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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread

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So.  Epstein Killed himself.....................while on suicide watch.


Sure.  I'm guessing the autopsy will report that he died of a drug overdose with three shots to the back of the head while strangling himself with a 5 inch rope and somehow falling on a dagger that manged to get both lungs?  Yeah, I'm scoring this one as an Arkancide until further notice. 



Now, if we're going to SERIOUSLY act like he REALLY killed himself, then I'll play along.  How? 


Now, keep in mind that this is all coming out of the braincase of a middle age southern boy with not much in the way of sanity, but even I can think up a proper level of a suicide-proof cage.  Here's what I've got"


a Short ,box style room.  the roof is adjusted to the prisoner so that they won't have ample room to jump upwards.


Padded everything.  The walls and the floor too.  Can't break your neck if you can't create sufficient enough shock by which to break it.


No windows, no bars.  At best, the forward facing wall will be bulletproof glass with a sliding door that goes into the wall.  Pick the lock if you want.  It weighs about three tons.  Good luck moving it if the power goes out..................and since you'll need the co-operation of the people working the panel upstairs and the guard downstairs to power it, I have a sneaking suspicion that the power WILL go out.


Chairs?  Fuck your chair.  You get a bean bag nailed to the floor.  SOME people might use a jagged chair leg to pierce their lungs or something. 


Clothes:  One piece.  From ankles to neck with footstraps and gloves attached.  Zipped up in the back.  To the neck.  Don't like it?  Too bad.  Don't fiddle with anything or the suit will magnetize you to the floor.  Yes, that includes sneezing and farting.


Well, that's what I pulled out in a minute.  Personally, I don't think he's dead.  He probably got shipped off somewhere to live with hitler and elvis, but I'm guessing we'll never know the truth now.  Meh.

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also might add a straight-jacket to that with extra fortification on the parts that bind the person's arms and hands to make sure they can't pull a Houdini/Batman to somehow get outta that.  The hands would be totally covered as well.  Another thing might be to just shackle the person to the padded ground or a bed (which can be remotely operated so it sits them up on occasion; preventing blood clotting from laying down too long), so they don't even have the option of jumping up to try and break their own neck or something.


ohhhh that reminded me just now... one of the coolest minor villains of the previous console generation was that "Houdini Splicer" enemy from Bioshock... the first one you encounter is also one of the first eerie situations in the game, just see the shadow of a guy on the wall running turn the corner and it's a narrow hallway leading to a dead end....but you don't see anything when you get there, because he disappeared.  It's an awesome, surreal/creepy  "...what the hell is up with THAT?!" moment the player is faced with.  

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The latest in the wacky world of ol' "Darksfadil"... so he had a special fundraiser kinda stream a couple of days ago; the tips goal was 1000 or $2,000...lo and behold his fans actually gave that much, with 1 dude in particular giving 1000 which got him over the 2000 point....basically he was hyping up this "positive news!" announcement he was going to do if the goal was hit.... and the paypigs fell for it as usual... turned out to be a new pet yes, Dark's fans basically paid this dude $2,000 for him to announce he and the missus have a pet cat 🤣 (which supposedly isn't even new; he claims they've had it for about a year now but kept that shit a secret.)  It's always amusing to see some of the reactions in his chat room as shit like this happens see certain things that become the "breaking point" that finally drives some people away.  GTG has a Special Report on the latest developments, of course (along with other detractors)


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Yeah, imagine a dude that is giving money to a twitch streamer on occasion......the assumption is that he's giving it to one of the many cute female streamers that are selling their looks for tips...perhaps with prominently displayed cleavage, or making sure to get up and casually walk around or dance while she has bootyshorts on, etc....but no...these people are giving money...sometimes significant amounts to a 37 year old chubby guy that is known for lying, playing games poorly and making them look as boring as possible. (*like the recent PS4 God of War...he just kept throwing the axe over and over again if I recall...then wondered why people weren't turning in and found it boring.  Imagine the game that you think has the most hype looking gameplay/action ever....I guarantee you that if he plays it...the game will look boring as's like a special "anti-hype" ability he a superpower).


On another note---his fans should also keep in mind this is a guy that always claims he is "in trouble" financially; just barely scraping by; gets overdrawn on his account... but now he's taken on all this extra financial responsibility of having a pet-->> food, cleaning, trips to the vet if/when he gets sick, etc. = $$$.

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I saw FF: Hobbs and Shaw.



The camaraderie/back and forth between the leads
Idris is a great actor who can make a thin villain fun
Ryan Reynolds scenes were funny(Was he ever in a previous FF film?)
Action is good with a crazy finale



There are some scenes that bring the movie to a halt like Rock talking to his daughter  and some exposition scenes.

Overall: 8/10

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man, that Zom guy looks goofy enough to be in Dragonball and he's easily powerful enough as well.  Marvel really can't mess with him if he decides to go all out.  I mean, the TRI-JUDGE had to get involved.  Even the Gods are like,"nope. I can't deal with this." and they have to get help.  I have no idea how they're ever going to deal with him.  They have to keep him out of the comics for the sake of the comics................which may not survive anyway.

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I snagged this one from Obsidian's other area on the black manosphere.  Have a look.


As one of those short guys, I've often wondered myself.  Would a few inches have made the difference?  Is THAT what actually mattered to them? 



If so, Meh.  Good thing I'm shorter.  It helped me weed out the trash and apparently there was plenty of it.

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(disclaimer--I haven't read that article yet; I'll catch up later;but the usual rambling follows)

sheeeiiiittttt, I figured it was common knowledge that women definitely prefer taller men.  Short guys will usually get ignored probably 90% of the time if their other options are taller.  It's like the male equivalent of being a fat girl trying to compete with girls that look like Camila Mendes and Salma Hayek.  American women, regardless of race....tend to view the average short dude like a joke....always more inclined to just laugh at you for having the audacity to even speak to them.


The short man's only real hope is to work out and get as ripped as possible.... a guy I knew in university was about 5'1 but girls were all over him since he was ripped like a he was a comic book superhero that became real.  Ohhhh he had quite a lineup of girls hoping to get his attention.  I always figured being cursed with shortness probably inspired him to compensate to the extreme like that.  I'm not much better off, actually being 5'7.

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8 hours ago, MillionX said:

(disclaimer--I haven't read that article yet; I'll catch up later;but the usual rambling follows)

sheeeiiiittttt, I figured it was common knowledge that women definitely prefer taller men.  Short guys will usually get ignored probably 90% of the time if their other options are taller.  It's like the male equivalent of being a fat girl trying to compete with girls that look like Camila Mendes and Salma Hayek.  American women, regardless of race....tend to view the average short dude like a joke....always more inclined to just laugh at you for having the audacity to even speak to them.


The short man's only real hope is to work out and get as ripped as possible.... a guy I knew in university was about 5'1 but girls were all over him since he was ripped like a he was a comic book superhero that became real.  Ohhhh he had quite a lineup of girls hoping to get his attention.  I always figured being cursed with shortness probably inspired him to compensate to the extreme like that.  I'm not much better off, actually being 5'7.

Oh we've always KNOWN that they want taller men, but if put to the question they would try to deny it.  Now the data has been gathered and there is nowhere to hide and no argument to hide behind.






What in........................A BILLION dollar company selling for a million..................all because they wanted to get rid of the bewbs and vaggies?  Yeah, Get woke, go broke is the best description for that.  They supremely F'ed up on that one.

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In this episode of,"Misterbee was right"  I recently learned that Misterbee................was right.


Censorship sucks ass.  The bee already said they were doing it, but I didn't imagine it was going to that level.  Also, I'm sure we know how I feel about supporting anything where the SJWs have their filthy claws in it.  This pretty much means the end of my Toonami watching, but let's face it.  They killed it and nobody wants to sit around looking at a corpse.


In related news, I hadn't realized how much that shit was costing me a month.  65 bucks for TV when I literally watched only ONE thing?  No thanks.  That's damn near 800 saved a year right there.  If anybody knows of a good anime streaming site that could use another patron, I've recently come into a decent chunk of pocket change that I would willingly part with for some good ol' uncensored quality programing.

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Sheeeiiiiittttt, on my way back in I had to do it...stopped by that store and now Hellsing Ultimate (The Complete Collection) blu-ray is mine!  My vampire movie/tv show collection now finally has that critical component in the mix, yes yes.


It's been one hell of a nice 4-day weekend for me....I should've ended this mini-vacation with a nice pizza but I don't feel like going out at the moment (I always do pick-up instead of delivery since it's cheaper; I happen to be close to my usual spots)


...really good run on Dead Cells at the moment; I'll probably beat it again since this is only Hard/1-cell difficulty... 27 points in Tactics this time; all my gear is S-rank of course...the numbers are looking SO tasty right now...

edit---yep, final boss just got demolished with ease....1 more upgrade and I was at 28 Tactics.  Quick Bow 3-Srank was doing 7,357 per shot with criticals = 25,729!  Pyrotechnics fireballs doing 8,881 just on regular shots....I didn't even use that ability since Quick Bow was so damn strong and fast with the bonus damage boost from my heavy turret being deployed. (+15%...on top of the +2,830 dps from the support passive.)

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I'm gonna have to give that Dead Cells a try.  With the money I'll be saving by NOT being on PSVue I'll have enough spare change and then some.

EDIT:  oh man.  That one right there.  her and Amy Horton.  Of course, my dark soul gets massive enjoyment from these stories, but you'd think at least SOME of these chicks would learn.

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Disney: "Oh dear.  There's no way this can get worse."
Murphy's Law: "Hi there.  I don't think we've met."

Basically, the Rat is running out of cheese and it looks like they've gone from desperate to fear.  Maybe they are finally realizing that they shouldn't keep insulting their fans?  I really hope they can get their magic back, but do not doubt that I will channel the spirit of Charlton Heston and laugh like a madman if they fail.

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y'know, I still think we basically got lucky with the whole ebola situation from a year or 2 ago... I don't think most people in the modern era (at least those in charge of things) really have what it takes to make the certain harsh decisions that might become necessary in a potential outbreak/plague kinda situation.  Human civilization would be dangerously close to an *extinction-level* event and these fools would likely be arguing in the media about people's rights, and how we shouldn't have quarantine zones if certain areas are a lost cause, close borders, etc....and it would truly be the beginning of the end of our species as a result.

Remember that 1 dude with the clipboard?  The guy was standing right next to a patient with literally no special protective covering at all...just slacks and a dress shirt like he's in a typical office job at the time.  If you didn't know better you'd think that was a scene out of a goddamn sketch comedy show right there.  That's the kinda naive fools that would most likely be in charge of protocol.  

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Mortal Kombat movie casting news


4 new roles have been cast!


Million, your favorite CW actor Mehcad Brooks will be Jax

2017 Power Rangers movie black ranger Ludi Lin will play Liu Kang

Thor actor Tadanobu Asano (hogun) will play Raiden

Newcome Sisi Stringer will play Mileena


Joe Taslim will play Subzero as previously announced.


sexy chocolate Jimmy Olsen as Jax?  We shall see...

The others are mostly blank slates for me. At least there are no obvious racial changes so far.


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ha, now there we go... an actual asian person playing Raiden.  For some reason most fans seemed to love Chris Lambert as Raiden back then, but I always thought it was silly....just like I laugh at horribly incorrect casting today...suddenly the japanese thunder god was looking like Gandalf the Grey's beardless younger brother....the shit was always "off" to me....that wasn't Raiden at all, was like the director or whoever just didn't like how Raiden looked in the games and said "yeah fuck that" and put his own version of Raiden in there as a white-haired wizard-looking muthafucka....nah get outta here with that foolishness.  It would be as silly as casting Seamus from WWE (the whitest dude in the history of the world) to play Jax, and making sure he dresses up like mime, but still calling that character "Jax".


random sidenote--Katy Perry is welcome to molest me anytime, anyplace....she continues to be insanely hot, imo...even in that surprise-pic her ex-husband took when she was sleeping and awoken by the camera with no makeup on...with this annoyed look on her face...she still looked gorgeous to me.  I'd eat the hell out of that one.

Edited by MillionX
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2 hours ago, MillionX said:

It would be as silly as casting Seamus from WWE (the whitest dude in the history of the world) to play Jax, and making sure he dresses up like mime, but still calling that character "Jax".

You done went an put the jinx on it man.  Next thing we know, Jax is being played by Robert Downey Jr. and shit.

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Sheeeiiiit, watching Stranger Things again---if this Russian assassin dude (I think "Vasilev" was the name?) was a little bit younger, I could see him as another possible T-800 if/when we had to *finally* replace Arnold.  Basically, he looks like the "U.S.S.R. Edition T-800" in this show already.
....Terminator is such a major franchise; we all know a remake will happen at some point in the's most likely still several years out though; maybe 5 to 10 years later and it will simply be called "The Terminator" again.


...such a short season here---only 8 episodes.  Even though these netflix shows are typically short, I still rarely get through them.  I still haven't seen all episodes of the other Marvel shows; Jessica Jones season 1 was the only one I finished watching.

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IMO You should at the very least watch Daredevil season 1-3 and Punisher 1-2.

DD actually has the best action overall and  most of the storylines wrapped up once it ends and Punisher too.


Luke Cage is second tier imo. Half of S1 is great with Mahershala Ali as Cottonmouth and then is merely ok with diamondback. Bushmaster is a highlight of S2, but if ends on an intriguing cliffhanger.


Jessica S1 was good, S2 was mediocre. I havent watched S3 since my TV died.


Defenders has nice chemistry between the characters but Sigourney Weavers boss is wasted imo.


Iron Fist S1 was bad imo  and is a hair better with S2. It is the worst of all the shows. Worst action.





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