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MEGA Elite
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Everything posted by Vhozite

  1. That’s because the first couple hits do almost no damage compared the the one big hit. It allows her to avoid more guts scaling. @Soneroi was doing all meter but no counter hits, but I suppose it doesn’t really matter
  2. Are there any characters who can do over 600 damage? I’m in the lab with Chun rn and most ive gotten so far is 578. I assume Abigail can clear, but anyone else?
  3. Oh yeah for sure it’s way cooler, which is why I preferred it at first. That is until I realized you basically never get to do the cool shit because the bar drains really fast and the VT doesn’t actually do much to help you get to the cool shit. You might get something cool off VTC but that’ll be scaled to shit. Shinryuken is kind of plain in comparison, but I don’t feel too bad because sucking up people into the fire from a mile say is funny every time lol. Im pretty sure Ken is mid or maybe low mid, but I haven’t followed him too closely. In fact I don’t know shit about the top tiers rn besides Seth getting everyone’s panties in a bunch. But for my purposes he’s fine. He’s got a DP, functional walkspeed, and functional VTs, fun combos, and a couple fun neutral tools. He’s pretty well rounded.
  4. Yeah his hados are actually pretty legit in VT1. They all knockdown and even combo from jabs. Pretty sure EX goes to plus 3 on block, so he can get cute with that too. I really don’t like VT1 tho. It’s nice having a real VTC and knockdown fireballs, but it’s 3 bars and drains really fast. For 3 bars I feel like it needs to do a lot more. Some plus frames on a special, some neutral bypass to help you get in, a decent mixup tool to open them, something. Almost every time I pick heat rush I force a VTC with and get one or two far KDs from hados I can’t capitalize on if I’m lucky. In fact the more I think about this VT the more it seems like Ryu’s VT1 but slightly worse and more expensive. Shinryuken gives way more bang for your buck imo. As soon as it’s loaded your opponent can basically never throw another fireball from anything closer than 3/4 screen without getting blown up. It can easily be confirmed into from, effectively making that button cancelable. And you can cancel into it from DP and hado to add on damage to combos. In a roundabout way it does basically everything VT1 does for less meter, and only costs you a more situational VTC.
  5. Yeah it’s +1 on block. Probably best used for making yourself safe like you say. Subconsciously I keep trying to play him like flashy Ryu.
  6. Yeah his buttons are definitely on the stubby side like the other shotos. He’s kinda like Kage where his buttons are pretty good inside their range, but you’re still gonna get annoyed fighting your Chun’s and Cammy’s. His has decent range and cancel options, so I tend to play ball with that and the most. His hits far away and leads to combos, but it’s one of those buttons that whiffs on crouches from max range, and the target combo followup is prone to whiffs from too far as well. Not something you can abuse against everyone, but in certain matchups it’s pretty potent as a whiff punish. He also has the same as half-dozen other characters...CC and safeish with spacing. Tbh I don’t use this too much because it’s slow and even with a CC the damage you get is mediocre. It is super easy to confirm into Shinryuken have all day to confirm the hit and cancel. Idk Ken seems like one of those characters where you really have to use every button to maximize his potential. Again against the more hardcore footsies characters it can be hard but just like Kage he only needs one good hit too put you on your toes. And at the end of the day he still has a fireball. Edit: I actually think the biggest issue I’m having with him is EX Hado. It doesn’t knock down and it surprises me every time I hit it. Half the time I throw it I feel like I wasted a bar.
  7. Ken isn’t S-tier or anything, but my favorite thing about his has to be his corner carry. Basically any touch into EX.Tatsu puts you to the wall from half stage. Same thing in his back throw. Eat that shit from mid stage and you’re cornered. That plus his good damage makes me feel like I’m always in it with him, even if I’m down to a few slivers of hp with no VT. All you need is one to put the other guy on the ropes lmao
  8. His only great tool is his fireball, so half the cast shitting out anti-fb tools definitely doesn’t help his cause. If he had great buttons that would be fine but his buttons are just ok. The rest of his tools are just ok or straight up bad. Taunt/Store VS’s on a character that always wants to be positioning or putting something on screen. Trash tier VTs in a game where characters like Urien and Ibuki exist. No 3f. Slow walkspeed, tall hitbox. Like he isn’t the worst character in the game but he’s down there. He has his fb and a couple cute built in kara-cancels, but that’s it. Edit: Volt said it better in fewer words. Dude is playing the opposite SFV’s meta lmao.
  9. Really? She is super solid (this season) without being degenerate. Game would be 100x better with more characters like her.
  10. That is not what I’m talking about and you know it. If you are reacting to throw whiff with with a 12f button you’d make more money trying to catch bullets with your super human reactions. But you’re not, you’re setting them up and hitting the button in anticipation of them throwing like literally everyone knows how to do.
  11. Scrub rant of the day: I hate how little recovery normal throws have. Maybe it’s just me but it feels impossible to consistently punish a whiffed throw even when it’s right in front of you. Most of the animations are relatively subtle and by the time you notice they whiffed, the other guy can hits his button. I get CH and it drives me up the fucking wall. On paper it doesn’t look that bad. Data says they are 24f total (5 start up, 3 active, 17 recovery). Basically a fast medium button. But then in an actual match I can almost never whiff punish it, especially looking out for all the other things that happen at that range. Maybe it’s online stuff, but idk /end rant
  12. Obviously this should be taken with a grain of salt coming from me, but lots of Nash’s are gimmicky bc a lot of the stuff he does is gimmicks. Not in that everything he does is fake, but some stuff is not as good as it looks and you can get far against people who don’t know or respect him too much. I can tell you right now I hit literally everyone I’ve fought here with fake dash in pressure that *looks* plus but is really minus. I’m not saying that to diss anyone either, it’s just certain things on Nash look like they need to be respected when it’s not always true. And since Nash is less common these days, it’s a lot easier to get by on people’s unfamiliarity. There is also a reason lots of Nash’s still backdash>medium scythe or open round start with medium scythe. That type of shit can get you farther than it should, then you fight someone better and you’re stuck flailing because you aren’t used to people responding to him appropriately.
  13. Karin is another character I enjoyed tonight, if only because of the “will I drop this combo” roulette 🤣
  14. I got bored flowcharting with Ibuki. She’s really good but felt repetitive. Everything combos into Raida, and you run the same 50/50 after basically every combo. Abuse VS and until you get VT...spin the wheel. I like her but playing her it feels like the match plays out the same way every time, on top of the fact you barely have to pay attention to the opponent. Might just be burned out but idk. I don’t and will never play Vega in SFV again under any circumstances. Playing him is straight masochism even when you win. I also dislike him for some of the same reasons I’m starting to not like play great the whole round and lose to one mistake because you have no defense. He has an invincible CA and a real VR, so he’s already better off than Claw, but his dogshit mobility puts you in situations where you cannot get away from the other guy, or even just space yourself decently. At this point I enjoy other characters more. I think I had the most fun playing Cammy, Ken, and Ryu tonight. Ryu has the fun parry mini game and cool as shit VT fireballs even if they aren’t great. Ken has long, big damage combos and a it’s fun to try an one-hit confirm. Cammy has amazing buttons, a very fun to use VT, and she can whiff punish anything from pretty far if you’re dialed it. All those things keep the game “fresh” during the match if you know what I mean. They also don’t auto lose to one knockdown.
  15. I really don’t know if I want to keep playing Nash. Just over half a dozen characters tonight and while I didn’t do great on everyone playing him was the only time I stopped having fun.
  16. Yeah it’s time for me to stop. I’m tired as fuck. ggs @FlyingVe
  17. So command dash just goes through her buttons?
  18. Idk about fireballs, but it has a lot of active frames, and it’s plus on block
  19. All combos bb Jesus Christ she hits like a train
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