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Everything posted by Vhozite

  1. Just because Disney had good financial reasons to shit on his character doesn’t mean I’m gonna be ok with them shitting on his character. Also I don’t believe for a second most of my issues with Finn aren’t just bad writing. China is just a convenient scapegoat. Even if it is all China money, they can get in line right behind Disney to suck my dick.
  2. Finn had the chance to be the most engaging character in modern Star Wars and they just turned him into a generic main character. Edit: I really wanted to like Finn too. He’s black and NOT Lando, which is 2 good marks in my book. But I cannot ignore his dogshit characterization iirc Poe is barely even a character in that movie
  3. My new laptop is supposed to arrive today, so hopefully be able to finally play SFV at a consistent 60FPS and my true potential will be unlocked 🤣
  4. Why do people say this. What redeeming qualities does this movie have? Spoilers for bchan
  5. Pretty sure Star Wars “suffered” from having different directors and a total lack of gameplan at the beginning. MCU was 20 movies meticulously detailed over a decade to become what they were today. It started with an out of the park Iron Man movie at a time when iirc Marvel was on the decline outside of Spider-Man movies. They had to get it right. Meanwhile Star Wars always prints money no matter the quality of the production (see the PT) and has been the most popular Sci-fi universe since its inception. Disney shoveled out the ST in like 3 years without a cohesive vision.
  6. Is Frost touch the counter? I jump at you constantly because you never use it.
  7. Oh yeah for sure. I meant can’t you skip the intro and win animations yourself?
  8. Can’t you skip that stuff yourself? Also if you want some advice you can try posting replays. People very well may have been playing their characters for years but if they are stuck in silver (or really any rank if you think about it) they have a fundamental flaw that can be exploited.
  9. To me the real sketchy ones are when it shows you 5 bars when you accept but then after the first set it’s down to 3 👀
  10. You’ve never seen Balrog corner to corner carry someone with VT?
  11. I don’t mind ring outs in just feels like a more extreme version of corner punishment anyway. And as said RO’ing ppl with big characters is fun as shit. But I’m not sure how that would work in a 2D fighter. Would you only fall off in the corner?
  12. I’ll give bro the benefit and say he meant to do EX.FB. It’s happened to me
  13. Perfect time to dip right when my shit starts getting rocked 🤣 gg @Darc_Requiem, tell your friend gg too if you can
  14. @Darc_Requiemgonna play like 45 min. Jeopardy comes on at the hour
  15. I play Nash but we all know I’m not loyal He can get 503/570 with VT1 and no jump in or crush counter cr.hp, xx L.SB xx f.VT, j.hp, cr.hp, xx H.SS, CA He can go higher with stocked VS2 scythes or VT2 Same combo with VS2 H.SA, M.SS xx CA ender is 525/590 If you are already in VT2 you can do something similar (stock VS2) cr.hp, xx L.SB xx VT>K xx VT>P, L.VS2.SS xx CA (526/596)
  16. This is my one thing I like about it. Stun gives you a reason to go for different combos, and when you actually get the dizzy it lets you do the cool but typically training mode only combos.
  17. QFT...everyone memes about Chun-Li (Captain America was another really bad one imo) but every aesthetic and stylistic choice made by the devs seemed as bad as possible. The characters look like they were from a remaster of a high end PS2 game. The UI looks straight ripped from a phone App Store. Even the sound design was terrible. You have to hear REALITY STONE! yelled by possibly the worst voice acting I’ve ever heard in a video game every time you use a corner stone mechanic. To this day it is the only game I’ve ever had to play on mute, just to preserve my sanity. Also I’ll say it...I was not a fan of the gameplay. It wasn’t bad at all, but I really wasn’t a fan of the new character swapping system. It let you do a lot of free form stuff but at the end of the day I don’t like being forced to switch characters when I just want an assist.
  18. Sure. I wasn’t actively looking for art tho...just something I stumbled upon while looking at something else.
  19. I have fun with the game in spurts, and I 100% enjoy playing people here on it. It’s just not a game where I’m looking to grind against 1000 online randoms a week to get to x rank or lab 2 hours a day to prep for EVO. I play mostly to beat people here, find the occasional tidbit of good info in the lab, and even now occasionally run a few sets against randoms. If it sounds like I’m not in love with the’s because I’m not lol. But I also haven’t loved a FG since my first few months/year of SF4, and at this point I play video games chasing that high again. It sucks because I’m not too fond of that game anymore. I’ve tried other games (MK11, GGxrd, BBCF, Injustice 2, DBFZ, I could continue) but they don’t hold my attention more than SFV. Whether that’s because I legit don’t like them, I’m just a capcuck like Cipher says is up in the air, or there is some other reason depends on the game. In fact SFV doesn’t have me enamored either...I play other non-FGs more than it these days. When another game comes along (FG or otherwise) that grabs my attention I’ll play it, but for now there isn’t much there giving me more enjoyment than SFV. It feels like it should be a low bar, but nothing has clicked so far.
  20. My hand is starting to hurt, so I’m not gonna play much more, but a couple things Most cancels into the VT ball are true blockstrings. So for example if Blanka does rolling attack xx VT on block, there isn’t any room to mash. The exception is vertical rolling attack. Canceling into the VT follow-up leaves a gap for every version that you can DP through. Be careful trying to DP it, since he can cancel backwards to safety while you go sky high and in a lot of cases it whiff completely. Another thing with up ball is that (and someone correct me if I’m wrong) cancels into VT from the light and medium version are prone to whiff if you just stay still, but VT from the heavy version will hit you (and can cross up). Most (all?) VT cancels from EX balls are plus oB. VT from every version of rainbow ball is plus. Light rolling attack into VT is plus, M is even, and H looks minus but safe.
  21. I think you’re misunderstanding why I care about how good or bad characters are. In a complete vacuum I don’t actually care how good or bad characters are...but in practice bad characters are not fun to play. My favorite character is Vega and I was perfectly capable with him but even when you win playing him was not fun because of his numerous weaknesses. It’s not fun dominating a character for 80% of the match then losing to one knockdown or VTC because you have no defensive options. It’s not fun watching your poke animations whiff through a character model then you see the other guy whiff punish that same ghost hitbox animation. It’s not fun getting jumped on constantly because because all your AA’s are slow/situational. Etc I could continue. I like Vega’s design, but his weaknesses making playing him stressful or unfun. I didn’t stop playing after arbitrarily designating him low tier. It’s the same thing with Nash, Kage, or anyone else. The things that make them bad are why I don’t enjoy them. You’re making it sound like I hop characters because senpai Daigo/Bonchan/Punk tell me who to play when that is not the case and I’ve said as much multiple times, including in this very thread. Also, with all due respect, you have literally no idea how good or bad I am at this game. I’m not Justin Wong but this is not GG where I basically know nothing about anything. Edit: HC also makes a really good point that I forgot to touch on...most SFV characters are boring. I haven’t played a single character in this game that I didn’t get bored of eventually. I don’t like SFV enough to get gud anymore. I’m just fooling around looking for characters I enjoy in a series i generally enjoy.
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