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Everything posted by JHDK

  1. No, no. I meant the dudes. Too much Estrogen up in their sippy-simpy cups.
  2. Commoner? Calling someone "commoner" sounds like crossing Terry Bogard with Scorpion. Street Fighter 5 levels of godawful.
  3. Birth control in the piped water supply. *cracks open a Perrier*
  4. A tool to be utilized for various ends. In the given scenario, a memento, assuming the photo was taken to preserve the pretty scene in said photo.
  5. Composition is an aspect of art. But only a single aspect. Photography is pretty much 100% composition. I am of a mind that it is not art.
  6. Lest we be remiss, the REAL artist is the person whose design is upon the door. That the photographer would demand recompense for photographing someone else's inarguably genuine art, is mad shady.
  7. Piggybacking off of my last post, I also have comment on the sad state of the FG community. New fags ACTUALLY BELIEVE that "streamlining" characters, and getting rid of "superfluous moves" like Millia's Pin, is a GOOD thing, and actually making the gameplay more robust. Y'know. The Pin. The move that defined Millia as a character. The move that was the centerpiece of her gameplan. The constant threat that forced her opponents to approach her differently. That useless, extraneous thing.
  8. I didn't even make a choice, per se. I met one whom I got on with, and simply kept going.
  9. I have always been the exact opposite of that. I don't require their validation. Which is probably why ones 15 years my younger keep "accidentally" crossing into my path at the store a dozen times. Like, okay. The first few I can write off, but y'all had to backtrack twice now... Dunno what it's about. Don't care. Never played the game, never will.
  10. I think a lot of people these days are just plain content to not settle. Good for them. That's 1.25 unhappy childhoods apiece that have been prevented.
  11. The China thing is actually kind of a big deal, and illustrates a rather telling indifference on his part per the suffering of billions, when billions are on the line.
  12. Wake me up when the Whole Woke Movement has been flushed twice.
  13. Whelp. I just Platinum-ed RE3:R THAT was exhausting. Even OCD couldn't be sure it was worth it.
  14. I like SRK 4Play's version of it: In reverse, with "No good" in captions.
  15. My second attempt at forcibly trudging through it, I managed to make it to right when you meet the advanced magic civilization, and then completely ran out of fucks to give. I had been running on fumes consisting of false promises and unmerited hype for a good 20 hours by then. I couldn't even muster the fucks to be upset about all that wasted time. I just let it go.
  16. It is such a marked improvement over 14, though. KOF14 made VF1 look lush with polygons. KOF14 made 3D look flat. KOF14 made line art look like a dot C'mon crash.
  17. Post-extensive patch, I really liked Days Gone. Totes worth the BF bottom of the barrel price that I snagged it at, and probably a tenner or two over that, to be totally honest.
  18. Original Aloy looked average at best. I kind of thought that was what they were going for. I wasn't looking to fap to my player character. So it wasn't even an ever-so-slight mental shrug of the shoulders to me. I AM shaking my head at people bitching about her looking "too feminine" to be strong. Wokeness is sleeping on its brain stem at a bad angle. The Far Left is the new Far Right.
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