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MEGA Elite
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Everything posted by Vhozite

  1. I’m never using Falke again. Like trying to play with no medium buttons
  2. I’m really not sure how I feel about this character. All her moves are slow as shit and she has no offense
  3. Sorry about calling me a nerd? Despite how it may seem I’m not THAT easy to trigger XD
  4. Definitely watching this before bed or tomorrow morning 👍🏽
  5. Rude af Let me feel good about my impractical nonsense 😭
  6. LMAO what is that gif from? Fuck I’d pay too dollars for an EX boom that knocked down
  7. Don’t rush for me. I’m in training mode doing training mode tings
  8. Holy shit Youngboy is trash. How do mfs listen to this.Sounds like trap for the short bus. His sound is definitely unique tho, so props, but I can’t listen to this.
  9. I’m around if anyone wants games Unrelated edit: holy shit Ken’s hair is terrible. Even the color is horrible
  10. Erron has probably the most obnoxious throw animation in any FG I’ve played. It’s like a fucking looney toons gag reel that you know is supposed to piss off the person getting thrown. Kotal’s amp’ed grab is definitely another ridiculous one, but I played him strictly to troll people with grabs and sun ray damage anyway.
  11. Obviously the whole picture is great but I love the earrings. Easily my favorite part of the picture...great little detail that makes or breaks a character.
  12. I remember going back to Injustice 2 like a year after I dropped it and frankly I was repulsed. The characters felt insanely stiff and slow. Not slow like “man this is a methodical game”, slow like “fuck I can’t move everything is so something wrong with my controller?”. Also visually the game has not aged well at all. But getting to the meat, I was mixed on the actual gameplay, specifically the meter system. You build meter slow as shit in that game. The overwhelming majority of it comes from dying. Like you’re kicking their ass down to 50% and you’ve built one bar while they have 3. It gets to a point where it feels like your character is stuck with the basics while the other guy gets to play his full character. The rest of the game was pretty good, but that one thing turned me off. It created this feeling where you are in training mode and you’re finding things you’ll rarely be able to do in a match if it costs more than one bar. Made me feel stifled.
  13. Are they making big gameplay changes in ultimate? Someone told me they were but every time I try to look and see what they are it’s just stuff about the new characters and brutalities. @EvilCanadian
  14. Yeah Karin is pretty execution heavy compared to the rest of the cast. It’s one of those things where if I was doing this since day 1 I’m 100% sure I could play her but I don’t really have that enthusiasm about her. She has a few things about her besides the execution I’m not a fan of so I pass on her. What I do really like about her is how she can dump damage on you from basically any touch. She was definitely one of the standouts from my quick test yesterday. Just a bit of work and that girl hits like a gorilla. I was trying poison for the first time yesterday and I really like her kit. Her aesthetic really isn’t for me tho.
  15. Is MK still not worth it to get on PC? Thinking about giving it another try but obviously not if it’s behind on patches and stuff.
  16. Karin is one of the harder characters to play imo. She’s really good and satisfying to you but also not for me lol
  17. Does Menat typically use VS1 or VS2 outside of fireball matchups?
  18. Was going between computers this weekend and haven’t been listening to much new stuff. New music tho Reddit link has singles too Album wise we got drops from: * Busta Rhymes, * Trippie Redd (this one is bad according to a friend who is really into him. Too many features) * Common * King Von * Omarion (had no idea this guy was still around) * Outkast w/ a deluxe edition of Stankonia
  19. Gonna be honest bro almost every time you post I gotta watch your avatar for like 5 seconds to figure out who you are
  20. Thanks! I had fun, tho I’d like to think I could be better if I didn’t hoe around constantly. But then I get bored using one character too much. I like that you can cancel Ryu’s VS2 into Trigger but for the life of me I can’t figure out how to actually use it.
  21. I do my best not to watch porn anymore, but when I did I always searched for the stepmom shit because that was the best way to find the good milf videos 👌🏽. You could just type in milf but that’s one of those tags you see under literally every video so you gotta narrow it down 🤣
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