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MEGA Elite
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Everything posted by Vhozite

  1. Was never on my radar. Always assumed they were generic action movies
  2. As someone who really likes knives Rambo looks sick can’t even lie.
  3. That’s my one thing about SA...y’all got all the big ass bugs
  4. Sure just invite when you are ready edit: 3 bars...
  5. Oh ok I missed the breakaway when I watched it the first time. Makes perfect sense now.
  6. Did they change the shadow kicks KB requirement? I thought you needed two in a row for that.
  7. I was gonna mention that...if you would’ve told me Xbox would get mod support I never would’ve made the switch lol
  8. I know other people hate it, but I love flashy pop off combos like this. It’s actually one of the things I look for in characters. Menat is definitely too galaxy brain for me tho lmao
  9. Yeah modding (Skyrim) is the entire reason I got into PC gaming and the only reason I stay. I’m playing a modded ~15yo game as we speak
  10. To me it’s the same as anything else when you add more complexity. You get a lot more options and features, but also more things that can go wrong.
  11. It’s about time you joined the cool kids club edited bc that acronym might get my door kicked in
  12. Yeah pretty sure the quiz is a work in progress. A lot of the questions are weirdly specific or worded in a way that lean towards certain answers. Laura and Urien were tied for top spot but they were each only like 4%.
  13. 32 GB of RAM? You making deep fake porn of Halle Berry?
  14. I’m taking this SFV pick your main character quiz and one of the questions asks about your favorite of the answers is “muscle power” lmao My top result was Laura tied with Urien Edit: link
  15. Birdie is really neat. Only reason I don’t like him is how he looks I’m shallow 😭
  16. im looking at this laptop, and it says it has an available hard drive bay. So I can add another SSD if I want?
  17. If you scroll down there should be an option to turn off vertical sync Also make sure SFV it set to use you dedicated graphics
  18. What do you think the “B” in that code stands for?
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