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Everything posted by Vhozite

  1. Button wasn’t working (or so it seemed) when I first tried to post. Reloaded and here we are.
  2. You know it’s dark days when MS’s biggest SF killer is looking to Dan to liven things up 😞 @Illwill88you probably know this, but I was messing around with Laura and her cr.hp is really easy to confirm. Ever since I discovered Nash could confirm his s.hp I always look for similar stuff on other characters. Range on her cr.hp is decent (for Laura), it’s safe on block, and the confirm gets you any grounded version of bolt. Medium bolt took a bit more concentration bits it’s not that bad. @misterBeecan you delete my accidental triple post
  3. I would never even bother trying H.SBK combos in anything but a flawless connection. I’d have to be fighting someone in my neighborhood lol.
  4. @FlyingVe is a known cord cutter. It’s probably not you
  5. Every time I fight Sim I feel like I’m losing to the connection more than anything. I hammer on jab like it owes me money after blocking a poorly spaced slide or drill and I still get CH.
  6. What characters are you doing exactly? 🤣 So far Ive done Gill, Abby, Lucia, and Laura like you said. Tried Ryu, Kage, and Karin but I couldn’t do it with them. I need to give Chun another try since I was just fooling around and I still got really close. I think Guile, Menat, and Urien can do it, but the execution requirements might be beyond my capabilities. Nash might be able to do it if you start with canceling a boom into stealth dash. Alex might be able to front load it like you said. I think Ken falls just short, but it depends on how much damage Shinryuken does. I’m definitely looking forward to trying with Ibuki. Mika can cheat with VS1. Does Balrog TAP still do gorgillion damage if you hold it long enough?
  7. I’ll probably try Guile next, assuming I can do noon loops lol
  8. @FlyingVe 612/672
  9. I like Seth, but I’m not messing with him till after the next patch. He’s gonna get clapped for sure so I’d rather not learn a bunch of stuff that might not exist in a few months.
  10. @FlyingVeso I’ve been trying Lucia for 600 and 2 things 1: I can’t get a double jump in. Her fireball drops too fast. How are you doing it? 2. side switch Probably not useful for much but after a dizzy you could maybe sneak a reset in there? Not sure how strict it is...I did it twice without even trying (first time I thought I saw it wrong).
  11. I’ll check tomorrow morning. I’d be really surprised if she couldn’t make it.
  12. That’s basically my entire point. G has more ways to open you up, get in on you, and when he does those things be claps you for l more damage lol
  13. Have you ever used Gill? Outside of VT it’s very difficult to proc retribution more than once. To get more than one you in a combo you have to use his garbage, slow as shit VS1 or already have an element on them when you start your combo. And to do either of those things you have to dump meter. Even if we assume it builds the same meter as a regular CC (it doesn’t have to), I think it’s fine when it’s hyper situational and/or requires him to dump probably multiple EX bars
  14. G has a lot more over Gill than just a command grab. G has CC’s that build his VT, safe advancing specials, a forward moving low special, fast advancing EX moves he can cancel into VT to force the issue, the ability to stall his air momentum with VS1, and that’s before we ignore how dumb he gets with prez levels/VT1 which is better than both of Gills in every conceivable way.
  15. Gill is really cool but he has some issues that really need to be addressed imo. First is his lack of crush counters. Retribution is supposedly to be its replacement I guess, but they don’t really serve the same purpose. Retribution is mostly combo extension, and you can’t even access it without resources unless you are using VS1 (hint: you aren’t). Retribution doesn’t give him the occasional big neutral conversion and VT gain that everyone else gets for free. Suggested fixes (pick one Capcom). 1. Make his VS’s build more meter than average: No CC’s takes away one of the 3 ways you can build VT. Compensate for his deficiency by letting him build more with VS. Right now his parry builds the exact same amount of meter as Ryu’s even though the latter has Crush Counters. 2. Make sweep and overhead crush counters: Gives him (unsafe) CC’s without launching his combo damage into the stratosphere. More ways to setup hard knockdowns also indirectly buffs VS1, which nobody ever will pick atm 3. Make Retribution procs build VT meter: Pretty self explanatory. Let’s his CC replacement actually mimic the functionality he lost. My second issue with him, and actually the bigger reason I don’t use him, is his mediocre VT game. VT1 does basically nothing but give him long ass combos and VT2 is cheeks without a combo from activation.
  16. Gill can get over 600 with VT1 and VS1, though obviously if you start with a trap he can go higher (max I got was 624). I’m not in front of my computer to check was I got with Abigail, but of course it was pretty easy to go over 600 and tbh I don’t even think what I did was optimal. So far it’s easy to game the system with anyone who has a delayed hit they can setup like a trap or slow fireball. Pretty funny using tire to get a double jump in with Abi
  17. I know. I’m saying that if you do>s.hp> the target combo knocks down whether you pop VT or not Also the only combo I could find into f.hp was xx VT
  18. I’m in the lab right now and from the target combo knocks down in and out of VT. Raw doesn’t knock down tho
  19. the heavy kick in that target combo knocks down and doesn’t juggle into f.hp edit: also how are you juggling L.DP to H.DP? I can’t get it to work. So far max I can get is 531
  20. Wentz definitely needs to work on his decision making. Like I get the o-like is trash, injuries having us down to 2/11 starters at one point, shotty play calling, etc. But some of the things he does are straight rookie mistakes. Dude absolutely refuses to throw the ball away. Example: On Sunday he’s scrambling and looking down field when there is a defender running straight at him. Dude eats a 10 yard sack instead of throwing it away for no reason. It was impossible for him not to see the defender coming and he just eats the sack. He definitely has flashes of being great but his poor decision making is making him inconsistent. Nobody expects him to be Brett Farve with half our starters on the bench but I definitely expect our 100 mill qb to not make rookie mistakes every game. I will cut him some slack for playing under Dougs horse shit offense. We have no OC and Peterson calls plays the same way I did in Madden 05.
  21. @Darc_Requiem FUCK YEAH 601 with Laura baby! far charge FB, j.hp, (fireball hits) , j.hp, cr.hp xx h.fb VTC, cr.hp xx h.fb xx VS1, s.lp x 2 xx L.Elbow xx CA (601/605) Edit: Gif link. Dunno how to get it to show automatically
  22. So far I’m getting 589 with Laura. far charge FB, j.hp, (fireball hits) , j.hp, cr.hp xx h.fb VTC, cr.hp xx h.fb xx CA What’s making this hard to figure out for me is her CA being a grab. She can’t juggle into it for damage like other characters so you’re forced to keep them on the ground. Edit: hold on I forgot to try some things. I’m pretty sure she can clear. Edit 2: Fuck 598 against Ryu. Guts is fucking her CA damage down to 47% lol
  23. Yeah Karin definitely can’t clear. I suspected as much but I’m in the lab right now and she can’t get much more than 500 from what I can find. Clearing 600 requires you to get around 450 (a bit less) before canceling into CA and she definitely can’t put that out without meter even in VT. One thing I’ve noticed with SFV is that a lot of the characters with high practical damage tend to struggle at the top end of impractical damage. Characters like Karin who can easily dumpster you for 300 on the ground easy actually can’t do much better than what they’re already getting.
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