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Everything posted by OPTIMUS124

  1. Source:
  2. People who do this don't understand what the scientific process is. Part of the process is using new information to better inform. It seems like if new info comes out, it's treated as all of it being wrong. That said, if it's verifiable, then it points closer to true than the feels.
  3. Making sure Pusha-T don't have any more ammunition 🤣 Either it'll be good or terribad. There isn't even a good reason to do this.
  4. In the first movie, the Morpheus interrogation scene is what made Agent Smith. To see his tone change as he dives into confessing his hate for the species simultaneously showing how "human" he is was great.
  5. I need to rewatch to previous three Matrix movies. That said, the final fight came up on my feed. I swear the score adds layers to the tension in this fight. I'm surprised Smith isn't talked about as one of the best villains of our time. In that role, Weaving brought it every time he was on screen.
  6. I'm cool with fan-service done right. It's when you have a thing in the thing to remind you that we remembered that thing is what annoys me.
  7. I am not saying that we should say we should trade lives, but there is risk associated with any medication that is taken. Also, do we even know if it is the COVID vaccine used as the example here?
  8. If this is true, then the studio should kick rocks on that one. I didn't mind the new take, but it would have drove it home soooooooooooooooooooooo much better. The clips felt so on the nose where I wanted to roll my eyes. It was a ROTJ: Blu-ray Edition "No" moment. Show me vs. tell me.
  9. Interesting perspective vid on what it would take to energize the world using solar. I want to dive deeper on this. It seems like there is a possibility to move in this direction but you know. . .
  10. The action sequences in this movie are refried ass. You would think there would be something decent somewhere, but it isn't. I believe this is why people are so taken about it. It is several steps down from what the movie has done. It's also shot poorly. This feels like a modern "Borne" film than a Matrix movie during those parts. I honestly believe that if the action was on par to the other films with a better sense of cinematography, it'd be a different conversation. At the same time, this movie also made a legitimate sequel where it honors everything in the previous movies made legitimate sense for how the world was at the time. The world building stuff it top-notch. There wasn't a "somehow Palpatine returned" or "it's just a bigger Death Star" moment. You actually have a progression of the universe and makes sense as to why this movie exists. The meta narrative helped bring it together. I really wanted to love this movie. It could easily have been a contender for best sequel "reboot" ever done. It's probably one of the most self aware movies I've seen and at the same time fails at doing one of the things that it's known for. The story is there but Lana needs to have some help in the visuals if this is to continue this way.
  11. Watched The Matrix: Resurrections. I didn't hate it, but didn't love it either. For me it comes off as a earnest trolling that is also a legitimate sequel. Within the first 10 minutes you get a sign that says "For those that like to eat shit". I knew not to take it too seriously after that. The exchange between Tom and his boss was the nail in the coffin. Having said that, I think it was trying to say something about the film making process and how stories continue. At least all wasn't for not (coughFORCEAWAKENScough). To be honest, the action scenes bored me.I was much more engaged in the world when someone wasn't trying to kill the other person.
  12. Humans are inherently lazy, which is why (relative to the animal kingdom) we are the apex species on the planet. The fruits born of "technology" are "do thing but easier". When managing projects, this is my personal mantra to remembering the human factor: Why run, when you can walk, Why walk when you can stand, Why stand when you can sit, Why sit when you can lie. People are going to choose whatever way mitigates entropy and achieves the desired outcome.
  13. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest. All the points you mentioned gave me the same vibe. Also, kudo to the fact that Boba Fett is now more menacing without the dented helmet.
  14. Scrolled through the thread and saw the discussion about settlements and the Floyd family. One thing to note is that even though it's not taxed as income, if you have a lawyer, you still them. Depending on the agreement, I've seen it as high as 40%.
  15. The Transformers Theme . . . but with a twist (mirrored from Weibo).
  16. There are a few things I'm looking for. Also didn't realize that this company is in the Raleigh area. Supposedly they are opening up a store here.
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