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Everything posted by JHDK

  1. RE2:R and RE4 are so very good. Are you going to go Leon or Claire? At the end of the day, I think Leon is easier. But the Ada segment remains my Hardcore runs' worst nightmare. Those first two zombies' legs have to pop or you're in for a rough time.
  2. I'd take the torture. That could be alt fun, at least.
  3. As a card-carrying "Never Ass-Eater", even just so, I find myself appalled at that. Like... who fucks without at least showering first? If you've got access to Instagram, you damned sure have access to running water. The modern ass-eating fetish. Yet another example of the coked-out-of-their-goddamned-minds gays in Hollywood fucking shit up for everyone else (their more sensible fellow gays included, I'd wager), and how the weakminded masses unquestioningly follow like the lemmings they are. And yet another reason why I am grateful to be out of the game.
  4. @M A R T I A N ... I just got a: Never Ending Double-Barrel Shotgun. Fuck me. Time to pump up gun stats, methinks. EDIT: Named it... God Mode.
  5. @M A R T I A N I now have a Frigid Chinese Officer's Sword... with an Electric Serrated Blade. It might be time to go ahead and forego that 25% damage and +2 Strength in favor of +1 STR & AGI, coupled with a Fedora and Ballistic Weave.
  6. OF COURSE every iteration of what is at heart the same product, is going to sell less than the one previous - particularly in a competitive 1 on 1 vs scenario. That's just common sense, at work. Players who aren't competition-minded are not going to be inclined to shell out $40 another 3 times (2012 was "free, iirc). As to the games after it being of lesser quality, well... that's on Capcpomcom. MvC3 being a 1 touch kill game, from the get, was bad design, full stop. One can blame UMvC3 being a quickly rushed cash-grab on the earthquake all one wants, but smat the end of the day, it was a minimum effort expansion of a badly wrought initial framework. Of course they sold less than SF4. MvC:I was such a complete shambles, it looked like Capcpcpocpocpocpom put forth actual effort to deliberately make it suck like an epileptic wearing braces. Of course it sold less than SF4. SF4 was the first numbered SF in almost a decade. Even with Vanilla sucking compared to the refinements that followed (sorry Stu, it's true), its selling gangbusters was practically guaranteed due to the name brand's cred, and the time gap alone. And even given all of this, Street Fighter 5 didn't fail due to its genre. It failed because it is a dumpster fire of aborted AIDS baby fetuses proportions.
  7. I am kind of going slowly, I think, and jumping around. I just got going on the Railroad. I am going for a Stealth Melee build, because reasons, lol. It seems to be going well. Currently rocking Grognak's Axe and Attire. But I DO have a .50 cal sniper rifle that I named for what it is: "A Necessary Evil"
  8. What REALLY sucks about Ninty's system, is that the points EXPIRE.
  9. I am playing through Fallout 4, now. Fuck me, this is a lot of fun.
  10. After the complete shitshow that was 5, Street Fighter 6 can just plain not happen.
  11. My favorite 3DS games were: Fire Emblem Awakenings (So.Much.Grind.) Fire Emblem Echoes Dragon Quest 8 Remastermake Ocarina Remake (never played the O.G.) Between Worlds (ALttP is still >>>>>>>>) Xenoblade (N3DS only) SM3DL (the precursor to the GOAT) Everything Etrian Odyssey (art aside) Persona Q1 (picked best team, 1st try) Kid Icarus Uprising (N3DS only - 2nd nub) Fantasy Life (sue me) UNPOPULAR OPINION INCOMING: Not being able to control Samus with the d-pad, made the 3DS remake of Samus utter shite. I bought an O.G. Gameboy exclusively for the original Samus Returns (beat it too), for perspective. EDIT: No Metroidvania for the 3DS was a Goddamned motherfucking travesty.
  12. I thought the Prime games were dull as Wonder Bread toast, but even less filling.
  13. I am pretty sure I got it. I'm that dude who one sitting 1-Lifed that shit, though. ...I always killed Ridley first, too. Might as well make the Waves Beam as useful as possible. Bombing Kraid to death was always fun.
  14. Yup. The first 3 and V, and the Remakes,at least. RE4 though? That shit is looong, but good. RE5 is long, but is shit, and a slog. RE6... still can't muster the fucks to play. RE7 has even less to compel me. RE8 was hyped as being a return to form, more RE4ish, but as a FPS. It just plain isn't. It isn't even 1990s PC shovelware FPS quality. It is Night Trap, with Squeenix graphics.
  15. Elon Musk: A new fragrance, by Calvin Kline. Offbrand version: Sam's Choice: Wall-Shit. <sic>
  16. I hear it is 10 hours, max, provided that you actually trot, not jog, not run, and upgrade. It honestly looks so forced onto a rail and scripted, it might as well be an extended QTE cutscene.
  17. Oh. That makes more sense. So it makes no sense. At least it isn't PoP. Because that would wind up being... ...Sands of Emo Kojima.
  18. #1."Smash Bros isn't a fighting game. #1. Juggy is in 4:3. #3. TvC shouldn't Bii a fighting game. #4. SFV makes 3S look legit. #5. Mold lacks both gender and a respect for the concept of native boundaries.
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