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Everything posted by Volt

  1. Bro, Murata is a lunatic. OPM looks insane. DB with that kind of quality would be unbelievable. I had hope while it was only in the Moro arc, but now that it popped up again? 😭
  2. The heat you're feeling isn't the sun, scoundrel! Atone for your sins!
  3. If T7 can't have rollback, it's time to introduce that game to the bushes. Bamco is pretty much the only major company that isn't aboard that train yet, they can't get too far behind.
  4. I meant it in the sense of actually locking you out of gameplay stuff. But yeah, game kinda throws you straight into the fray with all kinds of BS, but it definitely got potential. I hope there's a training mode like AoC tho.
  5. True. I don't really remember anyone else mentioning it, but I do remember you complaining about Chun's bangs.
  6. @Darc_Requiem Three Hopes starts off in a more interesting tone at least. I just realized that I'm picking the dialogue options haphazardly and forgetting this is a FE game. Do these actually matter too much or can I just mess around and be fine?
  7. Yeah, I remember that at some point I was so burned out by the gameplay loop that I said "fukk it, I'mma dive in the spoilers." It was more of a problem of execution, like a lot of things Three Houses got wrong. The concept was interesting enough. Part 1 had me hooked on the blind first run, but by the second I was like "Wait, is this really the exact same shit with different characters?" Blue Lions Part 1 is probably the most interesting out of them since so much crazy stuff happens in Faerghus, but... Meh. I'd need to get through GD, which is the route I actually want to play, first. Maybe after I beat Three Hopes.
  8. That was 100% the biggest problem with Three Houses. (Well, that and... Actually, lemme spoiler this.) I still remember playing through the Black Eagles route first, watching Dimitri go absolutely apeshit, and I was like: Bro needed a Snickers. Deadass. Come to think of it... I didn't finish the GD route. It really sucks how long and repetitive Part 1 is in Three Houses. For all of the events it covers, it really doesn't do a lot to differentiate the routes imo. Mainly because you're forced to pick so early. Gonna run through Three Hopes blind and see what's up. Didn't even watch the trailers beyond the first one, so all I know is that they fucked up Bernie's hairline, and that there's a new protag for some reason. Apparently, it's an alternate universe, and actually advertised as such (*spits on AoC*) so I'm expecting something closer to the first FE Warriors story-wise.
  9. Now, I understand that neither of us is right or wrong because we're talking about personal opinions... Oh, to hell with this.
  10. They all look fine in motion, the more you look at any still image, the more problems you'll find. Y'all acting like you've seen SF4/SFV Ken or something. 🤣
  11. Y'all are overreacting to the "artstyle" stuff. It was all good a while ago, what happened to the "good vibes only"?
  12. I see the problem now. Chun's top really looks off. Her tiddies started to sag. 😭
  13. The classics look clean. Can't help but laugh at Guile having SF4 biceps tho, wtf are those. Them buffs hitting different. 🤣
  14. Right now? Fuck all man, I'm tryna get a bag! 😭 The sacrifice is paying off tho, I didn't mention it in this thread, but I did a C2-level English assessment exam from Michigan University. Passed with honors in 3 out of 4 skills. Aced Listening and Reading (+Grammar). To put it in perspective, that's the highest certificate I can get without leaving the country. So yeah, kinda not really giving a fuck about playing right now.
  15. Are you going to actually name them or would you rather just be passive-aggressive about it?
  16. If people can do tier lists on day 1, I can do them without playing the game, idgaf.
  17. I might actually know why. Let's take SF4 as an example. If you picked Sagat, you had a good ass zoner, no doubt about it. But think about the options you had. Mostly 2 horizontal fireballs of varying speed and a good set of tools to complement them like good buttons and a DP. Did it work well in the context of that game? Yeah, for sure. but you're still mostly chucking that plasma. It doesn't feel super satisfying to land, I'm pretty sure it doesn't knockdown normally, and the damage is ok. I can understand being mostly unsatisfied with that style. Ironically, despite it being a generally terrible idea, I had more fun zoning with Akuma when I played casual sets on that game. When you compare SF-style zoning to anime though... hoo boy. Where do I begin. CT Nu had a fuck ton of swords covering multiple angles that led to damaging fullscreen combos, slow fields, nice normals, mobility, and even her basic zoning led into a chunk of damage and a KD. But most importantly, anime games in general have a higher power level than SF. So you have these tools that are straight up way stronger than anything you're getting in SF, but the opponent also gets a lot more ways to deal with them, which makes neutral a LOT more engaging and fun. And that is why anime zoning is way more fun than SF's zoning. Anime zoning is a lot more active in neutral and generally more rewarding.
  18. Man, you have no idea how quickly I clicked the notification when I saw you post in this thread. 🤣 With that said, nice stuff. It's always funny to see how people go wild on BotW. That game is crazy deep.
  19. I feel it's important to remind y'all this man is an Abigail main.
  20. My man was DOWN BAD. But then... He was saved. Now he's a proud, upstanding citizen, and a connoisseur of the fine arts.
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