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Everything posted by KingTubb

  1. Gonna wrap up REmake 3 tonight and maybe start something new:
  2. Fair enough. He’s a stupid 11 year old child. What game would someone like that like?
  3. Was gonna get my 11 year old nephew a new game for Christmas. Any suggestions??
  4. I really don't think Nintendo wants anything to do with Melee. They don't want people playing melee, streaming melee, talking about it, asking for it, anything. People have made the point that any visibility on a franchise is good. If you think Melee is cool, but don't have the PC/patience/wherewithal to get slippi and a rom running, you'd probably end up picking up Ultimate. But I don't think Nintendo thinks like that. They want to manufacture as much scarcity of that game as possible, so that next year they can release an emulated collection of 64/melee/brawl that's only available for 6 months, costs $60 and doesn't have online play.
  5. I dunno man. The Melee-ites, as silly as they seem to be, know that there's a pandemic and it's up to them to have the tournament in person or not. If you're skydiving and the pilot tells you there's no more parachutes and you jump out of the plane, it's on you. Should the pilot of brought enough parachutes? Yeah, but he's not pushing you out of the plane.
  6. Why do this when they can make more money when they release the next DLC character, Miranda's from Mass Effects butt? Nintendo doesn't give a shit about working on good netcode cause their game sold 22 million copies without it. They don't give a shit about pandering to the hardcore crowd (especially Melee players) cause they *checks notes* sold 22 million copies without having to do anything for them. They want you to buy their game (which is never on sale) and all the DLC content. They don't want people to know that they can play a game (that a lot of people say is the pinnacle of the series) for free, with better netcode they didn't create. They want you to spend $15 on the season pass that, along with Miranda's butt, comes with a slice of pizza that Dante took a bite out of and Professor E. Gadds CPAP machine
  7. If you aren't happy about how someone is treating the thing you like, don't support them, you stinky, nasty fingernail having ass-clowns. Look at Hecatom. That dude isn't going to buy Strive cause he doesn't like the direction ASW is taking the franchise. He's literally putting is money where his mouth is. Respect.
  8. I really can't tell if Chad's serious or not sometimes. I mean, come one man, that's a professional fighting game player and evo top 8 finalist.
  9. There's no money for Nintendo sponsoring a melee tournament. What they wanted (and what they got) is to kill the melee side of the tournament in it's entirety. Nintendo ain't selling Melee, they're selling Ultimate. It'd be like holding your ex's purse while she goes to the bathroom. Ain't nobody got time for that shit.
  10. Can well all agree that Nintendo is made up of a bunch of turds and move on? They're militantly defensive of their games and IPs, even if there's no way to buy said game from them. I'm just tired of these dorks complaining because it won't do shit to Nintendo's bottom line. Parents are still going to buy their kid a switch cause it doesn't need a TV to play so they can still ignore their children and rewatch season 2 of sex in the city while they do it. And the people trying to shit talk on twitter are still going to buy their first party games. Hell, they'll probably drop $300 when the Switch Pro drops next year. Nintendo wins, you lose. Either boycott them or shut the fuck up.
  11. I've come to the point where I don't want guest characters anymore. Just make more games. Gimme a dope ass Avatar fighting game.
  12. PS4 😔 but honestly I'd consider picking it up again for switch if the dock came with an ethernet port. SoR4 is probably my game of the year. I've never sat down to play that game and not had an amazing time
  13. Where's the Debu stage?? Need my fat boy metal, otherwise it's a waste of time
  14. Picked up Hades this weekend, and I gotta say, this is the first rouge-lite I've ever enjoyed. Supergiant games really have their one style on lock, huh? This game plays exactly how I remember bastion playing, and looks like every other game they've made. But I ain't complaining.
  15. Had it out with my homies cause they said “most women don’t like these movies” I called BS. They’re violent and scary, but every woman in my life loves them and Viggo and Orlando are both man dimes. They’d keep any straight ( and a lot of the gay) ladies happy.
  16. Watching, and Fellowship tonight. Going through all of them this weekend with the wife I wouldn’t mind doing a few runs of southern Gate in return of the king. One of the best levels in all of video game history
  17. I would be, but got the LoTRs itch. Gotta play soon tho, homie.
  18. Watching Spin’s game develop over the last year is pretty amazing. This guy is a beast.
  19. I don’t watch twitch really. I like VODs cause I like to skip around cause I’m an impatient bitch. ironic cause I stream, but I mostly do that to push me to actually finish games.
  20. I did, this chat is full of turds lol. are all twitch chats like this??
  21. I mean I really want one and know I’m gonna pick it up eventually, but there ain’t nothing on that platform for me right now. But it seems to be one hell of a machine, and it’s like $200 cheaper than I thought it was.
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