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Everything posted by OPTIMUS124

  1. Why that trailer had me shed a man tear when "Duel of the Fates" started playing 🤣
  2. Y'all acting like people are getting sex changes like a going through a car wash . . . I'm with the fact that this should be an adult decision. Simultaneously, there is a ton of counseling done prior to (if not more than any other medical procedure).
  3. Which is why it's dumb I guess is this a question of consent by the child or an adult imposing this? One reason
  4. Oh I remember that mission. Top tier fuckery 🤣. I did a really good scan of the area before jumping into the battle. There was one place under the hill you could scurry to that was completely concealed. For that battle, the stealth valor skill and the braced shot did wonders (adds 200%damage while concealed). Throw on some stealth damage coils and you're in one shot kill territory. I think I was around level 35 when I did that one. I'm going to complete all of the side quests and then move to finish up. Honestly the only reason I progressed through some of the story is because some of the side quests were locked behind story components. EDIT - That's not to say that I'm not enjoying the story, but I like to do all the side quests first. It's even better this go around because the world around you does change as you complete certain actions. I appreciate the fact that there are many playstyles in this title. You can just walk up to the camp and go full Rambo or go into Predator mode and just pick them off one by one. Also, you want some good ass backup in this game, override one of these: Level up the Machine skill tree and set it to aggressive. With all the perks, it's a hard one to kill. In a rebel camp (especially the acid one) it's pretty much "set it and forget it".
  5. Hit the level cap in Horizon Forbidden West. I've got about five story missions till I hit the endgame. The last couple of story missions have been a walk in the park 🤣. I've just been hunting some of the larger machines and doing the appropriate upgrades. I already got through half of the Arena matches. Gear and Valor Surges can make or break a hunt.
  6. The HVAC repair guy stopped by and we were having a chat about this. Even though he said things things could have been handled different by the POTUS, why do people think that an industry that makes billions in profit is gonna take a hit since the demand is going up with the same supply.
  7. and the fact that lawmakers see this as reasonable is . . . how shall we say . . . "DUMB AS FUCK!"
  8. I ate McDonalds last night. It was both good and terrible 🤣.
  9. I'll say that it takes a more serious look at the characters involved. Everyone did great work, but Paul Dano does a hell of a villain. Agreed. This was a Neo-noir crime drama that just happened to have a guy doing superhero cosplay. I'm not sure if there are any car people in the thread, but seeing all of the "components" (e.g., heads, crankshaft, rocker arms) on the workbench with occasionally being worked on brought warm feelings to my heart.
  10. If not only for the fact that US has the one of the most powerful militaries, we have the most guns per capita with around 120 per 100 citizens. Source:
  11. I joined their channel really early (around 2K subs). To see how far they've come is pretty awesome.
  12. Saw the movie. I thought it was good. The sum of its parts definitely outweigh some of its flaws. Everyone acted their ass off. Anyone that calls Pattinson "Sparkles" at this point. He was great. I think he carries "Fear" better than those that have been in the role previously. Solid recommend. There were two moments that I laughed at that shouldn't have been funny. 1. A riddle 2. Green "tea" You'll get it when you see it 🤣
  13. I'm going to see it tomorrow and my brother out west will be seeing it tonight. I'll report back (sans spoilers of course)
  14. I read a comment stating "hoteps are just black neckbeards" . I couldn't stop laughing at this parallel.
  15. I wonder what's the prediction accuracy percentage on the Simpsons.
  16. True, but it also punishes those who do agree with his stance. This may galvanize the people into getting him to chill on this. Exactly. He really thought it was gonna be easy mode. Crisis averted.
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