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MEGA Elite
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Everything posted by Vhozite

  1. Another Friday, another list of releases for the week TI and Benny the Butcher were mentioned here but there is other notable stuff like Black Thought, Gucci Mane, and PND. Good spread of singles too.
  2. I think that SF4 jabs are pretty dumb, but I also like that it leads to more options than you get in SFV. The latter game is too far in the other direction where most characters get jab jab xx light special for 121 damage Edit: Christ some of these animations are terrible Edit 2: on the one hand I’m not really feeling this game, but on the other hand evil Ryu is everything I want in a character
  3. I don’t think I understand what you are saying. You guys are complaining about jab combos doing low damage but also that they link into heavy buttons for good damage? Also if jabs link to heavier attacks why would you ever jab more than once or twice to confirm? Two hit confirms are pretty easy no?
  4. You guys are complaining about jab combos doing low damage but don’t all the equivalent combos in SFV do less damage? Edit: I’m almost certain 5 has more aggressive damage scaling as well
  5. I actually don’t have (playable) internet right now. Maybe tonight Besides I’m months out of practice, and even then I’m fresh meat XD
  6. Xrd is actually another game I wouldn’t mind playing with ppl here. Idk how to figure your stick issue tho 🤷🏽‍♂️
  7. I am, but idk about anyone else Fuck why do SF games not give the option to turn off negative edge. That is the one thing I prefer in NRS games control wise...the option to turn off negative edge is a godsend
  8. Omg jab combos into fireball yaaas Also they special moves do big boy damage. Evil Ryu heavy DP does 160 alone. basic s.hp xx H.DP is 260 and it feels so good
  9. I figured it out. I was changing the buttons in the wrong controller config. I somehow knew i was overlooking something dumb. What threw me off is that the first config was swapped in the same way my controller was working, but that wasn’t the right one lol
  10. The Steam controller settings look normal. It’s just that in game r1/right bumper is still mapped to PPP and I can’t figure out how to change it. Can’t remember if this was a game I needed a third party program for controls
  11. Ok so I got SF4 to work, but now I can’t figure out how to rebind the controls. The heavy punch and PPP are swapped and changing it in the key bindings didn’t actually fix it
  12. Jesus wtf I got SF4 to work, turned it off so I could run to grab a bite to eat and now it’s back to now working 🤦🏽‍♂️
  13. See I really want to like Necalli too. The savage/animalistic aesthetic, the huge dreadlocks that unlock with a super Saiyan style transformation, the permanent VT. The potential is right there. Yet you play him in SFV and he ended up as one of the blandest, most boring characters in SF history. I honestly want to see him in another game it so Capcom can take another crack at making him the warrior god he deserves to be.
  14. Lol Boon is just leaning into the meme at this point. Rain looks really cool, but I hate how I have to watch these trailers and think: 1. Which of these moves aren’t in a tournament variation 2. Which of these moves can’t I use together.
  15. @M A R T I A NI got SF4 to work by just doing good ole verifying integrity of the game files. Didn’t appear to actually download anything but whatever 🤷🏽‍♂️ Edit: Also I think done using any character in SFV besides Nash. I enjoy other characters but the last couple times I played I was really dissatisfied with my performance.
  16. Execution is one of those things that usually just pushes me further in the direction I’m already leaning instead of being an important factor. I find hands/mash motions hard to use and I absolutely hate hold button moves, but if I otherwise love a character I’d overlook those things. Karin is sorta in that area for me. I don’t like dealing with JFT, but I’m also not really passionate about the character to begin so it becomes another reason to avoid her. Edit: SF4 was basically my real jump into FGs and I learned how to play charge just so I could use Vega.
  17. Nah. Gonna take another stab tomorrow. All the solutions I found online didn’t work
  18. I’m trying to launch SF4 now and I’m getting nothing but black screen. Hopefully it’s a simple fix. @Illwill88i play who I like that isn’t total garbage. If I’m just fucking around I’ll use anyone but say I’m picking up a new game I usually avoid low tier characters. Mind you I don’t do this on purpose. But playing a few games or looking through the roster you definitely get a sense of who is at least decent and who is bad. The low tier characters usually feel like dogshit and it makes me not want to use them. So I’m like half a tier whore I guess. As long as a chat doesn’t feel bottom of the barrel compared to the rest and l like them I’ll use them with no issue.
  19. Yeah I’m still hoping for Baiken but if not I got this dude or Ram depending on who’s gameplay I like more. Giovanni is on my radar too
  20. you already know to DM the link if you find em
  21. Man if lil Timmy is old enough to talk shit he’s old enough to take it idgaf lol. Actually reminds me of a story my old manager told me. Her son was playing Fornite and some kid was talking shit to him, so she got on the mic and told the kid “be quiet before I come over there and suck your dads dick and become your new mommy”. Among other things lol Apparently she shut him up and made him cry 😂
  22. Lol does she have new nudes out there? Girl used to be a whole stripper.
  23. Lol I still have it installed. That’s convenient
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