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  1. +1
    JustBooming reacted to CESTUS III in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    SF6 Haggar 😁
    Tried my best to fight off the fake-suit effect
    The necklace was supposed to mask a bit the neck suit line, but it move in weird ways without covering much, so ultimately got removed
    Gloves solve the hands showing at the wrist the suit line
    Most tricky part was replicate skin color on the face (no base color match the suit)
    Click to see full size

    My fav screenshot, Haggar about to piledriver a lion

    For what's worth
  2. +1
    JustBooming reacted to HeavensCloud in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    The players that offer a challenge are the one's you should be fighting in order to grow as a player.  People that blacklist are just going to get worse at the game but I guess an online title means more than improving for some.  It's like the Master players that go into Battle Hub to beat up on silver players to rack up a 95% win rate.  Weird mentality.  
  3. +1
    JustBooming got a reaction from Jocelot in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Might be my old bones talking, but Du's reactions were insane
  4. +1
    JustBooming reacted to Jocelot in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Wow that was brutal. Mizuha looked like he had never fought a Guile in his life before
  5. Sad
    JustBooming reacted to Darc_Requiem in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Damn Hong Kong wasn't fucking around at the France offline Premiere. They have 3 of the Top 8 slots. Japan, US, and France got 1 each. EU got the USA treatment. Home turf premiere and the only have one person in the Top 8. More NA players made it to the Top 8 than EU players. If it wasn't weather issues it may have been worse as it kept some of the top foreign competiton from making it.
    Side note: NuckleDu put on one of the worst beat downs I saw in the entire tournament to get into to Top 8 losers. I'm surprised he wasn't arrested for what he did to Mizuha. It was that bad.
  6. +1
    JustBooming got a reaction from Shakunetsu in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    I just want Guy back with his flips, cunty elbow drops/jump arc, and a way to punish people AAing.
  7. LOL
    JustBooming reacted to Hawkingbird in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Give me Sodom you bastards!
  8. Sad
    JustBooming reacted to Pair of Rooks in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    We have Guy at home.
  9. Sad
    JustBooming reacted to -PVL93- in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    You'll take a Kimberly and you will like it 
  10. +1
    JustBooming got a reaction from -PVL93- in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    I just want Guy back with his flips, cunty elbow drops/jump arc, and a way to punish people AAing.
  11. Insightful
    JustBooming got a reaction from HeavensCloud in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    I just want Guy back with his flips, cunty elbow drops/jump arc, and a way to punish people AAing.
  12. +1
    JustBooming reacted to HeavensCloud in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    I just assume they're saving him but I don't want to wait lol. I'd like to see a return to the Alpha 3 version of Cody.
    I hope they up it to five or six characters for S2. Waiting a whole year for four characters ain't doing it for me.
  13. +1
    JustBooming reacted to Shakunetsu in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    He was confirmed not dead by the current director.
    when someone asked about it on twitter this year
    I was thinking that they will keep Haggar exclusive to Final Fight IP so that any licensing deal that want Haggar like merch and toys needs FF instead of SF
    This is something that why he doesn't get an action figure even some toy company wanted him too
  14. +1
    JustBooming got a reaction from elliephil in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Don't think Haggar will ever be in a SF mainline game, no real reason, just a hunch based on everything since Alpha. And while I know that S5 of SFV wasn't planned, people were saying Gill would never make it because of Urien's Halloween costume. I think on balance, avatar costumes are far less significant than other actual usable costumes ingame.
  15. +1
    JustBooming got a reaction from -PVL93- in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Don't think Haggar will ever be in a SF mainline game, no real reason, just a hunch based on everything since Alpha. And while I know that S5 of SFV wasn't planned, people were saying Gill would never make it because of Urien's Halloween costume. I think on balance, avatar costumes are far less significant than other actual usable costumes ingame.
  16. +1
    JustBooming got a reaction from Shakunetsu in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Don't think Haggar will ever be in a SF mainline game, no real reason, just a hunch based on everything since Alpha. And while I know that S5 of SFV wasn't planned, people were saying Gill would never make it because of Urien's Halloween costume. I think on balance, avatar costumes are far less significant than other actual usable costumes ingame.
  17. +1
    JustBooming got a reaction from -PVL93- in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?

    I know SF6 makes great efforts to be accessible, but something about changing the audio cues for certain moves via mods really bugs me.
  18. +1
    JustBooming reacted to ToreyBeans in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    I miss playing the game y'all. Lots of stuff (i.e. foolishness) has been happening in my life, but I'll be back on soon, I hope. Life is so weird right now.
  19. WTF
    JustBooming reacted to Doctrine_Dark in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Not sure if anyone saw this regarding Microsoft:

    Xbox is about to start banning 3rd party controllers.
    Most of the people I know that play fighting games on the Xbox are doing it because of the wide variety of controller options it has.
    This actually sucks. 
  20. +1
    JustBooming got a reaction from Doctrine_Dark in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    @SoneroSam sounds like an awesome person. "The real story behind Evo is the amount of friendships that it has kept alive"
    along with
    "There are times where the fighting game portion gets overshadowed by the community part. Nothing has ever stopped time or life from happening. So when life happens, it happens when you’re with a group of people who share something with you; whether slinging cards or throwing hadoukens. When life happens, this community will have your back. These games rotate faster than you realize." - well spoken too. 
  21. +1
    JustBooming got a reaction from Sonero in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    @SoneroSam sounds like an awesome person. "The real story behind Evo is the amount of friendships that it has kept alive"
    along with
    "There are times where the fighting game portion gets overshadowed by the community part. Nothing has ever stopped time or life from happening. So when life happens, it happens when you’re with a group of people who share something with you; whether slinging cards or throwing hadoukens. When life happens, this community will have your back. These games rotate faster than you realize." - well spoken too. 
  22. Love
    JustBooming reacted to Sonero in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Man, this shit with FloE reminded me of the time I wrote about one of my M:TG guys passing away in SRK. Felt like looking at another life re-reading it too. Shamlessly posting it because it didn't age all that bad:

  23. Sad
  24. LOL
    JustBooming got a reaction from Bigtochiro in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    I know AI posts are boring, but Bing thinks (some things) about us. Requested an overview of posters. The@TWINBLADESsummary got me

  25. +1
    JustBooming reacted to YagamiFire in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Is it just me...or are those tikis on Dee Jay's stage Bison, Sagat and Adon? Top left, middle left and middle right and bottom right in the sand (in order)

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