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MEGA Elite
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Everything posted by Vhozite

  1. Yeah stun is a very “win-more” mechanic and probably shouldn’t exist. The only thing I like about it is that it’s another metric that helps differentiate moves/combos. Like in an ideal world you have something that optimal damage, another option for optimal stun, then optimal oki, et. But if they axed stun tomorrow I wouldn’t care.
  2. I really want to talk about this...we are at 40 something characters again and fuck it feels impossible to have good matchup knowledge. There are a handful you’re always gonna know, but then there is the other 20 characters you rarely see and you get hit by gimmicks all day as you guess the frames on things. It also feels like it’ll be this way for the foreseeable future, since money from DLC characters is probably the main source of post launch revenue
  3. This is a hard disagree from me. VT shit is definitely too strong, but more HP just gives ppl more opportunities to faceroll the controller until they get a good hit. I’m already running into so many more magic pixel situations because of that extra 25 HP many got last season. This would just make it so it’s even more necessary to get a jump in or big VT pop off combo to actually do anything. Also I always hate when ppl say SFV’s damage is high, because it feels like there needs to be an asterisk there. The overwhelming majority of characters only do good damage with VT or full meter. Outside of that the game is full of weak ass pokes and special moves. Also thanks for the Birdie suggestion. I’ll try him next time I play.
  4. not sure how this has so few views. This song is straight heat. I remember showing my old girl thing song and deep down I knew it wasn’t gonna work when she wasn’t feeling this. How do you hear Cass going off and not love it...
  5. Only thing is that my external HD is plugged in and the light on it is flashing. Is it still “safe” to hit the red button?
  6. My internal HD is 800GB iirc, with around half of that being used. And yeah everything I care about is backed up on my external HD
  7. I know it’s not technically a tech talk thing, but I need help with my computer. Yesterday I set it to do a memory check and chkdsk on restart. Turn it on today and it was fine running the memory test fine so I left, but it’s been on a blank screen for about 9 hours now. Is it safe to turn the power off? During the test it specifically said not to do this, and I know not to do it during chkdsk, but I have no indication that it’s doing anything.
  8. Got a random DC because “my LAN cable disconnected” (it didn’t), and my connections have been in the gutter ever since. Also Jesus the grass stage is AIDS
  9. How do you deal with Alex EX stomp? Its plus on block, fast as shit, and recovers almost the second he touches the ground
  10. Tbh he’s one of the reasons this afternoon has me reconsidering Nash. I cannot cope with the zombie walk speed.
  11. ggs bro. Nice to see a new face He’s a Ryu player that handed me an L
  12. I always thought it was flattering when gay dudes hit on me. I’m straight as an arrow but a compliment is a compliment in my book.
  13. My go to is xx L.LL, s.lp xx L.SBK 🙂 Just kidding, please don’t ever attempt that as a’s 100% unnecessary 😆 Really as you said it’s situational, since Chun has different options and some things that will drop due to push back. It’s suboptimal, but my go to light confirm is usually **, cr.lp xx Medium or EX.LL** It starts with a 3f low, it’s confirmable, very easy to hit, and if you burn meter on EX it knocks down. I know it’s a FG term but this combo is legit my bread n butter with her. Another easy one I like is xx M.LL, xx M.LL. The lightning legs both move forward a tad so it’s less likely to drop, and it does decent damage. And of course there is cr.lp, stuff. If you think the will whiff you can always just cancel from the into Heavy LL.
  14. Lol and Canadian having more subscribers than them too
  15. Ok can someone explain why reacting to a dash with a throw is impossible? I don’t understand how I can see a dash coming, hit throw, then get CH by a fucking sweep. It’s not my reactions, because I can jab them just fine. Only when I try to throw them does it always fail somehow.
  16. I hate that after all this time I still struggle with super motion on player 1 side
  17. @Mattatsu this is, xx M.SBK right? Best advice is to hit early then delay cancel into SBK. Not late late but just enough to give you a couple extra frames to charge. You can actually cancel into H.SBK but the timing is really tight and not something I would ever try online.
  18. On god has anyone ever been to Walmart when they had more than two registers open?
  19. Out of curiosity, is Jam any good in Xrd. I see she has a storing mechanic similar to Juri and I’m curious if for losing momentum/giving up damage the same way Juri does.
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