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MEGA Elite
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Everything posted by Vhozite

  1. Ok last one ggs @Yiceman @Mattatsu @Hawkingbird
  2. I’m probably gonna skate after I lose. I’m hungry as shit and it’s late
  3. Came hella close to getting exposed as a fraud Laura
  4. Nah gotta use default in that ugly ass red and brown color everyone got for CE
  5. Does anyone know how this VS2 works? Because I’m tired of being CH
  6. So i've been working on this all day I went ahead and tried to document the damage every character gets off their best/longest buffered medium button. My goal was to find who more or less gets the best conversions in footsies. The results aren't perfect but they are good enough for my purposes. Just sharing in case anyone else is curious. The characters in red I had trouble with. If anyone here uses them and can tell me a better combo or whatever id appreciate it. Right now its just meterless and 1 EX bar. May or may not add VT in the future
  7. I think this has more to do with Seth being the hot new trap on the block than Cammy being bad
  8. This is my 1 single complaint about my new laptop. When the fans are all the way up it’s insanely loud. It’s almost comical how loud it is lmao
  9. Can Bison combo after EX.Flame? It really looos like it’s supposed to lead to something but I couldn’t find anything
  10. Edit: scratch that...hand is starting to hurt. might play later
  11. Why are Cody and Honda bad? I don’t know enough about them to know why.
  12. Lol that clip is a perfect example of why we need more DPs
  13. I’d bet all my teeth the majority of players do not check the other persons resources.
  14. Jesus Christ how many realities ahead do you have to be for that read
  15. Funny enough the first time I heard this advice was for basketball. Don’t watch the the other guy. Ball watching is a great way to get burned on defense. Never thought specifically to apply it to SF, but it’s one of those things I slowly learned to do because my only goal is to blow up mistakes.
  16. The ex-stormtrooper thing is my biggest grievance with him. It’s a cool backstory that could really differentiate him from other characters as well as put a “face” to the people on the other side as anything other than generic planet killing bad guys. Spoilered for bchan
  17. Yeah this is a pretty important thing. The other day I was fighting this Bison that was all gimmicks. Every stock burned immediately on EX Blast, lots of raw DR, full screen VS2, etc. No “fundamentals” to speak of. The thing is that I was losing to it because: 1. I didn’t expect him to keep being dumb (lol) 2. I was letting him run his game while waiting for him to hang himself. Everything Bison does it safe, plus, or a spacing trap i was waiting a long ass time and getting rolled. I was at the last round about to get 2-0’ed thinking to myself the classic “how am I losing to this guy...he’s flowchart trash”. At some point tho i realized I was playing right into his strategy and I changed tactics. Got way more aggressive and in his face...not even trying to rush him down but just throw him off balance by setting the pace. Not only did it work, this guy absolutely crumbled. Dude had zero fundamentals and it showed. No defense, shit footsies, and absolutely no ability to make adjustments. Won the set and the next ones after so decisively he started denying runbacks lol. The funny thing is that every time I saw him he had more points. A lot of people online are like that. Not playing the exact same way necessarily, but they have their one flowchart strategy that they either can’t or won’t deviate from too much. They’re playing their character and running their game while not really paying attention to you.
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