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Everything posted by OPTIMUS124

  1. I just saw this come up in my feed. Is this a new joke that there's sexual tension between Maverick and Iceman 🤣?
  2. He pointed out a fallacy that you made in constructing your argument. This will help you understand why it was a bad posture. EDIT - Honestly, I miss the work PBS was doing. Another great one just for better discourse A subsequent playlist. We saw a lot of these during election season.
  3. I don't think you understood the point of his post/response.
  4. The movie was pretty much has a similar parallel to "The Batman"; vengeance is a thing, but there's more. Pretty solid analysis of movie posters over time
  5. Finished "Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy " Story - I was quite impressed. The game surprised me that that it fleshed out all of the main characters story. The beats around loss hit me a bit harder than I expected, especially towards the end of the game. Gameplay - It's solid, but after you pretty much master the tactical options between the team, you pretty much have it covered. While it was fun, I don't see myself playing through it again. I can honestly see why the game got such high praise and certainly worthy of your time.
  6. I'm so glad I watched it when I did. People out here ready to be "first".
  7. "Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers" is the spiritual sequel to "Who Framed Roger Rabbit". It's a parody of a lot of things and there is one cameo that was a shock. It will easily elevate this to have a cult following for that one alone.
  8. Bruh . . . Justice Department even listed it to make sure you know what's up 🤣. My man trying to mess up that nostalgia bag. and I just bought one of these to boot
  9. The bolded section makes me wonder; why doesn't Marvel just drop the movies all together and just make everything a series?
  10. I'm pretty sure he will be in the director's chair for one of these series. Let him gain rep and then formally announce a new story.
  11. Add that to the fact that he created one of the highest rated episodes of TV drama ever made (Breaking Bad: Ozymandias). Regarding the post; I agree, especially with what's bolded. He deserves an honest second shot.
  12. What's funny is that my wife wanted to watch "Turning Red" that same evening. She wasn't aware that a "blood moon" was happening that evening.
  13. Disney hasn't removed his page from the Star Wars public releases yet. They did that with the GoT team. I'm not saying that it will happen, but I certainly won't call it yet. Add that to the fact that Filoni and Johnson are cool, he's going to have some sort of hand in Star Wars even if it's not a full fledged trilogy. EDIT - In that article, KK states the position that recasting a role isn't a great idea and and they need to move on.
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