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Everything posted by OPTIMUS124

  1. . . . . then you realize it's "The Book of Boba Fett" 🤣 That last one is something that could have been developed that actually ties to the character. . . but a las
  2. They came a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong way. In many cases it was barely noticeable.
  3. How long do you think it'll be till we find an Infinity stone in the Star Wars universe?
  4. She was certainly wrong for what she said, but wasn't expecting a suspension.
  5. This seems less like the The Book of Boba Fett and more like a gap filler of reasons. The first 3 eps got me into it and this now just feels like they got bored with the toys and want to play with the other stuff in the chest. This tweet is damning and relevant
  6. I really can't wait till we get away. It's a solid bridge, but a lot of heavy lifting . . . Maybe it'll turn around but this is becoming frustrating.
  7. It's that time of year! Happy Black History Month For starters, the Detroit Lions just made this change on their FB page.
  8. Honestly this seems more like that than anything else. However, we only saw three seconds. Now, if it was like that for about 10 minutes. . . .
  9. If she's wearing a pants suit, is that self-deprecating? Seriously though this is the pic. Lets look at this closer . . . Oh it's for Disneyland. . . . PARIS IT'S NOT EVEN FOR DISNEY IN THE US! People really want to be mad about things to be mad. Bringing it back to Transformers, you know why a number of people don't care for the Transformers 4 version of Optimus Prime? It's not recognizable as Optimus Prime. The Window pecs and grill abs are pretty much a visual motif for the character. Disney is all about brand recognition. I highly doubt that they'd do a change since the marketing machine has worked well for over half a century. On top of that, it's a very drab design compared to the standard version of the character. It's much harder to kill something that only has 5 points of articulation 🤣
  10. I really wonder about the people who complain about this stuff. Fox is all up in arms about it yet at the same time haven't bought a single thing Minnie in literal decades. I'm a die hard Transformers fan and the figures that they put out for kids now are downright TRASH! Simultaneously, I don't buy any of them. It ain't for me. Trust me, if it's a bad move, they'll know it through earnings calls.
  11. Oh I am certain it will. I just feel like they smashed this season together just to get us to play with old toys with new accessories.
  12. Exactly this. and for that entire arc with the Tuskens to just go up in smoke was a real let down. Again, the show is just "alright". I feel more meh about it than The Mandalorian. Mainly due to some of the lore being expanded upon. This isn't really doing anything interesting. Honestly, the show should have just been everything in the flashbacks.
  13. This is honestly why I feel that the other show was the original idea for the character but they didn't want to leave canon treatment as a talking point.
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