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Everything posted by OPTIMUS124

  1. In an empathetic sense, I understand. However, I am no where close to saying that I feel sorry for him. This I agree with. If it was at or above his weight class, it'd have just been a shouting match. Imagine if this was Chappelle or Eddie Murphy. They'd been launching nukes at him the rest of the night. It'll be a while. Also, he'll likely get a ban for several years (if not lifetime). Love my ass. . . That's some BS people tout when they want to be nasty and bypass consequences. I'm sick of it. EDIT - Reminds of when people's parents said "This is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you". So whipping someone's ass shows you how much you care.
  2. This is truly reaching around his back to scratch your elbow. Mad at everyone making jokes but if love makes you do all the crazy, I guess that's what Jada's position was with the red table talk. Then the whole "devil made me do it" excuse is utter BS. Bruh you were in your feelings because someone stripped you of your manhood, now you need to "fight" to prove a point. As a side, I can't believe people are really doing this.
  3. People need to cease that shit. It was a crass joke given the circumstances. However, this was not the way. Sure, I'd have words (a stern warning) before even getting that far. Will's win is going to be overshadowed by this moment.
  4. Yeah, people are on the virtue train about it. Love is all fine and good, but you slapped the taste out of someone's mouth. A "my bad" would have been good enough. How did this man apologize to everyone and then forget to just call that out.
  5. Pepper is a spice though. EXTREMELY mild, but it is a spice. Ketchup tho . . .
  6. Unorthodox yes. Practical . . . to be debated. I find it hard to disagree with one of the best comedians out right now. Champagne of Victory 🤣
  7. Social media is becoming worse and worse each day. I don't care what side of the bridge you are on Dem vs. Rep, V8 vs. EV, Pineapple vs no pineapple; it all devolves into a personal attack. People need to stop making the things they like a core pillar of their identity.
  8. I was team "F THIS" since it was announced. The marketing for it has been all over the place. Especially since they are trying to make this a "will he, won't he" set up regarding his karma gauge. At least Tom Hardy nailed Venom as a character. This just doesn't seem right. Leto is just gonna make it hard on himself to break into the comic book space. First as "Trap Joker" and now this. I doubt there will be a third chance.
  9. Looking at showtimes in the area and nothing is coming up. EDIT - Is this irony? 🤣
  10. Man, I'm really trying to figure out where to watch "Everything Everywhere All at Once".
  11. I had the TR/Generations set and glad I sold them. I got a decent penny for them. I'm certain now you're lucky to get anything knowing that all three will be coming out within the next year.
  12. G1 to a fault. I really wish we'd go back to the day where the mainline wasn't going for G1 2.0.
  13. Awesome! This is a genre of game that I enjoy but I'm honestly not all that great at. Ikaruga (Gamecube) was the first one that I really latched on to.
  14. Which is crazy because it's a really solid game in its own right. Zero Dawn came out the week after Nier Automata. Since it's P* . . . I didn't get on HZD till April - May
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