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Everything posted by GreyFoxx

  1. Expect this channel to blow up with trailers for sure.
  2. I keep waiting for the animation quality to drop and it hasn't so far and i'm loving the expanded stuff. Captain Commander Bankai is going to be LIT when it's animated.
  3. I finally caught up with the movie and man it was a treat to be in this world again. Makes me want to binge the whole series again.
  4. Agreed. It looks amazing but man it's been 10 years and you can see the animation looked dated from way back then. Looking forward to more eps and getting in deep into the TYBW.
  5. Felt like hey these are the main cast and shits about to go down. The running thru the last eps was pretty nice and man they did not flinch with the blood. Need that second ep ASAP!
  7. October 10th release in Japan only. No word yet for rest of the world.
  8. Just happy we got a movie where the Earth warriors can handle some things instead of Goku/Vegeta show. Love them too death but let the other cast thrive just a wee bit.
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