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Everything posted by OPTIMUS124

  1. Starting to round out that S1 Autobot shelf (officially)
  2. Agreed. The physical capacity is one part, the other is learning how to do one. Then it's just repeating the task at hand.
  3. If it is, sure. If not sure. They cam pretty much do whatever as long as the narrative allows for it.
  4. Dude pulled the asshole card from the deck quite often . . . but I don't think he was some vile retch spewing hate. People really need to chill.
  5. That was a ha huge mistake on their part. Lupita or Letitia?
  6. There hasn't been another movie I have watched to date that made me question why I spent less money on a movie ticket. There is one thing that has me concerned about the Dr. Strange saga at this point. Remember I think that. . .
  7. Yeah, I've been flagging that shit for the past two days. It's terrible.
  8. I liked it, but one of the plot points felt a little bit of everywhere. Raimi brought his charm into the story for sure. Personally I enjoyed the first movie more. However I can see why people are so enamoured. I do agree that things took a turn in some unexpected ways and I appreciate that.
  9. Can't disagree here. I personally felt that Oscar Isaac's charisma and performance carries the show.
  10. The frustrating thing about the Moon Knight wrap up is the post-credits scene is core to the story.
  11. This right here is exactly why I can't say it's an all. I have "play cousins" that are like sisters.
  12. Does it happen, absolutely; but I have to disagree in the "all" sense. In many cases it's simply because during the period mentioned, men and women didn't co-exist in the same spaces for similar reasons.
  13. I saw "The Northman" tonight. I enjoyed it, but it took me about 1/2 the movie's run time and a couple hours to digest it to come to that realization.
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