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Everything posted by JHDK

  1. This couldn't possibly be more scripted, derivative, and fake if the dude was named Napolean. Everything from the juice box, to the Urkel clothes, to the advertising agency tested and approved gatekeepers. Goddamn does American broadcasting suck with its teeth.
  2. I was actually compelled to Google whether she was even alive still. She is 99. Betty White as Lilith? Sure. Why not. 99 is the new 69, after all. The first 9 is code for I.V. drip.
  3. "Thaaaaaat dumpsta's on fiiiiire..." Sorry. The Uwe Boll made me do it. But not even HE'D make that bad of a directorial misstep.
  4. Shit, man. Cate Blanchett is 52. That girl ain't on fire. She's on a Wal-Mart scooter.
  5. Kevin Hart is Roland. Isn't that enough of a tell that this is going to be a dumpster fire of such epic proportions as to make Leguizamo look like an *ahem* Super choice?
  6. Anyone who thinks that a women looking feminine means she's weak is a fool who's asking to get YOLO-rena Bobbitt'ed.
  7. That would require being within at least a 5-foot proximity of it. That's a hard no. Not even with the entire numerical alphabet of B-Vitamins raring to shoot out of my dick to guide me, and keep me safe.
  8. Not really, no. There was real, actually slavery waaay before Ancient Egypt. They didn't require such. And neither did pretty much any any other version - even the Ancient Roman one... which was actually better than being a citizen in many instances. All they required was "might". Even the asshole European chattel slavers.
  9. Also: Memorial Day. The day we commemorate those misguided unfortunate souls whol died for sales. Capitalism profited off of their deaths... and still profits off of their deaths. Nationalistic symbolism is as insidiously false, as any religious dogma.
  10. That's because it doesn't. But racists see race in everything. They are completely bereft of reason, much less nuance.
  11. Myths of oppression, belittle actual slaves. Religion is psychological warfare after all.
  12. @RSG3 Thanks, man. ...wrote that literally nanoseconds before mental lights out.
  13. @M A R T I A N The other day, I got a: Detonating Radium Rifle. ... This thing is stupid. An explosive, radiation, and kinetic gun. Commando+Demo+Nuke Phys 2. It is as good as or better than any unique I have come across thus far. I named it: Booooom, Blast & Ruin
  14. It is a never ending cycle of Imperialist fuckery of the ecosystem, over there. The English brought cats. The cats killed the local fauna, fucking up the ecosystem. The Aussies killed a bunch of cats. But imported mice are now the problem. Fuck England.
  15. That's almost funny, yet sad. I remember way back in the day, some loser on SRK got pissed at me, and made a jabhakdoukenSRK Xbox account to play Ken shittily in SF4. I probably kicked the living shit out of him online and/or real life, too. Which was triply hilarious, because I eschewed the 360 completely because of the RRoD, and that I went by Sites008 on both PSN and Steam, and that I always felt embarrassed for anyone who used their SRK handle in their gaming tag, much less slapped an SRK onto the end. Also I played Cammy, but mained Hawk post Vanilla.
  16. Oooooh. I was guessing that it was some kind of identity movement or something. That's actually much worse, and far more hilarious because of it. 🤣 Thanks, man.
  17. YO. @ everyone: I was reading the comments and laughing at the serious tears of salt, when I came across something I know nothing about. What are "checkmarks", as referenced in the comments? Thanks, y'all.
  18. I guess I just don't equate Memorial Day with Shit-faced Paddy's Day.
  19. The truly funniest part is that if he every loses his job, he can always go and easily get a Masters Degree, because he already has modern day Academic Writing pretty much down pat.
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