immediately. I'm actually intending to sleep early so I can wake up fully rested and ready to start that game ASAP. So far the only things I'd probably have done differently if I designed the game--- give Dr. Reid a variety of outfits in the game, and some customization of his face and hairstyles...similar to how "Commander Shepherd" is still a set character but can be visually customized in Mass Effect. I'd also go on to include some other major supernatural things like ghosts, witches and of course werewolves. For a sequel, my vampire game would have co-op/multiplayer as well...and I'd include different eras of time. There's so many awesome gaming possibilities with vampires and the lore around's bizarre that it's not a more common subject/inspiration for a video game.
  4. 7 MORE DAYS until VAMPYR, folks... it's unfortunate that few others share my enthusiasm for vampire and various other supernatural stuff, but words really can't describe my hype level for this damn game, man... I'm not sure if I want to get the physical or digital version of this first copy (yes... I intend to get it on both systems...probably on PC too once I get a better one in the near future)...apparently at least on Xbox 1, it's playable as of 11 pm Central time on Monday if you pre-order...then again unless it "pre-loads" or something there's also the time of installation to consider. I always prefer physical copies of games though so I will most likely get it that way. Also---pre-ordering gets you an alternate outfit and weapons. behold, another glimpse of this greatness...
  5. and holy shit I just discovered (lost the instructions already) I could change the picture mode... set it on "dynamic", and it just took things to another level....this is insane. I just got through with another 50 waves of Horde mode....yeah, surprisingly I've had 2 teams of random folks that were in it for that long haul.
  6. hell yeah, man... this also reminds me that one childhood regret was that I didn't get MORE of the action figures for this one.. I only had 2 or 3 of the bad guys.
  7. I had a damn nice run in Gears 4 Horde a few hours ago... I forgot the name of that map but it's with the ideal spot usually being some highway looking place with a broken down car towards the back....of course we had the fabricator back there. I was Engineer again, and had such a beautiful setup with 4 sentries.... 2 on either side of the highway where another car is at the center of the road....then 2 barriers in front of those sentries. Naturally, as Engineer I have all these cost reduction bonus skills for getting stuff, so they're much cheaper for me to build fortifications. I've read that they eventually buffed the sentries and it's definitely noticeable. Anything trying to rush in got slowed by the barriers, and lit up by 4 sentries + 1 or 2 or more of us also was awesome, man. sidenote--- I got a new tv recently; a 55-inch UHD... Gears looks RIDICULOUS on this monster 😮
  8. nah, and ohooooo boy I just got on youtube to see the reactions of certain channels like John Campea and Collider (they are usually inclined to go into defense mode with that franchise) and of course Alex Becker had something to say... I knew he wouldn't be able to resist 🤣 *oh and it was HILARIOUS when I heard some say this was tracking to potentially open at 150 mil.... BRUH... what were they smoking? 🤣
  9. heh, there is a county in TN by the name "Cocke"...and yes it's pronounced how you'd imagine; "kahk".... at a call center job I had, one of the questions we had to ask of course was what county the person is from...there was a brief awkward pause then he said it--"....COCKE." I moved on to the other questions quickly to avoid cracking up laughing....he probably would've started laughing too, I bet. I still crack up about that random girl I noticed on facebook with the last name "Dookey" (check it)...and that actress named "Imogen Poots".
  10. y'know, it just hit me that nothing really came of that odd thing where Barry was speaking and writing gibberish after coming back from the Speed Force dimension. It was oddly referenced when Harrison was speaking apparently the same nonsense later on the finale but no real connection or explanation there.... the shit was just strange; when you have an unusual thing that could've been an interesting plot point but go on to do absolutely nothing with it... This reminds me that it's funny when things or even whole characters just get dropped in a show... let's see: That other daughter from Family Matters...went up to her room one day and was never seen or heard from again. The Strain - Regina King was an agent or personal assistant or something to the rock star character in season 1...when shit hit the fan she got scared and ran off. Early on I figured she might be a regular but we never saw her again. 🤣 The Strain again - Vaughn; he was supposed to be the show's "Quinlan", but apparently they didn't like the way he was shaping up so....he and his team of "SWAT" vamps were unceremoniously killed and never referenced again; later we got introduced to the actual "Quinlan" as a redone version of the intended character. Vampire Diaries, season 1 - a crow appears before Damon shows up, and he mentioned to Stefan this was on purpose and that he even figured out a cool thing he could do with creating a fog, presumably because he's so powerful from regularly feeding on human blood, unlike Stefan at the time.......annnd these powers are never covered or mentioned again for the rest of the series. Heroes - didn't "Hiro" have some irish girlfriend from the future or something...and she just disappeared too? 🤣 That girl was never mentioned again.
  11. sheeeeeit, I loved those Insecticons, man... they were some of my favorites out of the whole collection I had back in the day---- it was naturally right up my alley since I was fascinated by anything related to the insect kingdom and Transformers were my favorite INSECT Transformers were a ridiculously awesome thing to me, and I had to have them all immediately. *sidenote--- they appear in that Transformers Devastation game too, for those TF fans that avoided that game for some silly reason.
  12. aha, Breakfast Club has a vid on this shit too.... complete with audio from the dude himself! Absolutely amazing....fascinating that it is even possible for someone to be like this. *one problem is location... dude should probably get away from NY; rent prices are notoriously stupid there, compared to MOST places in the rest of the country. It's always funny to me how skewed a New Yorker's idea of certain prices tends to be (*folks in certain parts of California too, of course) they'd probably think 2200/month for a tiny 1 bedroom is "cheap" ....totally unaware of how they sound to almost any other American. 🤣
  13. haha the judge ruled that the 30-year old must leave his parents' house.... "Mundane" Matt here has a vid on it... *yeah, at 30, most people should finally be on track in their adult/working life by that, I was kinda late "leaving the nest" too but I was at least outta there and supporting myself faster than this dude.....sheeeit, by 30 I was in my 2nd apartment by that point, and very much settled into a stable job, enjoying this adult working/"do whatever I WANT!" phase of life. sheeeeit, putting myself in the parents' shoes for a minute... yeah I'd be disappointed and actually irritated if I'm trying to enjoy my retirement years, come back from the golf course (since old men are supposed to do that, y''s in the rule book) and see that my now 30 year old son is STILL there... on MY couch, watching tv, playing some games, eating chips, damn son whyyyyy are you still wanting to stay here? Holy shit, man... *now I'm curious what his major was, if he went to college/university... if he went, he probably chose one of the shitty ones that doesn't have a great chance of paying off in the future--- like art, music, etc....maybe even something really stupid like poetry or gender studies (*heh, this is coming from a former art major 😛 yeah I made that "mistake"...meanwhile I had friends that picked engineering and of course they were making ridiculous money after graduation while I struggled to find anything.)
  14. new gameplay footage + dev commentary of VAMPYR... though I am conflicted on whether or not to watch all of it since they mention right away there's a few little spoilers in this... there is so much I'm loving about this.... my only minor complaint is that like with other games--- I'd always prefer there be at least some degree of customization for how my version of "Dr. Reid" looks...changes to hairstyle and facial hair, facial features, and clothing at least. I haven't finished watching this but I'm also curious to see if you can "turn" people.... if I created a vampire game I'd make sure to include that along with "sire-bond" being a thing perhaps to base certain abilities on (*like "Invoke Sire-bond" to compel those you turn to do whatever you want them to do or assist you in battle.)
  15. heh, it was cool that they had the original VA for Lion-O back to voice this new Lion-O's father....there was many things I enjoyed about the modern Thundercats.... old-era Cheetarah was hotter though. At the time, I was hoping that the newer Thundercats would be a good enough hit that Silverhawks would then get the "remake" treatment as well.
  16. I'm not a fan of that ugly ass "Steven Universe" looking art style, man... I've seen worse out there in animation-land, sure...but that's just not my thing. I still fondly remember the recent Thundercats show... I loved it, and it was a damn shame it got cancelled. It was part of that new era where CN suddenly stopped sucking ass for a minute.... started off as a Friday night action-block alongside Young Justice and I think Green Lantern and/or Symbionic Titan...that whole lineup was awesome. Then CN apparently remembered that they are supposed to be lame and they pissed it all away as usual; moving the shit to Saturday mornings....which wasn't exactly a bad idea but it wasn't long after that they killed all of those shows. edit--- man, sometimes it pays off in nostalgia to listen to the radio occasionally... I loved this song back in '97....forgot about until the station played it while I was on the way home today... had to turn that one up...
  17. see and that's one thing that absolutely fascinated me... the whole fiasco with M. Santoro there...yep I remember the name.... I couldn't get over how fake the "relationship" came off to me, because that guy is sparking all kinds of red alerts on the "gay-dar", man. The dude is practically flaming....yet we're supposed to believe he was involved in an apparently romantic/sexual relationship with Nicole. It still boggles the mind, man.... like that SNL skit I think featured Dana Carvey as this sitcom character that was "The Incredibly Effeminate Heterosexual", with the recurring joke/punchline being him yelling to other characters in frustration that he's "NOT GAY!!" (complete with the stereotypical lisp) 🤣 I think that fiasco was like a year or 2 ago and I still suspect that was some fake shit going on she was his "beard", y'know. On another note--- I also found it kinda shitty that everyone just automatically took his side (probably because he's way more popular).....much like the current era of "MeToo" where so many people immediately believe a woman's accusation and are ready to see some dude hanged.... despite a lack of any real evidence. back on hot girls... here ie today's dose of my #1 Camila B....
  18. People love to hate this girl Nicole Arbour, but I don't give a damn..... I'd ravage without the slightest hesitation... [even though her booty is admittedly disappointing to me]
  19. TJ Kirk on the garbage that is the new Thundercats.... sad thing is this will most likely be successful. We saw what happened with Teen Titans Go, and that horseshit is still going today.
  20. damn it seems like the grind is even slower for some reason?! I just went a whole session of "Horde Mania" which is 25 waves (and even "just" 25 waves can seem like quite a long time) only took my heavy class from a fresh level 3 to a level 3 with about 20% of the progress meter left before hitting level 4. Jesus H. Christ, man.
  21. so they made Lando a "pansexual" from what I'm reading on the net lately... this reminded me that this is a silly ass term anyway. There was 3 descriptive terms for what a person is attracted to, and they cover least everything that is legal (*bestiality is still illegal last I heard). Either a person is heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual. took a minute but I realized the apparent logic behind it....apparently pansexual also includes the weirdo combinations, like a person being attracted to a "trans-man" or "trans-woman" or "non-conforming ze" whatever....but isn't it some silly shit at that point? That is insane with the specific categorizations there. Why wouldn't that fall under the category of the aforementioned gay/bisexual label anyway? These people need a special new label for everything, I guess.....every possibility. you know where that leads---"P" will probably be the next letter added to the giant it will be LGBTQAP+, and it will be funny because at first glance people may think the "P" is for the kiddie-lovers out there, and it will always need immediate clarification. 🤣
  22. heh, Tevin's checking in on Phil again...this is live, btw
  23. Well, quite an odd session of Horde in Gears 4 earlier today... though still fun... We had a Scout that was on point with playing his role...but for some reason he was just sitting on the power most of the time...didn't deposit that shit until the end..(at one point he had something crazy like 39,000+ power...just holding on to it). this may have been just because it was only Casual Lite though. I was playing it on that mode because people actually DON'T usually quit there. (I guess since it's less serious?) One person dropped but the rest of us pretty much cruised easily to wave 25 which is the end of it. I was Engineer for this run... currently level 8. Leveling is incredibly slow at that point. Horde Mania (Normal and Insane) is still going on; I thought it was just for last weekend but perhaps they extended's definitely fun.
  24. My Hero... that training by All-Might is the real deal, man. The results were insane...though he still appears to be a clumsy, nervous mess though. *bonus points for the cute redhead showing up. This show is off to a fine start.
  25. y'know one of the little things that grinds my gears (besides that tiresome phrase itself).... in the whole "nice guy vs. asshole" topic? When people instantly try to shoot down any "nice guy" points by claiming the fact that you self-identify as a "nice guy" automatically means you are NOT that. Yeah fuck you, you dogshit ass morons. It is amazing to me how goddamn stupid most human beings are. This is why it's usually a waste of time to bother debating/arguing anything with anyone....because most people are too stupid for it to be of any value, and no one's opinion will be swayed anyway....and people are usually incredibly close-minded to anything outside their own opinion. Anyway, I can say some pretty mean-spirited shit on forums on occasion, but it is very much a fact that just about anyone who knows me in real life would characterize me as a generally "nice guy"....often in the "too nice" category......but the moment I describe myself as such, then that means I'm somehow not that, right? Yeah ok whatever. I think some of this bullshit stems from the fact that when it comes to any topic of men vs. women, people always want to blame anything negative on the man at all cost. The woman isn't allowed to be seen in a negative light in any topic for any reason, not even for a second. That guy that got stabbed in the shower by the woman in that famous case... I'll bet there's some morons out there that would blame the shit on him....because she can't simply be a crazy, evil piece of trash, y'know...nah, can't have that. They're all perfect angels that are never wrong.
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